dsyer / async-wasm

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The Rust tooling has extensive support for async functions in WASM using the wasm-bindgen crate. It generates a lot of JavaScript which makes it mostly unsuitable for polyglot scenarios since you can only run WASM binaries that are generated with those bindings. Instead, we can pick apart what is going on in the bindgen code and try and simplify it.

Simple Async Call Wrapper

Suppose we want to export a function "call" from a WASM that calls out to an imported "get". The simplest possible implementation is just a delegation:

  (type $0 (func))
  (import "env" "get" (func $get (type $0)))
  (func $call (type $0)
    call $get
  (export "call" (func $call))

Now imagine if the "get" function wants to be asynchronous, so in JavaScript it returns a Promise. Well it can't because there is no sane representation of a promise in WASM. But it can manipulate global (or module-scoped) state, so you can stash the promise in a global variable:

let promise;
const get = () =>  {
	promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			// Do whatever you need to produce a result, e.g.

wasm = await WebAssembly.instantiate(file, {"env": {"get": get}});

and then export a wrapper for the WASM "call" which returns the global:

export async function call() {
	return promise;

This will then work:

$ wat2wasm async.wat > async.wasm
$ node
> var as = await import("./async.mjs")
> await as.call()

but it's not very interesting because the result of the promise is never handed back to the WASM for processing. To make it more useful we need the WASM to be able to export a callback that we then apply to the result of the imported "get":

const get = () =>  {
	promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		  .then(value => wasm.instance.exports.callback(value));

and we can define the callback in the WASM:

  (type $0 (func))
  (type $1 (func (param i32) (result i32)))
  (func $callback (type $1) (param $value i32) (result i32)
    local.get $value
    i32.const 321
  (export "callback" (func $callback))

so that:

> var as = await import("./async.js")
> await as.call()

Note that the exported and imported WASM functions that return a "promise" actually return void and the wrapper handles the promise as global state.

The wasm-bindgen generated code does essentially that. It looks for all the functions that return a promise, wraps them (with some mangled name), and manages the global state. To be safer and more generic the state is an array instead of a single global variable, and all the WASM functions return an integer instead of void, which is an index into the global array.

If the "call" function does something more interesting than simply delegating to "get" then the implementation of the WASM gets a bit more complicated, but only to the same extent that we expect "nested callback hell" when a language doesn't have native async constructs.

Add in MessagePack

To make the code above more generic, we could pass JSON in and out of the functions using a binary encoding like Protobuf or MessagePack. MessagePack is easier to map to a generic object like a JSON, so let's work with that. In the runtime (currently JavaScript) layer we will need the Npm module @msgpack/msgpack:

import * as msgpack from '@msgpack/msgpack';

and then we can write the main entry point call() as

export async function call(input) {
	var msg = msgpack.encode(input);
	new Uint8Array(wasm.instance.exports.memory.buffer, 1, msg.length).set(msg)
	wasm.instance.exports.call(1, msg.length);
	return promise;

where we have chosen (arbitrarily) to put the binary data representing the input at offset 1 in the WASM memory. If the WASM entry point needs to accept the offset and length as arguments, it has a signature of (func $call (param $ptr i32) (param $len i32)) or (in C):

void call(char *input, size_t len);

We'll keep the delegation pattern for now, so call() is implemented simply as an invocation of the imported get() which therefore has the same signature. In JavaScript we need to decode the data from the input pointer and use it to resolve a promise, finally passing control back to a callback:

const get = (ptr, len) =>  {
	var msg = msgpack.decode(wasm.instance.exports.memory.buffer.slice(ptr, ptr + len));
	promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	}).then(value => callback(value, ptr + len));

The callback() is a wrapper around a call into the WASM as before, but with encoding and decoding before and after:

const callback = (input, offset) => {
	var msg = msgpack.encode(input);
	new Uint8Array(wasm.instance.exports.memory.buffer, offset, msg.length).set(msg)
	var result = new Uint32Array(wasm.instance.exports.memory.buffer, wasm.instance.exports.callback(offset, msg.length), 2);
	return msgpack.decode(wasm.instance.exports.memory.buffer.slice(result[0], result[0] + result[1]));

For safety we put the result of the callback in the WASM memory at a offset that doesn't clash with the input to get().

