dtatarenkov-empha / bang

đź’Ą Helping people meet for the first time, more than once đź’Ą

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Bang is a tool to study the consistency of socio-psychological phenomena by running within subjects studies on groups. Bang uses pseudonyms to see what happens when people work in the same groups when they think they're working in new ones.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository then run npm install in the github directory to get all the dependencies.
  2. Make sure you're set up to use the MTurk API. I have a intro that will get you started.
  3. Add an .env with the following content:
NODE_ENV=development/production //var for setup front build and etc, not for mturk
API_HOST=your host
MONGO_URI=your mongo connect uri
ADMIN_TOKEN=your admin token
TEST_WILL_BANG_QUAL=will bang qual id from mturk
TEST_HAS_BANGED_QUAL=has banged qual id from mturk
PROD_WILL_BANG_QUAL=will bang qual id from mturk
PROD_HAS_BANGED_QUAL=has banged qual id from mturk
HIT_URL=http://localhost:3000/ or https://bang-dev.deliveryweb.ru/, url for mturk mail when FRAME=OFF
MTURK_MODE=off/test/prod ; DANGEROUS: if 'prod', it uses real mturk account; if no - sandbox, if 'off' - work without mturk.
MTURK_NOTIFY_ID - special mturk worker-user for notifications about experiment.
  1. Set up mongodb (ver. 4.0)
  2. Start the server (port 3001) by running node built/index.js.
  3. Build front in prod mode by npm run build-front and use /front/build/ as static folder or Start dev front-server with hot reload by npm run start-front (port 3000)

Source/etc files

All server code - /server; All front code - /front/src, /front/public; Front building utils - /front/scripts, /front/config; Built front code - /front/build; Built server code - /built;


Run tsc to watch typescript files for changes and supervisor server/index.js so that the server will restart when files in the github folder are changed.

The URL parameters are required because they are read in from Amazon Mechanical Turk. Here's an example URL for local host:


Bang has the following core functionality:

  1. Get workers registered to do our task
  2. Recruit workers via a waiting room
  3. Run the chat client with tasks and surveys included
  4. Pay bonuses to completed workers

These will be explained in more detail below:


A HIT that runs every hour will allow workers to sign up to be notified of experimental runs in the future. This HIT is low price, $0.01 reward, and adds the workers who complete it to our willBang qualification list. This HIT also includes our IRB. Currently these features are set up in scheduleBang.ts.


When we start an experiment we need TEAM_SIZE(from the .env file) squared participants to be active in the waitChat before we can start the experiment. This recruiting process initially notifies our willBang list and optionally makes the HIT available to other workers on MTurk. During recruiting if participants are not active in waitChat we remove them and pay them a nominal participation fee. Once there are enough active workers we remove their willBang qualification and add the hasBanged qualification, which makes it impossible for them to work on our experiments again. Also at this time, we usually notify ourselves that the experiment has launched.

waitChatOn controls if a chatbot should be shown before the main task starts. This is designed so that the participants can stay engaged through the chat interaction and we can make sure they are present. For example, when participants don't respond to the chat bot for a certain time period we no longer consider them active. Note: waitChatOn exists in server.js and public/client.js and needs to have the same value in both places to work as designed.

Running the experiment

The experiment works by generating several chat rooms, each of TEAM_SIZE people, and letting them work together for ROUND_MINUTES before being moved into another activity. The activity cycle includes the following steps:

  1. pre experiment activities
  2. chat activities (happens for each round)
    1. pre chat activities
    2. chat
    3. post chat activities
  3. post experiment activities

There are usually several rounds of chats and critically, some are with prior teams and some are with random teams. We can can control and randomize when this happens. The user names of each individual are randomized and the team configurations are governed by createTeams in the utils.ts file.

We are moving toward a model where bang can be run with a variety of tasks and activities outlined in an external file, so as to make it easier to run different types of experiments.


At the end of the task, we provide bonuses to our workers and follow up with any who experienced errors. This currently happens at the start of the next round of the experiment or on a cron script.

System workflow

To achieve admin’s access you need to add following keys into the Local Storage: bang-token: any test user mturkId bang-admin-token: (value ADMIN_TOKEN from the .env file)

List of the links which are available only for admin user:

/templates /templates-add /batches /batches-add /batches:id /users

main workflow:

For start experiment you need to add new batch at the /batches-add page. After that in will have “waiting” status and server will start posting qualification HITs every 4 minutes. Qualification HITs’ lifetime is 250 sec. Server will notify all 'willbang' users (from previous run) in our db to join us. All people which are ready with the qualification HIT achieve willBang qualification on Mturk and get email invite to the main task in our site. When in the waiting room there’re enough participants, they get ability to join the batch. After enough people are joined batch experiment automatically starts. As experiment is started all joined participants get start bonus, for now it’s $1.00, and achieve hasBanged qualification on Mturk/our db. From now those participants can’t see our Mturk’s task anymore. After final survey is completed by participant they are paid out a completion bonus at a predetermined hourly wage (nominally $15/hour based on the fair work rate).


đź’Ą Helping people meet for the first time, more than once đź’Ą

License:MIT License


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