dsmic / towards_few_shot_learning

Jupyter notebook with some steps towards few shot learning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

We use the EMNIST dataset of handwritten digits to test a simple approach for few shot learning. Choosing a fully connected net with inputs and layer outputs between 0 and 1 and no bias parameters we first trained the network with a subset of the digits. The pre-trained net is used for few shot learning with the untrained digits. Two basic idea were necessary: first the training of the first layer was disabled (or very slow) during few shot learning, and second using a shot consists of one untrained digit together with four previously trained digits and perform a training up to a predefined threshold. This way we reach a 90% accuracy for all handwritten digits after 10 shots.

This jupyter notebook contains the generation of the tabels and images in the pdf: few_shot_paper.pdf

%%writefile _code_.py
Overwriting _code_.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
based on: https://towardsdatascience.com/inroduction-to-neural-networks-in-python-7e0b422e6c24
    and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29888233/how-to-visualize-a-neural-network/29889993
    and https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-your-own-neural-network-from-scratch-in-python-68998a08e4f6
    and https://www.python-course.eu/neural_network_mnist.php
Created on Sun Jul 19 15:45:02 2020

@author: detlef

use it within anaconda and install cupy if cuda availible
you will need https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_train.csv and https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_test.csv (mnist in csv) in the data/mnist subdirectory
emnist not in anaconda at the moment, use pip install emnist

on Google Colab (turn on GPU!!)
!curl https://colab.chainer.org/install | sh -
!pip install emnist

loss function used = 1/2 SUM(error**2) // making the derivative error

import cupy as np # helps with the math (Cuda supported: faster for hidden_size > 256 probably and most mnist cases with batch training)
#import numpy as np # helps with the math (if no Cuda is availible or size is small for simple tests)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import cos, sin, atan
import random
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from emnist import extract_training_samples, extract_test_samples

def np_array(x):
    return np.array(x)# , dtype = np.float32) # float32 is 3 times faster on batch training with GTX1070Ti and 70 times faster than i7-4790K with float64, cpu does not help float32 a lot)
check_for_nan = True

pyplot.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150
pyplot.interactive(False) # seems not to fix memory issue

verbose = 0

do_check_all = 0 #1000            # 0 to turn off
check_output_limit = 128        # number of output combinations, as not every neural net is capable of learning input 0 0 0 -> output 1, if 128 the output to the first input is always 0    

multi_test = -1 #1000             # -1 to turn off
max_iter = 30

hidden_size = 64
two_hidden_layers = True
use_bias = False

lr = 2
lr_few_shot = 0.5
use_stability = False
stability_mean = 0.1
clip_weights = 1 # (clipping to 1 was used for most tests)
clip_bias = 1
init_rand_ampl = 0.1
init_rand_ampl0 = 0.1 #2 # for first layer    (2 was used for most tests to make the first layer a mostly random layer)

# drawing parameters
scale_linewidth = 0.1
weight_tanh_scale = 0.1
scale_for_neuron_diff = 1

scale_sigmoid = 3
shift_sigmoid = 1

few_shot_end = 0.2 # for early tests (no mnist)
few_shot_max_try = 100
few_shot_threshold_ratio = 1.5 # for mnist
few_shot_threshold = 0.3

# if 1 it is standard understanding of few shot learning, giving on data point at each shot, otherwize it adds more data points from availible training data to each shot
few_shot_more_at_once = 5
check_wrong = True

all_labels = [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
# random.shuffle(all_labels)    # if shuffeld, preloading can not work !!!!!
try_load_pretrained = False
few_shot_fast_load_num = 4000 # should also handle the batch_sizes for displaying batch training results properly

test_from_random_input = False
i_bits = 16

# input data
inputs = np_array([[0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1],
                   [0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 1, 1],
                   [1, 0, 0],
                   [1, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0],
                   [1, 1, 1]])

# output data
outputs = np_array([[0], [0], [1], [0], [1], [1], [0], [1]])

# swith to tanh and making input and output 1 -1 instead of 1 0
do_pm = False

use_emnist = True
load_mnist = True

do_batch_training = 100000
do_drop_weights = [] # [0.9,0.9]
initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning = 1 # 0.1 # most tests are done with 0.1 here, just try if it was really necessary

first_n_to_use = 600000
label_to_one = 5

num_outputs = 10 # most early test need this to be 1, later with mnist dataset this can be set to 10 eg.

try_mnist_few_shot = 10
use_every_shot_n_times = 1 # every data is used n times. so one shot means the data from first shot is used n times
change_first_layers_slow_learning = [0, 1] # [0, 0.1]

disable_progressbar = False

# uncomment to run in jupyter notebook
%run -i _code_.py 
Special few shot configuration, using additional data in every shot. Not the standard understanding of few shot!!!
labels (last two are used for few_shot) [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]

  0%|          | 0/100000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

start 18:21:24

Err  0.002: 100%|██████████| 100000/100000 [1:18:19<00:00, 21.28it/s]

end 19:39:44


train 192000 batch_size 1000 correct 999.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.999 Error 0.0020608174511465515
test 4000 batch_size 1000 correct 989.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.989 Error 0.01950864256808672
Testing if new lables were not learned !!!!!!!!!
new   4000 batch_size 1000 correct 0.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.0 Error 1.6566784770753793
few shot accuracy results
shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all
   1      1             0.895                 0.492                0.776                 0.815
   2      1             0.952                 0.574                0.754                 0.879
   3      1             0.950                 0.521                0.667                 0.870
   4      1             0.960                 0.535                0.730                 0.878
   5      1             0.856                 0.621                0.677                 0.818
   6      1             0.961                 0.708                0.839                 0.905
   7      1             0.958                 0.666                0.806                 0.900
   8      1             0.949                 0.747                0.844                 0.911
   9      1             0.954                 0.811                0.918                 0.923
  10      1             0.926                 0.836                0.919                 0.908
<div class="burk">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
based on: https://towardsdatascience.com/inroduction-to-neural-networks-in-python-7e0b422e6c24
    and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29888233/how-to-visualize-a-neural-network/29889993
    and https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-your-own-neural-network-from-scratch-in-python-68998a08e4f6
    and https://www.python-course.eu/neural_network_mnist.php
Created on Sun Jul 19 15:45:02 2020

@author: detlef

use it within anaconda and install cupy if cuda availible
you will need https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_train.csv and https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_test.csv (mnist in csv) in the data/mnist subdirectory
emnist not in anaconda at the moment, use pip install emnist

on Google Colab (turn on GPU!!)
!curl https://colab.chainer.org/install | sh -
!pip install emnist

loss function used = 1/2 SUM(error**2) // making the derivative error

import cupy as np # helps with the math (Cuda supported: faster for hidden_size > 256 probably and most mnist cases with batch training)
#import numpy as np # helps with the math (if no Cuda is availible or size is small for simple tests)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import cos, sin, atan
import random
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from emnist import extract_training_samples, extract_test_samples

def np_array(x):
    return np.array(x)# , dtype = np.float32) # float32 is 3 times faster on batch training with GTX1070Ti and 70 times faster than i7-4790K with float64, cpu does not help float32 a lot)
check_for_nan = True

pyplot.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150
pyplot.interactive(False) # seems not to fix memory issue

verbose = 0

do_check_all = 0 #1000            # 0 to turn off
check_output_limit = 128        # number of output combinations, as not every neural net is capable of learning input 0 0 0 -> output 1, if 128 the output to the first input is always 0    

multi_test = -1 #1000             # -1 to turn off
max_iter = 30

hidden_size = 64
two_hidden_layers = True
use_bias = False

lr = 2
lr_few_shot = 0.5
use_stability = False
stability_mean = 0.1
clip_weights = 1 # (clipping to 1 was used for most tests)
clip_bias = 1
init_rand_ampl = 0.1
init_rand_ampl0 = 0.1 #2 # for first layer    (2 was used for most tests to make the first layer a mostly random layer)

