dttocs / ExcelCompare

Command line tool (and API) for diffing Excel Workbooks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ExcelCompare is a command line tool (coming soon API) to diff Excel files.

It uses the Apache POI library to read Excel files.

This software is distributed under the MIT license.

Features / Limitations

  • Identifies extra cells / sheets in addition to common cells.
  • Prints all diffs & extra cells on stdout.
  • Process exits with 0 if workbooks match, 1 otherwise.
  • Works with xls, xlsx, xlsm. You may compare an xls with xlsx too.
  • Compares only cell "contents". Formatting, macros are currently ignored.
  • Using --ignore1 & --ignore2 (both optional) you may tell the diff to skip any number of sheets / rows / columns / cells.

Report bugs / issues / requests here



  • Requires Java 1.5 or higher.
  • Assumes Java is added to PATH (to check open a cmd and run java -version)
  • No other platform specific requirements
  • A shell script and a bat script are packaged

Just download the zip file.

Extract it anywhere (and optionally you add the bin folder to PATH).


$ excel_cmp <file1> <file2> [--ignore1 <sheet-ignore-spec> ..] [--ignore2 <sheet-ignore-spec> ..]


  • --ignore1 (file1) and --ignore2 (file2) are independent of each other
  • Give one and only one <sheet-ignore-spec> per sheet
  • File path is assumed relative to current directory unless full path is provided

Sheet Ignore Spec

  • Everything except <sheet-name> is optional
  • To ignore whole sheet, just provide <sheet-name>
  • Any cell satisfying any ignore spec in the sheet (row, col, or cell) will be ignored in diff
  • You may provide only <cell-ignore-spec> as - <sheet-name>:::<cell-ignore-spec>

Row Ignore Spec

<comma sep list of row or row-range>
  • Row numbers begin from 1
  • Range of rows may be provide as: 1-10
  • Rows and ranges may be mixed as: 1-10,12,20-30 etc.

Column Ignore Spec

<comma sep list of column or column-range>
  • Similar to Row Ignore Spec
  • Columns are letters starting with A

Cell Ignore Spec

<comma sep list of cell or cell-range>
  • Similar to Row Ignore Spec
  • Cells are in usual Excel notation A1 D10
  • Range may be provided as A1-D10


  • Diff all cells

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx
  • Ignore Sheet1 in 1.xlsx

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx --ignore1 Sheet1
  • Ignore Sheet1 in both

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx --ignore1 Sheet1 --ignore2 Sheet1
  • Ignore column A in both

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx --ignore1 Sheet1::A --ignore2 Sheet1::A
  • Ignore columns A,D and rows 1-5, 20-25

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx --ignore1 Sheet1:1-5,20-25:A,D --ignore2 Sheet1:1-5,20-25:A,D
  • Ignore columns A,D and rows 1-5, 20-25 and cells F6,H8

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx --ignore1 Sheet1:1-5,20-25:A,D:F6,H8 --ignore2 Sheet1:1-5,20-25:A,D:F6,H8
  • Ignore column A in Sheet1 and column B in Sheet2

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx --ignore1 Sheet1::A Sheet2::B --ignore2 Sheet1::A Sheet2::B
  • Ignore cells A1-B10 in Sheet2 of both files

      excel_cmp 1.xlsx 2.xlsx --ignore1 Sheet2:::A1-B10 --ignore2 Sheet2:::A1-B10


Command line tool (and API) for diffing Excel Workbooks