dsteurer / core

The core of the next iteration of the Duct framework

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Duct core

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The core of the next iteration of the Duct framework. It extends the Integrant micro-framework with support for modules, asset compilation and environment variables.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[duct/core "0.2.0"]


First we need to read in an Integrant configuration from a file or resource:

(require '[clojure.java.io :as io]
         '[duct.core :as duct])

(defn get-config []
  (duct/read-config (io/resource "example/config.edn")))

Once we have a configuration, we have three options. The first option is to prep the configuration, which will load in all relevant namespaces and apply all modules.

This is ideally used with integrant.repl:

(require '[integrant.repl :refer :all])

(set-prep! #(duct/prep (get-config)))

Alternatively, we can compile the configuration. This initiates all keys inheriting from duct.compiler, effectively acting like an asset pipeline. This is typically done before building an uberjar.

(duct/compile (get-config))

Finally, we can exec the configuration. This prepares and initiates the configuration, then blocks the current thread. This is designed to be used from the -main function:

(defn -main []
  (duct/exec (get-config)))


Modules are Integrant keywords that derive from :duct/module, and initiate into maps with two keys: :req and :fn. The :req key is optional, and should contain a collection of keys that are required to be present in the map. The :fn key is a pure function that transforms the configuration into a new configuration.

The :fn must be pure, and must never remove top-level keys from the configuration. A module should add functionality to a configuration; it should not override or remove existing functionality supplied by the user.

Here's an example module:

(require '[integrant.core :as ig])

(derive :duct.module/example :duct/module)

(defmethod ig/init-key :duct.module/example [_ port]
  {:req #{:duct.server.http/jetty}
   :fn  (fn [config]
          (assoc-in config [:duct.server.http/jetty :port] port))})

This above module updates the port number of the :duct.server.http/jetty key. Note that this key is a requirement; we need it to exist for the module to run. The module requirements are used for ordering modules, and for ensuring their basic pre-requisites are met.

In the previous example we used assoc-in, but the duct.core namespace also has a merge-configs function we can use to achieve a similar result in a smarter way:

(require '[duct.core.merge :as merge])

(defmethod ig/init-key :duct.module/example [_ port]
  {:req #{:duct.server/http}
   :fn  (fn [config]
           {:duct.server/http {:port (merge/displace port)}}))})

In this example we've changed the requirement from :duct.server.http/jetty to the more generic :duct.server/http, which the latter derives from. The merge-configs function is smart enough to merge :duct.server/http into a more specific derived key, if one exists.

We've also added merge metadata using merge/displace. This tells merge-configs not to override the port if it already exists in the configuraton.



Copyright © 2017 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


The core of the next iteration of the Duct framework


Language:Clojure 100.0%