# drawing parameters
scale_linewidth = 0.1
weight_tanh_scale = 0.1
scale_for_neuron_diff = 1

scale_sigmoid = 3
shift_sigmoid = 1

few_shot_end = 0.2 # for early tests (no mnist)
few_shot_max_try = 100
few_shot_threshold_ratio = 1.5 # for mnist
few_shot_threshold = 0.3

# if 1 it is standard understanding of few shot learning, giving on data point at each shot, otherwize it adds more data points from availible training data to each shot
few_shot_more_at_once = 5
check_wrong = True

all_labels = [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
# random.shuffle(all_labels)    # if shuffeld, preloading can not work !!!!!
try_load_pretrained = True
few_shot_fast_load_num = 4000 # should also handle the batch_sizes for displaying batch training results properly

test_from_random_input = False
i_bits = 16

# input data
inputs = np_array([[0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1],
                   [0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 1, 1],
                   [1, 0, 0],
                   [1, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0],
                   [1, 1, 1]])

# output data
outputs = np_array([[0], [0], [1], [0], [1], [1], [0], [1]])

# swith to tanh and making input and output 1 -1 instead of 1 0
do_pm = False

use_emnist = True
load_mnist = True

do_batch_training = 100000
do_drop_weights = [] # [0.9,0.9]
initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning = 1 # 0.1 # most tests are done with 0.1 here, just try if it was really necessary

first_n_to_use = 600000
label_to_one = 5

num_outputs = 10 # most early test need this to be 1, later with mnist dataset this can be set to 10 eg.

try_mnist_few_shot = 10
use_every_shot_n_times = 1 # every data is used n times. so one shot means the data from first shot is used n times
change_first_layers_slow_learning = [1, 1] # [0, 0.1]

disable_progressbar = False

# uncomment to run in jupyter notebook
%run -i _code_.py </div><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o "></i>
Special few shot configuration, using additional data in every shot. Not the standard understanding of few shot!!!
labels (last two are used for few_shot) [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
Network parameters:  54912 dropped 0 real parameters 54912 drop definition []
loaded pretrained net !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


train 4000 batch_size 1000 correct 999.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.999 Error 0.0011126788119728693
test 4000 batch_size 1000 correct 989.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.989 Error 0.01950864256808672
Testing if new lables were not learned !!!!!!!!!
new   4000 batch_size 1000 correct 0.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.0 Error 1.6566784770753793
few shot accuracy results
shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all
   1      1             0.485                 0.597                0.706                 0.496
   2      1             0.296                 0.669                0.716                 0.357
   3      1             0.288                 0.310                0.670                 0.289
   4      1             0.335                 0.677                0.727                 0.399
   5      1             0.387                 0.683                0.811                 0.443
   6      1             0.382                 0.720                0.806                 0.438
   7      1             0.400                 0.759                0.893                 0.474
   8      1             0.352                 0.845                0.900                 0.442
   9      1             0.487                 0.502                0.820                 0.479
  10      1             0.386                 0.617                0.947                 0.433
<div class="girk">
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
based on: https://towardsdatascience.com/inroduction-to-neural-networks-in-python-7e0b422e6c24
    and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29888233/how-to-visualize-a-neural-network/29889993
    and https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-your-own-neural-network-from-scratch-in-python-68998a08e4f6
    and https://www.python-course.eu/neural_network_mnist.php
Created on Sun Jul 19 15:45:02 2020

@author: detlef

use it within anaconda and install cupy if cuda availible
you will need https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_train.csv and https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_test.csv (mnist in csv) in the data/mnist subdirectory
emnist not in anaconda at the moment, use pip install emnist

on Google Colab (turn on GPU!!)
!curl https://colab.chainer.org/install | sh -
!pip install emnist

loss function used = 1/2 SUM(error**2) // making the derivative error

import cupy as np # helps with the math (Cuda supported: faster for hidden_size > 256 probably and most mnist cases with batch training)
#import numpy as np # helps with the math (if no Cuda is availible or size is small for simple tests)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import cos, sin, atan
import random
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from emnist import extract_training_samples, extract_test_samples

def np_array(x):
    return np.array(x)# , dtype = np.float32) # float32 is 3 times faster on batch training with GTX1070Ti and 70 times faster than i7-4790K with float64, cpu does not help float32 a lot)
check_for_nan = True

pyplot.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150
pyplot.interactive(False) # seems not to fix memory issue

verbose = 0

do_check_all = 0 #1000            # 0 to turn off
check_output_limit = 128        # number of output combinations, as not every neural net is capable of learning input 0 0 0 -> output 1, if 128 the output to the first input is always 0    

multi_test = -1 #1000             # -1 to turn off
max_iter = 30

hidden_size = 64
two_hidden_layers = True
use_bias = False

lr = 2
lr_few_shot = 0.5
use_stability = False
stability_mean = 0.1
clip_weights = 1 # (clipping to 1 was used for most tests)
clip_bias = 1
init_rand_ampl = 0.1
init_rand_ampl0 = 0.1 #2 # for first layer    (2 was used for most tests to make the first layer a mostly random layer)

# drawing parameters
scale_linewidth = 0.1
weight_tanh_scale = 0.1
scale_for_neuron_diff = 1

scale_sigmoid = 3
shift_sigmoid = 1

few_shot_end = 0.2 # for early tests (no mnist)
few_shot_max_try = 100
few_shot_threshold_ratio = 1.5 # for mnist
few_shot_threshold = 0.3

# if 1 it is standard understanding of few shot learning, giving on data point at each shot, otherwize it adds more data points from availible training data to each shot
few_shot_more_at_once = 1
check_wrong = True

all_labels = [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
# random.shuffle(all_labels)    # if shuffeld, preloading can not work !!!!!
try_load_pretrained = True
few_shot_fast_load_num = 4000 # should also handle the batch_sizes for displaying batch training results properly

test_from_random_input = False
i_bits = 16

# input data
inputs = np_array([[0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1],
                   [0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 1, 1],
                   [1, 0, 0],
                   [1, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0],
                   [1, 1, 1]])

# output data
outputs = np_array([[0], [0], [1], [0], [1], [1], [0], [1]])

# swith to tanh and making input and output 1 -1 instead of 1 0
do_pm = False

use_emnist = True
load_mnist = True

do_batch_training = 100000
do_drop_weights = [] # [0.9,0.9]
initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning = 1 # 0.1 # most tests are done with 0.1 here, just try if it was really necessary

first_n_to_use = 600000
label_to_one = 5

num_outputs = 10 # most early test need this to be 1, later with mnist dataset this can be set to 10 eg.