To implement the WASM we will use C and the MessagePack library. This sample just extracts a field called "message" and copies it to the output as a field called "msg":

#include "mpack.h"

void get(char *input, size_t len);

typedef struct _buffer {
    char *data;
    size_t len;
} buffer;

buffer *callback(char *input, size_t len)
	mpack_tree_t tree;
	mpack_tree_init_data(&tree, input, len);
	mpack_node_t root = mpack_tree_root(&tree);

	mpack_writer_t writer;
	buffer *result = malloc(sizeof(buffer));
	mpack_writer_init_growable(&writer, &result->data, &result->len);
	mpack_write_cstr(&writer, "msg");
	mpack_write_cstr(&writer, mpack_node_str(mpack_node_map_cstr(root, "message")));

	return result;

void call(char *input, size_t len) {
	get(input, len);

To compile it:

$ curl -vL https://github.com/dsyer/mpack-wasm/releases/download/v1.1-0.0.1/mpack-wasm.tgz | tar -xzvf -
$ emcc -Os -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="[_call,_callback]" -Wl,--no-entry -I include message.c lib/libmpack.a -o message.wasm

Putting it together we can run it in Node.js

$ node
> var ms = await import("./message.js")
> await ms.call({message:"Hello World"})
{ msg: 'Hello World' }

Virtual Functions

If we needed to call the get() function from the example above (for instance) more then once, and do something different with the result each time, we would need some indirection. The get() function can pick up an extra argument which is a pointer to the callback:

void get(buffer *(*fn)(char*, size_t), char *input, size_t len);

All it has to do in the runtime implementation is pass that pointer down to a convenience function:

const get = (fn, ptr, len) =>  {
	var msg = msgpack.decode(wasm.instance.exports.memory.buffer.slice(ptr, ptr + len));
	promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	}).then(value => callback(fn, value, ptr + len));

where callack() is now a generic virtual dispatch:

buffer *callback(buffer *(*fn)(char*, size_t), char *input, size_t len) {
	return fn(input, len);

The implementation of the main entry point call() now just passes the pointer to the desired callback into get(). The actual business logic is encapsulated in a private, not exported function named (arbitrarily in this example) xform:

buffer *xform(char *input, size_t len)
	// ... compute xform
	return result;

void call(char *input, size_t len)
	// ... compute input for get() ...
	get(xform, result->data, result->len);

Compile and run:

$ emcc -Os -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="[_call,_callback]" -Wl,--no-entry -I include message.c lib/libmpack.a -o message.wasm
$ node
> var ms = await import("./message.js")
> await ms.call({message:"Hello World"})
{ msg: 'Hello World' }

NOTE: we could live without the callback() convenience function in the WASM because in Javascript callback(fn, ...) is the same as wasm.instance.exports.__indirect_function_table.get(fn)(...), as long as the WASM is generated by Emscripten.

Docker Image Processor

As a more "real" example we can try and write a Kubernetes resource transformation. The goal is to look in the input payload for spec.image and use that to extract a SHA256 label for the latest image in a Docker repository. The code for that is in image.c, where the call to the repository is through an external "get" function, which has to be imported into the WASM. The JavaScript implementation uses the http module in Node.js via a local library called "runtime".

To compile the WASM with the implementation provided here we can't use emcc (version 3 and above) because it doesn't compile the basic string manipulation functions from <string.h>. The compilation is extracted to a Makefile that installs and invokes clang:

$ make c

Here it is in action (when there is a registry running on localhost):

> var is = await import("./index.js")
> await is.call({spec:{image:"localhost:5000/apps/demo"}})
  complete: true,
  latest_image: 'sha256:95c043ec7f3c9d5688b4e834a42ad41b936559984f4630323eaf726824a803fa'

It also works with Dockerhub:

> await is.call({spec:{image:"nginx"}})
  complete: true,
  latest_image: 'sha256:51f26f0b31eb2f2da7209d4c9d585570e62573a89bb1cbd2ea57858dbd117fd3'

NOTE: the HTTP return value from the /v2 endpoint in the registry is quite large - it has all the image metadata attached - so we can't rely on just guessing if there is enough memory available at the bottom of the buffer in the WASM. We actually need to ask it to allocate and free memory for us. We could use this pattern:

const top = stackSave();
const offset = stackAlloc(len);
// ... do something with the memory

The stack manipulation functions come as standard with emcc, so using them does tie us to that toolchain, sadly. Instead we add malloc() and free() to the exports (see below).


The Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the WASM in this example is quite simple. It consists of a data structure, and imported function, and two exports (one of which is just a convenience).

An async get() function is imported and implemented in JavaScript as an HTTP GET. The signature in C is:

future get(future (*fn)(future *), future *input);

The future data structure holds information and context about async callbacks and their results. Here is the definition in C:

typedef struct
    char *data;
    size_t len;
    void (*callback)(void *);
    void *context;
    size_t context_len;
    void *index;
} future;

A function that wants to return a concrete JSON can encode it as a MessagePack and set the data (plus associated len) and return a future directly. A function that wants to do something asynchronous can set use the future to encode the input argument, call the imported get() and return the result. In WASM memory the future is just an array of 6 i32 (total size 24 bytes). The index field is used to pass a map key from the host get() to the host callback() - the guest code (WASM) doesn't need to and shouldn't use it. In contrast, the context pointer (and associated length) is for the guest to use as necessary, and it is the guest's responsibility to copy it across if it creates a new future instance. In the "image" sample here it is used to store the original URL for the repository metadata query, so it can be reused when the authentication is complete for a secure registry (like Dockerhub).

The call() function is exported and contains the main "business logic". It is declared as an asynchronous wrapper in JavaScript, allowing the WASM implementation to call out to get() and return the result. Its signature is :

 future call(char *input, size_t len);

where the input (and length) are as above a MessagePack encoded JSON. In WASM terms the signature is (func (param i32 i32 i32)), where the first parameter is a pointer to the result, and the second and third are the MessagePack binary.

There is also an exported callback() convenience function (as above) which does virtual function dispatch. In C:

future callback(future (*fn)(future *), future *input)
    return fn(input);

In WASM terms the signature is (func (param i32 i32 i32)), where the first parameter is a pointer to the result, the second is the virtual function index, and the third is a pointer to the input.

Memory Management

The stack* functions from emcc don't show up in code generated other ways, so if we want to be able to use other guest languages we need a better solution for memory management. From C we can simply export malloc and free from the standard library and then use them in the JavaScript. Example:

export async function call(input) {
	input ||= {};
	var msg = msgpack.encode(input);
	const offset = malloc(msg.length);
	new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, offset, msg.length).set(msg)
	var output = malloc(24);
	wasm.instance.exports.call(output, offset, msg.length);
	var result = extract(output);
	return result.index && promises[result.index] || {};

We can't export malloc and free from Rust, but we can provide a binary compatible equivalents:

pub extern "C" fn allocate(size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
	let v = vec![0u8; size].into_boxed_slice();
    Box::into_raw(v) as _

pub extern "C" fn release(ptr: *mut u8) {
	if !ptr.is_null() {
        let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr) };

and then map these to JavaScript functions called malloc and free in the binding module:

let { malloc: _malloc, free: _free } = wasm.instance.exports;
let { allocate: malloc = _malloc, release: free = _free, memory } = wasm.instance.exports;

Compiling from Rust

Apart from the "malloc" and "free" shims above, the rest of the features in Rust consists of

  • a struct definition for the "future":
    pub struct Future {
    	data: *mut u8,
    	len: usize,
    	callback: u32,
    	context: *mut u8,
    	context_len: usize,
    	index: u32
  • an imported get() function:
    extern "C" {
    	pub fn get(callback: fn(&Future) -> Future, input: Future) -> Future;
  • the callback dispatcher:
    pub extern "C" fn callback(callback: fn(&Future) -> Future, input: &Future) -> Future {
    	return callback(input);
  • and the call() entry point:
    pub extern "C" fn call(input: *mut u8, len: usize) -> Future {
    	let input = Future {
    		data: input,
    		len: len,
    		callback: 0,
    		context:  vec![0; 0].as_mut_ptr(),
    		context_len: 0,
    		index: 0
    	// business logic to extract stuff from input ...
    	unsafe {
    		return get(status, input);

To compile we can use the "wasm32-unkown-unknown" target type. A short round of optimization is also possible:

$ cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown
$ wasm-opt -Os target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/image.wasm -o image.wasm

At this point the image.wasm is ready to run.


