dtfinch / em_object_cache

Object Cache for WordPress - a replacement for the standard WP_Object_Cache

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EM Object Cache

Persistent caching using APC, xCache, eAccelerator, Zend Disk Cache, Zend Shared Memory Cache or files.


The plugin implements object level persistent caching and can be used instead of the built in WordPress WP_Object_Cache. Unlike WP Super Cache, Hyper Cache and other plugins, EM Object Cache does not cache the entire page; instead, it caches the data WordPress explicitly asks it to cache (using wp_cache_xxx() API functions). Although this means that the performance will be less than with, say, WP Super Cache, all your pages remain dynamic.

EM Object Cache won't help you much if the plugins or theme you are using do not use WordPress Cache API. This is by design, since the plugin tries to play nice. However, for most WordPress installations this will not be critical.

EM Object Cache significantly reduces the load from your database. Say, my blog's home page without the plugin executes 24 queries (0.02403 sec); with the plugin enabled, only 4 queries (0.00188 sec). Unlike DB Cache/DB Cache Reloaded, the plugin will work in the Admin Panel and supports all plugins that use WordPress Cache API.


  1. Upload em_object_cache folder to the wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Please make sure that wp-content directory is writable by the web server: the plugin will need to copy object-cache.php file into it.
  3. Please make sure that wp-content/plugins/em_object_cache directory is writable by the web server: the plugin will store its configuration (options.php) there.
  4. Activate the plugin in the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  5. Make sure that wp-content/object-cache.php file exists. If it is not, please copy it from wp-content/plugins/em_object_cache/object-cache.php
  6. wp-content/object-cache.php file wust me writable by the server since plugin stores its options in that file.
  7. That's all :-)


  1. Please make sure that wp-content directory is writable by the web server: the plugin will need to delete object-cache.php from it.
  2. Deactivate/uninstall the plugin in the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Please verify that wp-content/object-cache.php file was removed.


Right now there are two branches:

  • master: this is the development branch;
  • wordpress.org: this is the snapshot of EMOC @ wordpress.org plugin repository. Its main difference is that the plugin is located in em-object-cache, not in em_object_cache (due to WP SVN rules). If you plan to update the plugin from the official WordPress plugin repository, please use this branch.

The reason to keep two branches is to keep the existsing plugin installations safe to update.


Object Cache for WordPress - a replacement for the standard WP_Object_Cache


Language:PHP 100.0%