try_mnist_few_shot = 10
use_every_shot_n_times = 1 # every data is used n times. so one shot means the data from first shot is used n times
change_first_layers_slow_learning = [0, 1] # [0, 0.1]

disable_progressbar = False

# uncomment to run in jupyter notebook
%run -i _code_.py </div><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o "></i>
labels (last two are used for few_shot) [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
Network parameters:  54912 dropped 0 real parameters 54912 drop definition []
loaded pretrained net !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


train 4000 batch_size 1000 correct 999.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.999 Error 0.0011126788119728693
test 4000 batch_size 1000 correct 989.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.989 Error 0.01950864256808672
Testing if new lables were not learned !!!!!!!!!
new   4000 batch_size 1000 correct 0.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.0 Error 1.6566784770753793
few shot accuracy results
shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all
   1      1             0.569                 0.508                0.517                 0.558
   2      1             0.672                 0.642                0.659                 0.661
   3      1             0.565                 0.505                0.517                 0.557
   4      1             0.649                 0.501                0.529                 0.626
   5      1             0.564                 0.642                0.661                 0.584
   6      1             0.684                 0.724                0.733                 0.696
   7      1             0.364                 0.515                0.517                 0.398
   8      1             0.458                 0.525                0.536                 0.474
   9      1             0.454                 0.532                0.541                 0.477
  10      1             0.451                 0.784                0.792                 0.508
x = []
y = []
for xx in np.arange(-1,3,0.1):


hidden_size = 4
inputs= np.array([[0,0,0,0,0]])
num_outputs = 3
outputs= np.array([[0,0,0]])
NN2 = setup_net()


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
based on: https://towardsdatascience.com/inroduction-to-neural-networks-in-python-7e0b422e6c24
    and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29888233/how-to-visualize-a-neural-network/29889993
    and https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-your-own-neural-network-from-scratch-in-python-68998a08e4f6
    and https://www.python-course.eu/neural_network_mnist.php
Created on Sun Jul 19 15:45:02 2020

@author: detlef

use it within anaconda and install cupy if cuda availible
you will need https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_train.csv and https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_test.csv (mnist in csv) in the data/mnist subdirectory
emnist not in anaconda at the moment, use pip install emnist

on Google Colab (turn on GPU!!)
!curl https://colab.chainer.org/install | sh -
!pip install emnist

loss function used = 1/2 SUM(error**2) // making the derivative error

import cupy as np # helps with the math (Cuda supported: faster for hidden_size > 256 probably and most mnist cases with batch training)
#import numpy as np # helps with the math (if no Cuda is availible or size is small for simple tests)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import cos, sin, atan
import random
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from emnist import extract_training_samples, extract_test_samples

def np_array(x):
    return np.array(x)# , dtype = np.float32) # float32 is 3 times faster on batch training with GTX1070Ti and 70 times faster than i7-4790K with float64, cpu does not help float32 a lot)
check_for_nan = True

pyplot.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150
pyplot.interactive(False) # seems not to fix memory issue

verbose = 0

do_check_all = 0 #1000            # 0 to turn off
check_output_limit = 128        # number of output combinations, as not every neural net is capable of learning input 0 0 0 -> output 1, if 128 the output to the first input is always 0    

multi_test = -1 #1000             # -1 to turn off
max_iter = 30

hidden_size = 64
two_hidden_layers = True
use_bias = False

lr = 2
lr_few_shot = 0.5
use_stability = False
stability_mean = 0.1
clip_weights = 1 # (clipping to 1 was used for most tests)
clip_bias = 1
init_rand_ampl = 0.1
init_rand_ampl0 = 0.1 #2 # for first layer    (2 was used for most tests to make the first layer a mostly random layer)

# drawing parameters
scale_linewidth = 0.1
weight_tanh_scale = 0.1
scale_for_neuron_diff = 1

scale_sigmoid = 3
shift_sigmoid = 1

few_shot_end = 0.2 # for early tests (no mnist)
few_shot_max_try = 100
few_shot_threshold_ratio = 1.5 # for mnist
few_shot_threshold = 0.3

# if 1 it is standard understanding of few shot learning, giving on data point at each shot, otherwize it adds more data points from availible training data to each shot
few_shot_more_at_once = 5
check_wrong = True

all_labels = [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
# random.shuffle(all_labels)    # if shuffeld, preloading can not work !!!!!
try_load_pretrained = False
few_shot_fast_load_num = 4000 # should also handle the batch_sizes for displaying batch training results properly

test_from_random_input = False
i_bits = 16

# input data
inputs = np_array([[0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1],
                   [0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 1, 1],
                   [1, 0, 0],
                   [1, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0],
                   [1, 1, 1]])

# output data
outputs = np_array([[0], [0], [1], [0], [1], [1], [0], [1]])

# swith to tanh and making input and output 1 -1 instead of 1 0
do_pm = False

use_emnist = True
load_mnist = True

do_batch_training = 100000
do_drop_weights = [] # [0.9,0.9]
initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning = 0.01 # 0.1 # most tests are done with 0.1 here, just try if it was really necessary

first_n_to_use = 600000
label_to_one = 5

num_outputs = 10 # most early test need this to be 1, later with mnist dataset this can be set to 10 eg.

try_mnist_few_shot = 10
use_every_shot_n_times = 1 # every data is used n times. so one shot means the data from first shot is used n times
change_first_layers_slow_learning = [0.01, 1] # [0, 0.1]

disable_progressbar = False

# uncomment to run in jupyter notebook
%run -i _code_.py 
Special few shot configuration, using additional data in every shot. Not the standard understanding of few shot!!!
labels (last two are used for few_shot) [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]

  0%|          | 0/100000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

start 15:55:56

Err  0.007: 100%|██████████| 100000/100000 [1:17:58<00:00, 21.37it/s]

end 17:13:55


train 192000 batch_size 1000 correct 996.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.996 Error 0.008494603222037725
test 4000 batch_size 1000 correct 989.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.989 Error 0.021232006355433916
Testing if new lables were not learned !!!!!!!!!
new   4000 batch_size 1000 correct 0.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.0 Error 1.5956471595383732
few shot accuracy results
shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all
   1      1             0.896                 0.409                0.645                 0.809
   2      1             0.754                 0.573                0.699                 0.722
   3      1             0.926                 0.484                0.667                 0.841
   4      1             0.855                 0.637                0.832                 0.816
   5      1             0.836                 0.730                0.821                 0.813
   6      1             0.890                 0.574                0.688                 0.830
   7      1             0.935                 0.683                0.893                 0.880
   8      1             0.879                 0.778                0.881                 0.860
   9      1             0.878                 0.806                0.914                 0.865
  10      1             0.874                 0.801                0.906                 0.862

Data for discussion / outlook

Demonstration using few shot procedure for pre-training

5000 shots used for pre-training (for 8 of the 10 labels), reaching about 85% accuracy.

The few shot learning is done with the same network, reaching 75% after 10 shots, and more than 80% after 100 shots.

