dualface / protoc-gen-go-echo-http

Generating go echo framework code from protobuf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Generating Go code for Echo Web Framework from protobuf.



go install github.com/dualface/protoc-gen-go-echo-http/cmd/protoc-gen-go-echo-http@latest



The full example is in the example directory.


Define the HTTP API and generate code

Create the file auth.proto:

syntax = "proto3";
package api;

option go_package = "example/api";

// AuthService is a service for authentication.
service AuthService {
  // ApplyToken returns a token for the given username and password.
  rpc ApplyToken(ApplyTokenRequest) returns (ApplyTokenResponse) {}

// ApplyTokenRequest is a request for ApplyToken.
message ApplyTokenRequest {
  string username = 1; // username for authentication.
  string password = 2; // password for authentication.

// ApplyTokenResponse is a response for ApplyToken.
message ApplyTokenResponse {
  string token = 1; // token for the given username and password.

Use the protoc command to generate Go code:

protoc --go_out=. --go-echo-http_out=. auth.proto

When the command is successfully executed, the following files will be generated:

  • auth.pb.go: The protobuf definition.
  • auth_http.pb.go: The HTTP interface definition for Echo framework.


Implementing the HTTP API

After generating the interface definitions, these interfaces need to be implemented.

Create the file auth_impl.go:

type (
	// AuthServiceImplement is a implementation of AuthService.
	AuthServiceImplement struct {

func (s *AuthServiceImplement) ApplyToken(c echo.Context, req *ApplyTokenRequest) (resp *ApplyTokenResponse, err error) {
	username := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(req.Username))
	password := strings.TrimSpace(req.Password)

	if len(username) == 0 {
		return nil, c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "username is required")
	if len(password) == 0 {
		return nil, c.String(http.StatusBadRequest, "password is required")
	if username != "testuser" || password != "testpwd" {
		return nil, c.String(http.StatusUnauthorized, "invalid username or password")

	return &ApplyTokenResponse{
		Token: "you_got_a_token",
	}, nil


Using the HTTP API

Using interfaces in main.go:

func main() {
	e := echo.New()
	group := e.Group("/v1")

    // BindAuthService binds the AuthServiceImplement to the group.
	api.BindAuthService(group, &api.AuthServiceImplement{})



Start service:

   ____    __
  / __/___/ /  ___
 / _// __/ _ \/ _ \
/___/\__/_//_/\___/ v4.10.2
High performance, minimalist Go web framework
⇨ http server started on [::]:12345

Testing the interface using curl:

curl -v \
  'http://localhost:12345/v1/auth/apply_token' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"username":"testuser","password":"testpwd"}'

The expected result should be:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "token": "you_got_a_token"

Invalid parameters can be passed in to test the error handling of the interface:

curl -v \
  'http://localhost:12345/v1/auth/apply_token' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"username":"no","password":"no"}'
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
invalid username or password

You can keep trying.


Generate Swagger documents

Install swaggo:


go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest

Generate swagger documents:

swag init
> Generate swagger docs....
> Generate general API Info, search dir:./
> Generating api.ApplyTokenRequest
> Generating api.ApplyTokenResponse
> warning: route POST /auth/apply_token is declared multiple times
> create docs.go at docs/docs.go
> create swagger.json at docs/swagger.json
> create swagger.yaml at docs/swagger.yaml

Swagger documentation can be added to the HTTP service. Modify the file main.go:

import (

	echoSwagger "github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger"

func main() {
	e := echo.New()
	e.Debug = true

	group := e.Group("/v1")
	api.BindAuthService(group, &api.AuthServiceImplement{})

	docs.SwaggerInfo.BasePath = "/v1"
	e.GET("/v1/swagger/*", echoSwagger.WrapHandler)


Use your browser to view Swagger documentation:



The full example is in the example directory.


Generating go echo framework code from protobuf

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 97.7%Language:Shell 2.3%