dt-it / ordering-products-system

RESTful App that allows you to manage products and orders

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


RESTful App that allows you to manage products and orders

Project built using Java 15 and the following tools:

  • Maven tool for automatic building
  • Spring Boot as server side framework
  • Hibernate as ORM / JPA implementation
  • MySQL as database implementation
  • Spring Data JPA as the top layer over Hibernate
  • Postman for testing

Application Structure


Model is organized in the model package. Model consists of entity classes. Entities use various annotations that describe the relationships between each other. All these annotations are used by JPA in order to map entities to database tables.


Repositories are organized in the repository package. They are interfaces that are responsible for data persistence. The repository layer is an abstraction that provides all CRUD functionality and keeps hidden the data related information (e.g. specific database implmentation) from the other layers.


Service is organized in the service package. Service layer depends on the repository layer and provides separation of concern, encapsulating all the business logic implementation. It is there to apply business rules on data sent to and from the repository layer. Service layer does not care about the specific database implementation. This technique makes the application flexible in a possible data source replacement.


Controllers are organized in the controller package. Their layer depends on the repository layer and is responsible for the incoming requests and the outgoing responses. A controller determines available endpoints that client side is able to call. This layer should not apply logic on the receiving or returning data.

Quick Start


1. Create a MySQL database

CREATE DATABASE ordertheproduct
You may also import to MySQL provided file ordertheproduct.sql

In case you want to use a different database name, follow the next steps:

Open src/main/resources/application.properties file
Change db.name property to match your preferred database name DB_NAME

2. Modify MySQL username and password

Open src/main/resources/application.properties file
Change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties to match your MySQL connection


To launch the application, chose one from the folloging options:

  • click the public static void main in OrderProductApplication and select Run from your IDE;

  • if you use Maven, you can run the application by using:

./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
  • you can build the JAR file with ./mvnw clean package and then run the JAR file, as follows:
java -jar target/order-product-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

The server will start running at http://localhost:8080.


For your convenience, I suggest using Postman app to check provided endpoints. The following REST endpoints are available upon deployment:

HTTP Verb URL Description Status Codes
GET http://localhost:8080/products?orderBy={id/name/price; default=name} Obtains a list of all existing products
  • 200 OK
GET http://localhost:8080/products/{productId} Obtains the single product corresponding to the provided productId
  • 200 OK if product exists
  • 404 Not Found if product does not exist
GET http://localhost:8080/orders Obtains a list of all existing orders
  • 200 OK
GET http://localhost:8080/orders/{from}/{to} Obtains finalized orders corresponding to the provided dates of order (date format: yyyy-mm-dd)
  • 200 OK
POST http://localhost:8080/products Creates a new product based on the data contained in the request body - JSON { "name": "provided_name", "price": provided_price }
  • 201 Created if product successfully created
POST http://localhost:8080/orders Creates a new order without provided request body
  • 201 Created if order successfully created
POST http://localhost:8080/orders/{orderId}/products?productId={productId}&productId={productId}&... Adds a new products to chosen order based on the provided orderId and productIds
  • 200 OK
PUT http://localhost:8080/orders/{orderId} Updates an existing order as finalized based on provided orderId
  • 202 Accepted if order succesfully updated
  • 404 Not Found if order does not exist
PUT http://localhost:8080/products/{productId} Updates an existing product with the data contained in the request body - JSON { "name": "provided_name", "price": provided_price }
  • 202 Accepted if product succesfully updated
  • 404 Not Found if order does not exist
PUT http://localhost:8080/orders/{orderId}/products Updates an existing order (only new, not finalized orders) with updated products prices based on provided orderId
  • 200 OK if order succesfully updated
  • 500 And exception is thrown if order does not exist


RESTful App that allows you to manage products and orders


Language:Java 100.0%