The learning rate of the first layer was reduced by a factor of 0.25, the one of the second layer by a factor of 0.5

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
based on: https://towardsdatascience.com/inroduction-to-neural-networks-in-python-7e0b422e6c24
    and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29888233/how-to-visualize-a-neural-network/29889993
    and https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-your-own-neural-network-from-scratch-in-python-68998a08e4f6
    and https://www.python-course.eu/neural_network_mnist.php
Created on Sun Jul 19 15:45:02 2020

@author: detlef

use it within anaconda and install cupy if cuda availible
you will need https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_train.csv and https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_test.csv (mnist in csv) in the data/mnist subdirectory
emnist not in anaconda at the moment, use pip install emnist

on Google Colab (turn on GPU!!)
!curl https://colab.chainer.org/install | sh -
!pip install emnist

loss function used = 1/2 SUM(error**2) // making the derivative error

#import cupy as np # helps with the math (Cuda supported: faster for hidden_size > 256 probably and most mnist cases with batch training)
import numpy as np # helps with the math (if no Cuda is availible or size is small for simple tests)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import cos, sin, atan
import random
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from emnist import extract_training_samples, extract_test_samples

def np_array(x):
    return np.array(x)# , dtype = np.float32) # float32 is 3 times faster on batch training with GTX1070Ti and 70 times faster than i7-4790K with float64, cpu does not help float32 a lot)
check_for_nan = True

pyplot.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150
pyplot.interactive(False) # seems not to fix memory issue

verbose = 0

do_check_all = 0 #1000            # 0 to turn off
check_output_limit = 128        # number of output combinations, as not every neural net is capable of learning input 0 0 0 -> output 1, if 128 the output to the first input is always 0    

multi_test = -1 #1000             # -1 to turn off
max_iter = 30

hidden_size = 64
two_hidden_layers = 1 # additional hidden layers, totaly two_hidden_layers + 1
use_bias = False

lr = 2
lr_few_shot = 0.01
use_stability = False
stability_mean = 0.1
clip_weights = 1 # (clipping to 1 was used for most tests)
clip_bias = 1
init_rand_ampl = 0.5
init_rand_ampl0 = 0.1 # 2 # for first layer    (2 was used for most tests to make the first layer a mostly random layer)

# drawing parameters
scale_linewidth = 0.1
weight_tanh_scale = 0.1
scale_for_neuron_diff = 1

scale_sigmoid = 3
shift_sigmoid = 1

few_shot_end = 0.2 # for early tests (no mnist)
few_shot_max_try = 2000
few_shot_threshold_ratio = 1.5 # for mnist
few_shot_threshold = 0.3

# if 1 it is standard understanding of few shot learning, giving on data point at each shot, otherwize it adds more data points from availible training data to each shot
few_shot_more_at_once = 5
check_wrong = True

all_labels = [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
# random.shuffle(all_labels)    # if shuffeld, preloading can not work !!!!!
try_load_pretrained = False
few_shot_fast_load_num = 4000 # should also handle the batch_sizes for displaying batch training results properly

test_from_random_input = False
i_bits = 16

# input data
inputs = np_array([[0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1],
                   [0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 1, 1],
                   [1, 0, 0],
                   [1, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0],
                   [1, 1, 1]])

# output data
outputs = np_array([[0], [0], [1], [0], [1], [1], [0], [1]])

# swith to tanh and making input and output 1 -1 instead of 1 0
do_pm = False

use_emnist = True
load_mnist = True

do_batch_training = -1
do_drop_weights = [] # [0.9,0.9]
initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning = 1 # 0.1 # most tests are done with 0.1 here, just try if it was really necessary

first_n_to_use = 600000
label_to_one = 5

num_outputs = 10 # most early test need this to be 1, later with mnist dataset this can be set to 10 eg.

try_mnist_few_shot = 5000
use_every_shot_n_times = 1 # every data is used n times. so one shot means the data from first shot is used n times
change_first_layers_slow_learning = [0.25, 0.5] # [0.04, 0.2] # [0, 0.1]

disable_progressbar = False

# uncomment to run in jupyter notebook
%run -i _code_.py 

def setup_net():
    NN2 = DrawNet()
    input_len = len(inputs[0])
    if test_from_random_input:
        input_len = i_bits
    NN2.add_layer(input_len, init_rand_ampl0 * np_array(np.random.rand(input_len, hidden_size) - 0.5), init_rand_ampl0 * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size) - 0.5), None, slow_learning = initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning)
    for _ in range(two_hidden_layers):
        if verbose > 0:
            print('additional hidden layer')
        NN2.add_layer(hidden_size, init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size, hidden_size) - 0.5), init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size) - 0.5), None)
    NN2.add_layer(hidden_size, init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size, num_outputs)- 0.5), init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(num_outputs) - 0.5), None)
    NN2.add_layer(num_outputs, None, None, None)
    NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs)
    count_drops = 0
    for l in range(len(do_drop_weights)):
        if do_drop_weights[l] > 0:
            NN2.layers[l].drop_weights = np.random.rand(NN2.layers[l].weights.size).reshape(NN2.layers[l].weights.shape) > do_drop_weights[l]
            count_drops += NN2.layers[l].drop_weights.size - np.sum(NN2.layers[l].drop_weights)
    num_params, count_drops = NN2.count_parameters()
    print('Network parameters: ', num_params, 'dropped', count_drops, 'real parameters', num_params - count_drops, 'drop definition', do_drop_weights)
    return NN2

NN2 = setup_net()

pos_1 = 0
inputs = None
outputs = None
bbs = None
verbose = 1
(inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2])
(inputs_test, outputs_test, bbs_test) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
verbose = 0
ttt = tqdm(range(try_mnist_few_shot), mininterval = 10, disable=disable_progressbar)
for i_shot in ttt: # some shots
    if change_first_layers_slow_learning is not None:
        for l in range(len(change_first_layers_slow_learning)):
            before = NN2.layers[l].slow_learning
            NN2.layers[l].slow_learning = change_first_layers_slow_learning[l]
            if verbose > 1:
                print('slow learning of layer',l,'changed from', before, 'to', NN2.layers[l].slow_learning)
    before = lr
    lr = lr_few_shot
    if verbose > 1:
        print('\n',i_shot + 1,'. shot --- lr changed from',before,'to', lr)
    begin = pos_1 - few_shot_more_at_once
    if begin < 0:
        begin = 0
    inp = inputs[begin:pos_1+1]
    outp = outputs[begin:pos_1+1]
    pos_1 += 1 # few_shot_more_at_once
    if verbose > 1:
        print('start training', outp)
    epoch = 0
    NN2.set_input(inp, outp)
    while epoch < few_shot_max_try:
        epoch += 1
        # criterium for stopping is only used for the first element, which is the one few shot is done for. The other elements are not checked, but only used for stabilizing old learned data
        if (NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1))[-1]: # -1 is the last
            biggest_two = np.partition(NN2.layers[-1].values[0], -2)[-2:]
            if do_pm:
                ratio = (biggest_two[-1] + 1) / (biggest_two[-2] + 1) / 2 # do_pm means rsults between -1 and 1
                ratio = biggest_two[-1] / biggest_two[-2]
            if verbose > 1:
                print(biggest_two, ratio)
            if ratio > few_shot_threshold_ratio and biggest_two[-1] > few_shot_threshold:
    NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
    acc_train = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
    if verbose > 1:
        print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size,  'acc_train', acc_train, 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
    NN2.set_input(inputs_test, outputs_test, batch_size=1000)
    acc_test = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
    err = np.sum(NN2.error**2)
    ttt.set_description("Err %6.3f Acc %6.3f" % (err, acc_test), refresh=False)
    if verbose > 1:
        print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'acc_test', acc_test, 'Error', err / len(NN2.error))
    if verbose > 0:
        print("%4d      %6d        %7.3f               %7.3f" % (i_shot + 1, epoch, acc_train, acc_test))

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
y1s = gaussian_filter1d(y1, sigma=20)
y2s = gaussian_filter1d(y2, sigma=20)

y1s = gaussian_filter1d(y1, sigma=200)
y2s = gaussian_filter1d(y2, sigma=200)

try_mnist_few_shot = 100

NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
if num_outputs == 1:
    print('new  ', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, '1', int(np.sum(NN2.y > 0.5)), 'wrong', int(np.sum((NN2.y > 0.5) * (NN2.error**2 > 0.25))), 'Ratio', int(np.sum((NN2.y > 0.5) * (NN2.error**2 > 0.25))) / int(np.sum(NN2.y > 0.5)), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
    print('new  ', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))

