dskoda / quests

Quick Uncertainty and Entropy via STructural Similarity

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QUESTS: Quick Uncertainty and Entropy via STructural Similarity

QUESTS provides model-free uncertainty and entropy estimation methods for interatomic potentials. Among the methods, we propose a structural descriptor based on k-nearest neighbors that:

  1. Is fast to compute, as it uses only distances between atoms within an environment. Because the computation of descriptors is efficiently parallelized, generation of descriptors for 1.5M environments takes about 3 seconds on 56 threads (tested against Intel Xeon CLX-8276L CPUs).
  2. Can be used to generate distributions and, in combination with information theory, gives rise to entropy values.
  3. Is shown to recover thermodynamic quantities, order parameters, and many useful properties of information theory.

This package also contains metrics to quantify the diversity of a dataset using this descriptor, and tools to interface with other representations and packages.


From pip

pip install quests

From repository

To install the quests package directly from the repository, clone it from GitHub and use pip to install it into your virtual environment:

git clone https://github.com/dskoda/quests.git
cd quests
pip install .


Command line

Once installed, you can use the quests command to perform different analyses. For example, to compute the entropy of any dataset (the input can be anything that ASE reads, including xyz files), you can use the quests entropy command:

quests entropy dump.lammpstrj --bandwidth 0.015

For subsampling the dataset and avoiding using the entire dataset, use the entropy_sampler example:

quests entropy_sampler dataset.xyz --batch_size 20000 -s 100000 -n 3

-s specifies the number of sampled environments, -n specifies how many runs will be computed (for statistics).

For additional help with these commands, please use quests --help, quests entropy --help, and others.


Computing descriptors and dataset entropy

To use the QUESTS package to create descriptors and compute entropies, you can use the descriptor and entropy submodules:

from ase.io import read
from quests.descriptor import get_descriptors
from quests.entropy import perfect_entropy, diversity

dset = read("dataset.xyz", index=":")
x = get_descriptors(dset, k=32, cutoff=5.0)
h = 0.015
batch_size = 10000
H = perfect_entropy(x, h=h, batch_size=batch_size)
D = diversity(x, h=h, batch_size=batch_size)

In this example, descriptors are being created using 32 nearest neighbors and a 5.0 Å cutoff. The entropy and diversity are being computed using a Gaussian kernel (default) with bandwidth of 0.015 1/Å and batch size of 10,000.

Computing differential entropies

from ase.io import read
from quests.descriptor import get_descriptors
from quests.entropy import delta_entropy

dset_x = read("reference.xyz", index=":")
dset_y = read("test.xyz", index=":")

k, cutoff = 32, 5.0
x = get_descriptors(dset_x, k=k, cutoff=cutoff)
y = get_descriptors(dset_y, k=k, cutoff=cutoff)

# computes dH (Y | X)
dH = delta_entropy(y, x, h=0.015)

Computing approximate differential entropies

from ase.io import read
from quests.descriptor import get_descriptors
from quests.entropy import approx_delta_entropy

dset_x = read("reference.xyz", index=":")
dset_y = read("test.xyz", index=":")

k, cutoff = 32, 5.0
x = get_descriptors(dset_x, k=k, cutoff=cutoff)
y = get_descriptors(dset_y, k=k, cutoff=cutoff)

# approximates dH (Y | X)
# n = 5 and graph_neighbors = 10 are arguments for
# pynndescent, which performs an approximate nearest
# neighbor search for dH
dH = approx_delta_entropy(y, x, h=0.015, n=5, graph_neighbors=10)

Computing the dataset entropy using PyTorch

To accelerate the computation of entropy of datasets, one can use PyTorch to compute the entropy of a system. This can be done by first installing the optional dependencies for this repository:

pip install quests[gpu]

The syntax of the entropy, as computed with PyTorch, is identical to the one above. Instead of loading the functions from quests.entropy, however, you should load them from quests.gpu.entropy. The descriptors remain the same - as of now, creating descriptors using GPUs is not supported. Note that this constraint requires the descriptors to be generated using the traditional routes, and later converted into a torch.tensor.

import torch
from ase.io import read
from quests.descriptor import get_descriptors
from quests.gpu.entropy import perfect_entropy

dset = read("dataset.xyz", index=":")
x = get_descriptors(dset, k=32, cutoff=5.0)
x = torch.tensor(x, device="cuda")
h = 0.015
batch_size = 10000
H = perfect_entropy(x, h=h, batch_size=batch_size)


If you use QUESTS in a publication, please cite the following paper:

    title = {Information theory unifies atomistic machine learning, uncertainty quantification, and materials thermodynamics},
    author = {Schwalbe-Koda, Daniel and Hamel, Sebastien and Sadigh, Babak and Zhou, Fei and Lordi, Vincenzo},
    year = {2024},
    journal = {arXiv:2404.12367},
    url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.12367},


The QUESTS software is distributed under the following license: BSD-3

All new contributions must be made under this license.

SPDX: BSD-3-Clause


This work was produced under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344, with support from LLNL's LDRD program under tracking codes 22-ERD-055 and 23-SI-006.

Code released as LLNL-CODE-858914


Quick Uncertainty and Entropy via STructural Similarity

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%