dtheb / iqdevs_challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IQDevs Challenge #2

A web development oriented challenge for the IQDevs community.

Rules & Guidelines

  • Freedom of choice, any language, tool, or stack.
  • Results should be submitted to Github, and deployed to Github pages, surge.sh, Heroku, or now.sh.
  • Maximum team size is 2 people.
  • Each submission should have a readme.md file with a list of tech, libs, and any 3rd party APIs/tools used.


Each task folder have a submissions.md file, when you finish your task:

  • Fork this repo.
  • Create a new brach.
  • Edit the related submissions.md file, and add your name and task info.
  • Send a pull request.

Submissions file markup

| Name    | Demo               | Repo                       |
| ------- | ------------------ | -------------------------- |
| Example | https://google.com | https://github.com/someone |
|         |                    |                            |


Name Demo Repo
Example https://google.com https://github.com/someone