# now try a few shot learning for some steps
# load with labels [8,9] and train every to a measure
# criteria label correct: (NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1))[0] true
# distance to second largest label
# biggest_two = np.partition(NN2.layers[-1].values[0], -2)[-2:]
# ratio = biggest_two[-1] / [-2] > threshold

# max_iter is the maximal number of try's to optimize one data point in few_shot
pos_1 = 0
pos_2 = 0
    print('few shot accuracy results')
    print('shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all')
    for i_shot in range(try_mnist_few_shot): # some shots
        if change_first_layers_slow_learning is not None:
            for l in range(len(change_first_layers_slow_learning)):
                before = NN2.layers[l].slow_learning
                NN2.layers[l].slow_learning = change_first_layers_slow_learning[l]
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('slow learning of layer',l,'changed from', before, 'to', NN2.layers[l].slow_learning)
        before = lr
        lr = lr_few_shot
        if verbose > 0:
            print('\n',i_shot + 1,'. shot --- lr changed from',before,'to', lr)
        (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False)
        few1 = all_labels[-2]
        few2 = all_labels[-1]
        ok1 = False
        while not ok1:
            while outputs[pos_1].argmax() != few1:
                pos_1 += 1
            inp_1 = inputs[pos_1:pos_1+few_shot_more_at_once]
            outp_1 = outputs[pos_1:pos_1+few_shot_more_at_once]
            pos_1 += few_shot_more_at_once # prepare the next shot
            ok1 = True
            if check_wrong:
                for ii in range(1, few_shot_more_at_once):
                    if outp_1[ii].argmax() == few2:
                        ok1 = False
        ok2 = False
        while not ok2:
            while outputs[pos_2].argmax() != few2:
                pos_2 += 1
            inp_2 = inputs[pos_2:pos_2+few_shot_more_at_once]
            outp_2 = outputs[pos_2:pos_2+few_shot_more_at_once]
            pos_2 += few_shot_more_at_once
            ok2 = True
            if check_wrong:
                for ii in range(1, few_shot_more_at_once):
                    if outp_2[ii].argmax() == few1:
                        ok1 = False
        for m in range(use_every_shot_n_times):
            for (inp,outp) in [(inp_1,outp_1), (inp_2,outp_2)]:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('start training', outp)
                epoch = 0
                NN2.set_input(inp, outp)
                while epoch < few_shot_max_try:
                    # criterium for stopping is only used for the first element, which is the one few shot is done for. The other elements are not checked, but only used for stabilizing old learned data
                    if (NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1))[0]:
                        biggest_two = np.partition(NN2.layers[-1].values[0], -2)[-2:]
                        if do_pm:
                            ratio = (biggest_two[-1] + 1) / (biggest_two[-2] + 1) / 2 # do_pm means rsults between -1 and 1
                            ratio = biggest_two[-1] / biggest_two[-2]
                        if verbose > 0:
                            print(biggest_two, ratio)
                        if ratio > few_shot_threshold_ratio and biggest_two[-1] > few_shot_threshold:
            if verbose > 0:
                print('Results after few shot', i_shot + 1, 'used the ', m + 1, '. time')
                (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
                NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
                (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False,limit_labels=all_labels[-2:], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
                NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
            (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
            NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
            acc_only_old_labels = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
            (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True,limit_labels=all_labels[-2:], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
            NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
            acc_only_new_labels = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))

            # here only the few_shot trained lables are considdered
            res_values = NN2.layers[-1].values
            mask = [0] * len(all_labels)
            for l in all_labels[-2:]:
                mask[l] = 1
            mask = np_array([mask])
            res_values = res_values * mask
            # deb = float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum())
            acc_only_new_labels_forced = float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('using only the few shot trained labels for possible output of neural net')
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))

            (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True, only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
            NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
            acc_only_overall_labels = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
            print("%4d    %3d           %7.3f               %7.3f              %7.3f               %7.3f" % (i_shot + 1, m + 1, acc_only_old_labels, acc_only_new_labels, acc_only_new_labels_forced, acc_only_overall_labels))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Special few shot configuration, using additional data in every shot. Not the standard understanding of few shot!!!
labels (last two are used for few_shot) [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
Network parameters:  54912 dropped 0 real parameters 54912 drop definition []
loaded mnist Train dataset  with 10 labels [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

  0%|          | 0/5000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

loaded mnist Test dataset  with 10 labels [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Err 151.246 Acc  0.914: 100%|██████████| 5000/5000 [01:34<00:00, 52.98it/s]




new   192000 batch_size 1000 correct 934.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.934 Error 0.12432005788179887
few shot accuracy results
shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all
   1      1             0.786                 0.411                0.827                 0.700
   2      1             0.719                 0.519                0.753                 0.676
   3      1             0.793                 0.589                0.880                 0.745
   4      1             0.755                 0.630                0.873                 0.723
   5      1             0.761                 0.657                0.882                 0.732
   6      1             0.771                 0.651                0.884                 0.738
   7      1             0.778                 0.645                0.883                 0.744
   8      1             0.772                 0.674                0.852                 0.739
   9      1             0.765                 0.734                0.888                 0.751
  10      1             0.792                 0.714                0.888                 0.768
  11      1             0.828                 0.586                0.781                 0.774
  12      1             0.853                 0.525                0.759                 0.782
  13      1             0.869                 0.333                0.606                 0.764
  14      1             0.888                 0.529                0.828                 0.813
  15      1             0.811                 0.667                0.774                 0.778
  16      1             0.815                 0.672                0.788                 0.780
  17      1             0.871                 0.287                0.571                 0.767
  18      1             0.873                 0.500                0.795                 0.796
  19      1             0.873                 0.542                0.721                 0.807
  20      1             0.873                 0.548                0.726                 0.808
  21      1             0.876                 0.589                0.789                 0.816
  22      1             0.816                 0.548                0.628                 0.756
  23      1             0.887                 0.596                0.924                 0.822
  24      1             0.889                 0.601                0.919                 0.827
  25      1             0.896                 0.583                0.886                 0.829
  26      1             0.881                 0.610                0.868                 0.820
  27      1             0.880                 0.621                0.889                 0.821
  28      1             0.880                 0.671                0.913                 0.827
  29      1             0.877                 0.683                0.916                 0.826
  30      1             0.878                 0.689                0.924                 0.830
  31      1             0.878                 0.689                0.929                 0.829
  32      1             0.872                 0.700                0.938                 0.827
  33      1             0.874                 0.702                0.939                 0.832
  34      1             0.879                 0.636                0.881                 0.827
  35      1             0.877                 0.711                0.933                 0.834
  36      1             0.859                 0.739                0.951                 0.830
  37      1             0.867                 0.735                0.950                 0.838
  38      1             0.865                 0.736                0.948                 0.837
  39      1             0.865                 0.738                0.949                 0.838
  40      1             0.869                 0.728                0.953                 0.835
  41      1             0.853                 0.775                0.897                 0.824
  42      1             0.821                 0.797                0.951                 0.812
  43      1             0.819                 0.800                0.952                 0.810
  44      1             0.820                 0.793                0.947                 0.810
  45      1             0.809                 0.781                0.926                 0.791
  46      1             0.799                 0.796                0.923                 0.784
  47      1             0.834                 0.804                0.950                 0.818
  48      1             0.845                 0.792                0.948                 0.823
  49      1             0.845                 0.790                0.949                 0.823
  50      1             0.847                 0.793                0.948                 0.824
  51      1             0.858                 0.806                0.957                 0.839
  52      1             0.858                 0.780                0.898                 0.827
  53      1             0.840                 0.795                0.951                 0.821
  54      1             0.834                 0.824                0.960                 0.826
  55      1             0.833                 0.825                0.960                 0.825
  56      1             0.840                 0.821                0.962                 0.830
  57      1             0.842                 0.820                0.962                 0.830
  58      1             0.847                 0.819                0.964                 0.833
  59      1             0.860                 0.800                0.963                 0.840
  60      1             0.863                 0.756                0.968                 0.833
  61      1             0.865                 0.756                0.968                 0.834
  62      1             0.865                 0.753                0.969                 0.835
  63      1             0.861                 0.785                0.958                 0.837
  64      1             0.862                 0.794                0.963                 0.840
  65      1             0.860                 0.817                0.965                 0.840
  66      1             0.861                 0.815                0.968                 0.840
  67      1             0.831                 0.844                0.964                 0.822
  68      1             0.871                 0.704                0.871                 0.821
  69      1             0.866                 0.788                0.966                 0.838
  70      1             0.864                 0.793                0.967                 0.838
  71      1             0.863                 0.811                0.963                 0.841
  72      1             0.843                 0.652                0.965                 0.790
  73      1             0.847                 0.670                0.942                 0.796
  74      1             0.826                 0.746                0.910                 0.797
  75      1             0.826                 0.748                0.912                 0.798
  76      1             0.862                 0.729                0.917                 0.825
  77      1             0.868                 0.769                0.962                 0.838
  78      1             0.869                 0.768                0.961                 0.839
  79      1             0.862                 0.816                0.940                 0.841
  80      1             0.846                 0.824                0.935                 0.827
  81      1             0.816                 0.865                0.944                 0.805
  82      1             0.817                 0.867                0.945                 0.806
  83      1             0.808                 0.869                0.969                 0.805
  84      1             0.813                 0.866                0.968                 0.809
  85      1             0.816                 0.865                0.969                 0.809
  86      1             0.838                 0.847                0.956                 0.830
  87      1             0.795                 0.756                0.877                 0.780
  88      1             0.791                 0.760                0.878                 0.777
  89      1             0.831                 0.812                0.945                 0.815
  90      1             0.832                 0.815                0.948                 0.816
  91      1             0.816                 0.822                0.935                 0.802
  92      1             0.830                 0.851                0.964                 0.822
  93      1             0.831                 0.849                0.964                 0.822
  94      1             0.828                 0.858                0.954                 0.819
  95      1             0.830                 0.861                0.958                 0.821
  96      1             0.832                 0.859                0.958                 0.822
  97      1             0.840                 0.850                0.958                 0.827
  98      1             0.840                 0.852                0.959                 0.828
  99      1             0.840                 0.856                0.962                 0.830
 100      1             0.840                 0.856                0.963                 0.830