If we used the "wasm32-wasi" target type instead of "wasm32-unkown-unknown", then it causes the WASM to be generated with additional WASI imports (that we don't yet need, but can't seem to optimize away). So we need an implementation of those. This works:

$ npm install --save wasi


import { default as WASI } from "wasi";

let wasi = new WASI({});
let wasm = await WebAssembly.instantiate(file, { "env": { "get": get, "callback": callback }, "wasi_snapshot_preview1": wasi.exports });
wasi.memory = wasm.instance.exports.memory;

but that "wasi" library is old and unmaintained, so it seems that WASI bindings for JavaScript are a bit of a blind spot. No-one expects you to need them?


We can use AssemblyScript to implement the WASM code as well. If you are not trying to build a re-usable WASM you get a lot of help from the generated JavaScript wrapper because, for instance, it has first class support for passing JSON and Strings and stuff in and out of the WASM. But it is opaque and unique (as in a snowflake) so the WASM wouldn't be binary compatible with our other samples. To solve that problem we need to write additional code to schlepp data in and out of the shared memory manually. There also isn't an "official" MessagePack library for AssemblyScript, so the best option is kind of poorly supported, but at least it exists.

The good news is that once the memory-schlepping code is done you can start to see patterns, and the actual "business logic" is very comfortable because AssemblyScript is basically TypeScript.

Binary Compatibility

The basic data structure, mathching the one we defined in C, is

class Future {
  data: usize;
  len: usize;
  callback: i32;
  context: usize;
  clen: usize;
  index: usize;

The main entry point is

export function call(output: Future, data: i32, len: i32): void {

N.B. the output struct is passed in as a function parameter - if you try it the other way like we did in Rust then AssemblyScript generates the wrong signature for the WASM function.

The imported get() has the same feature (an output parameter):

@external("env", "get")
declare function get(output: Future, callback: i32, input: Future): void

which has to be called with an integer for the callback (middle) argument. AssemblyScript provides a .index reference on the functions, so it is called like this:

  get(output, status.index, input);

The exported callback utility is:

export function callback(output: Future, fn: i32, input: Future): void {
  call_indirect(fn, output, input);

The malloc() and free() implementations are simple wrappers around AssemblyScript globals:

export function malloc(size: usize): usize {
  const result = heap.alloc(size);
  memory.fill(result, size as u8, 0);
  return result;

export function free(ptr: usize) : void {


Asyncify is a cunning WASM post-processor, built into wasm-opt as a command line flag. In principle, you write code with linear business logic and a clever runtime driver can call it in such a way that it behaves as if it was asynchronous. For our use case where the runtime is generic on the host this is quite attractive. One of the things Asyncify does is store the current stack in a generic buffer, and pop it back when it is needed (c.f. a promise resolving), so we might be able to use that instead of the manual context sloshing in the custom implementation above. Unfortunately that effort fails in AssemblyScript because there is no support for closures (yet anyway), so the stack cannot be carried into a callback like you would want to do in JavaScript, for instance. If it doesn't work in AssemblyScript we have low confidence it will work in other higher languages, and for C there are no closures even in the language, so we would need the context object. This is a dead end for now, but maybe there are some tricks to play with wrapping the callbacks in a class (e.g. see the proxy-wasm runtime for an example).



Language:C 33.5%Language:Rust 24.1%Language:TypeScript 18.4%Language:JavaScript 17.8%Language:Makefile 4.1%Language:Nix 1.2%Language:WebAssembly 0.9%