dsmooke / covid-companion

An application that lets users share their Covid-19 status with other users.

Home Page:https://covid-companion21.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

COVID Companion




This is the final project for the UConn Coding Boot Camp.

Covid Companion is an an app that uses React components, MongoDB, and AWS Amplify to share the most accurate information about each user and lets you share the details of your Covid status.

Have you been trying to make plans with friends but end up cancelling them when you remember that we’re in the middle of a global pandemic? Do you ask yourself, “how do I really know if they’re ‘safe ‘ to be around? Why meet up when I can text, call, or Facetime them from the safety of my home?” Enter Covid Companion.

Each profile displays whether or not that person is Covid positive or negative, whether or not they’re in quarantine and, if so, how long they’ve been in quarantine, whether or not they’ve been tested and, if so, the date of their last test, whether or not they’ve been vaccinated and, if so, which vaccine, and their exposure risk level based on a preexisting condition. Being able to see a person’s current Covid status takes the guesswork out of planning pandemic ‘playdates.’ Stop the spread and share your stats.

View the deployed app here

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Node
  • React
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Axios
  • Amplify (aws)
  • Tachyon
  • Miro
  • Moment
  • Heroku

Wireframe & Webflow



MVC Structure

├── client
|    └── public
|         ├── favicon.ico
|         ├── index.html
|         ├── logo192.png
|         ├── logo512.png
|         ├── manifest.json
|         └── robots.txt
|    └── src
|        └── components
|               ├── AvatarBio.js
|               ├── CardBtn.js (+)
|               ├── CovidInfo.js
|               ├── editQuestions.js
|               ├── Friend.js
|               ├── Footer.js
|                   ├──── footer.css
|                   └──── Footer.js
|               ├── FriendCard.js
|               ├── FriendCircle.js
|               ├── Navbar.js
|                   ├──── navbar.css
|                   └──── Navbar.js
|               ├── Question.js
|               ├── questions.js
|               ├── SearchBar.js
|               ├── SearchResults.js
|               ├── Title.js
|               ├── UpdateQuestions.js
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               ├──
|               └──
│        └── pages
|               ├──── Home-About.js
|               ├──── Profile.js
|               ├──── Questionnaire.js
|               ├──── SearchFriends.js
|               └──── UpdateProfile.js
|        ├── App.js
|        ├── aws-exports.js
|        ├── index.js
|        └── index.css
├── amplify
├── controllers
│     └── posts.js
│     └── users.js
├── models
│     └── User.js
├── routes
│     └── posts.js
├── scripts
|     └── seedDB.js
├── test-formats (raw html formats)
├── .env
├── node_modules
├── deleteUsers.js
├── .gitignore
├── (.eslintignore)
├── .eslintrc.json
├── package.json
├── (package-lock.json)
├── server.js

Presentation Requirements

View the presentation here

  • Elevator pitch: a one minute description of your application

  • Concept: What is your user story? What was your motivation for development?

  • Process: What were the technologies used? How were tasks and roles broken down and assigned? What challenges did you encounter? What were your successes?

  • Demo: Show your stuff!

  • Directions for Future Development

  • Links to to the deployed application and the GitHub repository. Use this guide for deploying your application to Heroku if you need a reminder on how to deploy!


  1. Fork repo and run npm run start in the root folder to run the frontend and the backend.

login-demo profile-2


search1 search



Bruno Borges Ryan Curtin Cris Franco Julie Ann Iwinski Pete Izzo Danny Smooke

A HUGE special thanks to Chris Bonafacio and Nathan Sartain for helping with AWS Amplify and authentication.



© 2021 Trilogy Education Services, LLC, a 2U, Inc. brand. Confidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved.


An application that lets users share their Covid-19 status with other users.



Language:JavaScript 55.4%Language:HTML 41.4%Language:CSS 3.2%