Showing, that hidden_size 128 gives roughly the same result (not used in the paper at the moment)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
based on: https://towardsdatascience.com/inroduction-to-neural-networks-in-python-7e0b422e6c24
    and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29888233/how-to-visualize-a-neural-network/29889993
    and https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-your-own-neural-network-from-scratch-in-python-68998a08e4f6
    and https://www.python-course.eu/neural_network_mnist.php
Created on Sun Jul 19 15:45:02 2020

@author: detlef

use it within anaconda and install cupy if cuda availible
you will need https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_train.csv and https://www.python-course.eu/data/mnist/mnist_test.csv (mnist in csv) in the data/mnist subdirectory
emnist not in anaconda at the moment, use pip install emnist

on Google Colab (turn on GPU!!)
!curl https://colab.chainer.org/install | sh -
!pip install emnist

loss function used = 1/2 SUM(error**2) // making the derivative error

#import cupy as np # helps with the math (Cuda supported: faster for hidden_size > 256 probably and most mnist cases with batch training)
import numpy as np # helps with the math (if no Cuda is availible or size is small for simple tests)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import cos, sin, atan
import random
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
from emnist import extract_training_samples, extract_test_samples

def np_array(x):
    return np.array(x)# , dtype = np.float32) # float32 is 3 times faster on batch training with GTX1070Ti and 70 times faster than i7-4790K with float64, cpu does not help float32 a lot)
check_for_nan = True

pyplot.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150
pyplot.interactive(False) # seems not to fix memory issue

verbose = 0

do_check_all = 0 #1000            # 0 to turn off
check_output_limit = 128        # number of output combinations, as not every neural net is capable of learning input 0 0 0 -> output 1, if 128 the output to the first input is always 0    

multi_test = -1 #1000             # -1 to turn off
max_iter = 30

hidden_size = 128
two_hidden_layers = 1 # additional hidden layers, totaly two_hidden_layers + 1
use_bias = False

lr = 2
lr_few_shot = 0.01
use_stability = False
stability_mean = 0.1
clip_weights = 1 # (clipping to 1 was used for most tests)
clip_bias = 1
init_rand_ampl = 0.5
init_rand_ampl0 = 0.1 # 2 # for first layer    (2 was used for most tests to make the first layer a mostly random layer)

# drawing parameters
scale_linewidth = 0.1
weight_tanh_scale = 0.1
scale_for_neuron_diff = 1

scale_sigmoid = 3
shift_sigmoid = 1

few_shot_end = 0.2 # for early tests (no mnist)
few_shot_max_try = 2000
few_shot_threshold_ratio = 1.1 # for mnist
few_shot_threshold = 0.3

# if 1 it is standard understanding of few shot learning, giving on data point at each shot, otherwize it adds more data points from availible training data to each shot
few_shot_more_at_once = 5
check_wrong = True

all_labels = [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
# random.shuffle(all_labels)    # if shuffeld, preloading can not work !!!!!
try_load_pretrained = False
few_shot_fast_load_num = 4000 # should also handle the batch_sizes for displaying batch training results properly

test_from_random_input = False
i_bits = 16

# input data
inputs = np_array([[0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1],
                   [0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 1, 1],
                   [1, 0, 0],
                   [1, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0],
                   [1, 1, 1]])

# output data
outputs = np_array([[0], [0], [1], [0], [1], [1], [0], [1]])

# swith to tanh and making input and output 1 -1 instead of 1 0
do_pm = False

use_emnist = True
load_mnist = True

do_batch_training = -1
do_drop_weights = [] # [0.9,0.9]
initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning = 1 # 0.1 # most tests are done with 0.1 here, just try if it was really necessary

first_n_to_use = 600000
label_to_one = 5

num_outputs = 10 # most early test need this to be 1, later with mnist dataset this can be set to 10 eg.

try_mnist_few_shot = 5000
use_every_shot_n_times = 1 # every data is used n times. so one shot means the data from first shot is used n times
change_first_layers_slow_learning = [0.25, 0.5] # [0.04, 0.2] # [0, 0.1]

disable_progressbar = False

# uncomment to run in jupyter notebook
%run -i _code_.py 

def setup_net():
    NN2 = DrawNet()
    input_len = len(inputs[0])
    if test_from_random_input:
        input_len = i_bits
    NN2.add_layer(input_len, init_rand_ampl0 * np_array(np.random.rand(input_len, hidden_size) - 0.5), init_rand_ampl0 * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size) - 0.5), None, slow_learning = initial_net_first_layer_slow_learning)
    for _ in range(two_hidden_layers):
        if verbose > 0:
            print('additional hidden layer')
        NN2.add_layer(hidden_size, init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size, hidden_size) - 0.5), init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size) - 0.5), None)
    NN2.add_layer(hidden_size, init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(hidden_size, num_outputs)- 0.5), init_rand_ampl * np_array(np.random.rand(num_outputs) - 0.5), None)
    NN2.add_layer(num_outputs, None, None, None)
    NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs)
    count_drops = 0
    for l in range(len(do_drop_weights)):
        if do_drop_weights[l] > 0:
            NN2.layers[l].drop_weights = np.random.rand(NN2.layers[l].weights.size).reshape(NN2.layers[l].weights.shape) > do_drop_weights[l]
            count_drops += NN2.layers[l].drop_weights.size - np.sum(NN2.layers[l].drop_weights)
    num_params, count_drops = NN2.count_parameters()
    print('Network parameters: ', num_params, 'dropped', count_drops, 'real parameters', num_params - count_drops, 'drop definition', do_drop_weights)
    return NN2

NN2 = setup_net()

pos_1 = 0
inputs = None
outputs = None
bbs = None
verbose = 1
(inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2])
(inputs_test, outputs_test, bbs_test) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
verbose = 0
ttt = tqdm(range(try_mnist_few_shot), mininterval = 10, disable=disable_progressbar)
for i_shot in ttt: # some shots
    if change_first_layers_slow_learning is not None:
        for l in range(len(change_first_layers_slow_learning)):
            before = NN2.layers[l].slow_learning
            NN2.layers[l].slow_learning = change_first_layers_slow_learning[l]
            if verbose > 1:
                print('slow learning of layer',l,'changed from', before, 'to', NN2.layers[l].slow_learning)
    before = lr
    lr = lr_few_shot
    if verbose > 1:
        print('\n',i_shot + 1,'. shot --- lr changed from',before,'to', lr)
    begin = pos_1 - few_shot_more_at_once
    if begin < 0:
        begin = 0
    inp = inputs[begin:pos_1+1]
    outp = outputs[begin:pos_1+1]
    pos_1 += 1 # few_shot_more_at_once
    if verbose > 1:
        print('start training', outp)
    epoch = 0
    NN2.set_input(inp, outp)
    while epoch < few_shot_max_try:
        epoch += 1
        # criterium for stopping is only used for the first element, which is the one few shot is done for. The other elements are not checked, but only used for stabilizing old learned data
        if (NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1))[-1]: # -1 is the last
            biggest_two = np.partition(NN2.layers[-1].values[0], -2)[-2:]
            if do_pm:
                ratio = (biggest_two[-1] + 1) / (biggest_two[-2] + 1) / 2 # do_pm means rsults between -1 and 1
                ratio = biggest_two[-1] / biggest_two[-2]
            if verbose > 1:
                print(biggest_two, ratio)
            if ratio > few_shot_threshold_ratio and biggest_two[-1] > few_shot_threshold:
    NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
    acc_train = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
    if verbose > 1:
        print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size,  'acc_train', acc_train, 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
    NN2.set_input(inputs_test, outputs_test, batch_size=1000)
    acc_test = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
    err = np.sum(NN2.error**2)
    ttt.set_description("Err %6.3f Acc %6.3f" % (err, acc_test), refresh=False)
    if verbose > 1:
        print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'acc_test', acc_test, 'Error', err / len(NN2.error))
    if verbose > 0:
        print("%4d      %6d        %7.3f               %7.3f" % (i_shot + 1, epoch, acc_train, acc_test))

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
y1s = gaussian_filter1d(y1, sigma=20)
y2s = gaussian_filter1d(y2, sigma=20)

y1s = gaussian_filter1d(y1, sigma=200)
y2s = gaussian_filter1d(y2, sigma=200)

try_mnist_few_shot = 100

NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
if num_outputs == 1:
    print('new  ', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, '1', int(np.sum(NN2.y > 0.5)), 'wrong', int(np.sum((NN2.y > 0.5) * (NN2.error**2 > 0.25))), 'Ratio', int(np.sum((NN2.y > 0.5) * (NN2.error**2 > 0.25))) / int(np.sum(NN2.y > 0.5)), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
    print('new  ', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))

# now try a few shot learning for some steps
# load with labels [8,9] and train every to a measure
# criteria label correct: (NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1))[0] true
# distance to second largest label
# biggest_two = np.partition(NN2.layers[-1].values[0], -2)[-2:]
# ratio = biggest_two[-1] / [-2] > threshold

# max_iter is the maximal number of try's to optimize one data point in few_shot
pos_1 = 0
pos_2 = 0
    print('few shot accuracy results')
    print('shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all')
    for i_shot in range(try_mnist_few_shot): # some shots
        if change_first_layers_slow_learning is not None:
            for l in range(len(change_first_layers_slow_learning)):
                before = NN2.layers[l].slow_learning
                NN2.layers[l].slow_learning = change_first_layers_slow_learning[l]
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('slow learning of layer',l,'changed from', before, 'to', NN2.layers[l].slow_learning)
        before = lr
        lr = lr_few_shot
        if verbose > 0:
            print('\n',i_shot + 1,'. shot --- lr changed from',before,'to', lr)
        (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False)
        few1 = all_labels[-2]
        few2 = all_labels[-1]
        ok1 = False
        while not ok1:
            while outputs[pos_1].argmax() != few1:
                pos_1 += 1
            inp_1 = inputs[pos_1:pos_1+few_shot_more_at_once]
            outp_1 = outputs[pos_1:pos_1+few_shot_more_at_once]
            pos_1 += few_shot_more_at_once # prepare the next shot
            ok1 = True
            if check_wrong:
                for ii in range(1, few_shot_more_at_once):
                    if outp_1[ii].argmax() == few2:
                        ok1 = False
        ok2 = False
        while not ok2:
            while outputs[pos_2].argmax() != few2:
                pos_2 += 1
            inp_2 = inputs[pos_2:pos_2+few_shot_more_at_once]
            outp_2 = outputs[pos_2:pos_2+few_shot_more_at_once]
            pos_2 += few_shot_more_at_once
            ok2 = True
            if check_wrong:
                for ii in range(1, few_shot_more_at_once):
                    if outp_2[ii].argmax() == few1:
                        ok1 = False
        for m in range(use_every_shot_n_times):
            for (inp,outp) in [(inp_1,outp_1), (inp_2,outp_2)]:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('start training', outp)
                epoch = 0
                NN2.set_input(inp, outp)
                while epoch < few_shot_max_try:
                    # criterium for stopping is only used for the first element, which is the one few shot is done for. The other elements are not checked, but only used for stabilizing old learned data
                    if (NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1))[0]:
                        biggest_two = np.partition(NN2.layers[-1].values[0], -2)[-2:]
                        if do_pm:
                            ratio = (biggest_two[-1] + 1) / (biggest_two[-2] + 1) / 2 # do_pm means rsults between -1 and 1
                            ratio = biggest_two[-1] / biggest_two[-2]
                        if verbose > 0:
                            print(biggest_two, ratio)
                        if ratio > few_shot_threshold_ratio and biggest_two[-1] > few_shot_threshold:
            if verbose > 0:
                print('Results after few shot', i_shot + 1, 'used the ', m + 1, '. time')
                (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
                NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
                (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = False,limit_labels=all_labels[-2:], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
                NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
            (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True,limit_labels=all_labels[:-2], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
            NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
            acc_only_old_labels = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
            (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True,limit_labels=all_labels[-2:], only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
            NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
            acc_only_new_labels = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))

            # here only the few_shot trained lables are considdered
            res_values = NN2.layers[-1].values
            mask = [0] * len(all_labels)
            for l in all_labels[-2:]:
                mask[l] = 1
            mask = np_array([mask])
            res_values = res_values * mask
            # deb = float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum())
            acc_only_new_labels_forced = float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('using only the few shot trained labels for possible output of neural net')
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((res_values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))

            (inputs, outputs, bbs) = run_load_mnist(use_test = True, only_load_num=few_shot_fast_load_num)
            NN2.set_input(inputs, outputs, batch_size=1000)
            acc_only_overall_labels = float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y)
            if verbose > 0:
                print('outputs', len(outputs), 'batch_size', NN2.batch_size, 'few1:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few1), 'few2:', np.sum(NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == few2), 'correct', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()), 'of', len(NN2.y), 'Ratio', float((NN2.layers[-1].values.argmax(axis = 1) == NN2.y.argmax(axis=1)).sum()) / len(NN2.y), 'Error', float(np.sum(NN2.error**2) / len(NN2.error)))
            print("%4d    %3d           %7.3f               %7.3f              %7.3f               %7.3f" % (i_shot + 1, m + 1, acc_only_old_labels, acc_only_new_labels, acc_only_new_labels_forced, acc_only_overall_labels))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Special few shot configuration, using additional data in every shot. Not the standard understanding of few shot!!!
labels (last two are used for few_shot) [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2]
Network parameters:  118016 dropped 0 real parameters 118016 drop definition []
loaded mnist Train dataset  with 10 labels [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

  0%|          | 0/5000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

loaded mnist Test dataset  with 10 labels [0, 1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Err 141.538 Acc  0.923: 100%|██████████| 5000/5000 [02:26<00:00, 34.10it/s]




new   192000 batch_size 1000 correct 933.0 of 1000 Ratio 0.933 Error 0.11759154637022251
few shot accuracy results
shot     try       old labels            new labels  new labels (forced)              over all
   1      1             0.838                 0.367                0.656                 0.750
   2      1             0.730                 0.478                0.541                 0.673
   3      1             0.842                 0.486                0.740                 0.780
   4      1             0.777                 0.560                0.731                 0.726
   5      1             0.783                 0.608                0.788                 0.745
   6      1             0.805                 0.592                0.790                 0.762
   7      1             0.816                 0.585                0.805                 0.768
   8      1             0.816                 0.624                0.790                 0.776
   9      1             0.818                 0.642                0.818                 0.783
  10      1             0.844                 0.612                0.817                 0.796
  11      1             0.856                 0.626                0.855                 0.809
  12      1             0.846                 0.627                0.783                 0.797
  13      1             0.854                 0.618                0.789                 0.804
  14      1             0.857                 0.616                0.795                 0.806
  15      1             0.782                 0.664                0.782                 0.756
  16      1             0.796                 0.689                0.818                 0.766
  17      1             0.846                 0.592                0.780                 0.795
  18      1             0.853                 0.608                0.872                 0.807
  19      1             0.863                 0.599                0.802                 0.816
  20      1             0.860                 0.613                0.793                 0.812
  21      1             0.863                 0.624                0.811                 0.820
  22      1             0.800                 0.503                0.571                 0.742
  23      1             0.896                 0.581                0.883                 0.837
  24      1             0.897                 0.571                0.860                 0.835
  25      1             0.894                 0.582                0.874                 0.837
  26      1             0.859                 0.668                0.875                 0.818
  27      1             0.865                 0.671                0.891                 0.820
  28      1             0.866                 0.697                0.897                 0.825
  29      1             0.866                 0.705                0.901                 0.830
  30      1             0.875                 0.707                0.903                 0.838
  31      1             0.876                 0.706                0.904                 0.840
  32      1             0.866                 0.732                0.909                 0.837
  33      1             0.873                 0.725                0.908                 0.842
  34      1             0.894                 0.634                0.873                 0.843
  35      1             0.881                 0.695                0.903                 0.844
  36      1             0.878                 0.706                0.906                 0.842
  37      1             0.876                 0.682                0.906                 0.838
  38      1             0.877                 0.721                0.916                 0.848
  39      1             0.879                 0.726                0.912                 0.849
  40      1             0.885                 0.710                0.911                 0.849
  41      1             0.856                 0.612                0.691                 0.804
  42      1             0.837                 0.700                0.879                 0.813
  43      1             0.833                 0.718                0.886                 0.812
  44      1             0.832                 0.716                0.886                 0.811
  45      1             0.817                 0.712                0.860                 0.795
  46      1             0.817                 0.724                0.868                 0.797
  47      1             0.858                 0.755                0.919                 0.833
  48      1             0.864                 0.753                0.920                 0.838
  49      1             0.859                 0.753                0.921                 0.833
  50      1             0.857                 0.762                0.921                 0.832
  51      1             0.860                 0.759                0.920                 0.832
  52      1             0.872                 0.777                0.924                 0.852
  53      1             0.847                 0.733                0.889                 0.820
  54      1             0.845                 0.744                0.900                 0.821
  55      1             0.850                 0.816                0.938                 0.833
  56      1             0.861                 0.799                0.935                 0.841
  57      1             0.861                 0.797                0.937                 0.842
  58      1             0.884                 0.751                0.944                 0.851
  59      1             0.894                 0.756                0.953                 0.862
  60      1             0.881                 0.760                0.931                 0.852
  61      1             0.881                 0.760                0.936                 0.852
  62      1             0.882                 0.766                0.938                 0.854
  63      1             0.877                 0.795                0.954                 0.855
  64      1             0.875                 0.799                0.953                 0.853
  65      1             0.865                 0.814                0.947                 0.849
  66      1             0.868                 0.809                0.950                 0.849
  67      1             0.859                 0.794                0.944                 0.839
  68      1             0.867                 0.607                0.817                 0.802
  69      1             0.860                 0.749                0.933                 0.832
  70      1             0.861                 0.777                0.944                 0.834
  71      1             0.862                 0.788                0.949                 0.840
  72      1             0.873                 0.728                0.928                 0.838
  73      1             0.876                 0.718                0.940                 0.838
  74      1             0.870                 0.766                0.941                 0.844
  75      1             0.870                 0.764                0.939                 0.845
  76      1             0.880                 0.736                0.929                 0.844
  77      1             0.867                 0.780                0.939                 0.839
  78      1             0.865                 0.776                0.943                 0.835
  79      1             0.858                 0.827                0.945                 0.838
  80      1             0.859                 0.832                0.944                 0.839
  81      1             0.839                 0.837                0.931                 0.825
  82      1             0.818                 0.845                0.945                 0.819
  83      1             0.797                 0.798                0.918                 0.791
  84      1             0.806                 0.807                0.939                 0.802
  85      1             0.811                 0.812                0.942                 0.806
  86      1             0.823                 0.812                0.946                 0.816
  87      1             0.799                 0.769                0.906                 0.791
  88      1             0.793                 0.775                0.907                 0.787
  89      1             0.803                 0.784                0.917                 0.795
  90      1             0.813                 0.779                0.922                 0.804
  91      1             0.811                 0.791                0.929                 0.804
  92      1             0.831                 0.807                0.950                 0.819
  93      1             0.833                 0.807                0.955                 0.821
  94      1             0.831                 0.843                0.949                 0.821
  95      1             0.838                 0.841                0.952                 0.826
  96      1             0.840                 0.841                0.952                 0.828
  97      1             0.843                 0.836                0.952                 0.830
  98      1             0.844                 0.837                0.952                 0.831
  99      1             0.848                 0.835                0.954                 0.835
 100      1             0.849                 0.836                0.955                 0.836


Jupyter notebook with some steps towards few shot learning

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Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%