dsilvestro / rootBBB

Clade age estimation using a Bayesian Brownian bridge model

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Clade age estimation using a conditioned Bayesian Brownian bridge

The BBB models implemented in this program are described in Silvestro et al. 2021 Nature Ecology and Evolution and Carlisle et al. 2023 Current Biology.


The program requires Python v.3 (it has been tested with 3.7 or higher) and the following libraries: matplotlib, scipy, numpy. you can follow this tutorial to set up a virtual environment with all dependencies installed.

Running rootBBB

The BBB model requires two sources of information: a diversity count through time based on predefined bins (e.g. of 1 myr) and a modern diversity count. The latter indicates the approximate number of known living species of a clade. If the clade is extinct the number can be set to 0. The BBB model uses Bayesian inference with data augmentation to infer 1) an approximate preservation rate, 2) the clade age, and 3) the extinction time, where applicable. The model works even for clades with very limited fossil record, where e.g. a PyRate analysis would not work.

Running on simulated data

You can test the BBB model on simulated data using the -sim command to specify how many simulations you want to run. For instance you can use:

python rootBBB.py -sim 10 -seed 9600

This command will sequentially simulate and analyze 10 datasets (the argument seed fixes the random generator to create reproducible results. The output files are saved in the same directory as the program and include:

  1. a plot of the simulated trajectory
  2. a log file with the posterior samples
  3. a text file with the summary of true and estimated parameters across all simulations.

The sampled parameter values are saved in the *.log file, which can be inspected in the program Tracer.

To simulate an extinct clade you can add the -sim_extinct 1 commmand:

python rootBBB.py -sim 10 -seed 9600 -sim_extinct 1

The simulated dataset(s) will be analyzed using the MCMC algorithm implemented in the program. You can specify the number of iterations, sampling frequency and print frequency using the -n, -s, and -p commands, respectively (default: -n 25000 -s 100 -p 1000).

The BBB model includes two flavors of preservation models with constant or time-increasing rate. To run the analysis using the latter you can use the -q_var 1 setting:

python rootBBB.py -sim 10 -seed 9600 -q_var 1

The model uses a uniform prior on clade age and the upper boundary must be specified. This is done using the -max_age command (default value = 300.

Running on empirical data

Angiosperm fossil record

The file family_diversity.txt includes a list of angiosperm families and they modern species richness(based on Silvestro et al. 2021). The fossil_counts*.txt files include counts of number of species sampled for each family in time bins of 1, 2.5, and 5 Myr (files named *with_pollen include few selected pollen occurrences).

Mammal fossil record The file mammal_modern_species.txt includes a list of mammalian families and they modern species richness (from Carlisle et al. 2023). The mammal_data_binned.txt file includes counts of number of species sampled for each family in time bins of 1 Myr.


To run an analysis on an empirical data you should provide two input files, both tab separated tables. The first one includes binned fossil counts for one or more clades with the first column specifying the age of the bins and the following columns providing fossil counts for each clade. Clade names are provided as the header of the table. Time bins with no fossil occurrences of a clade will be set to zero.

The second file provides the clade modern diversity, set to 0 for extinct clades. The table includes two columns with clade names (matching those in the fossil count table) and clade modern diversity.

This is an example of an analysis of an extant plant clade:

python rootBBB.py -fossil_data .../example_data/fossil_counts_2.5.txt -div_table .../example_data/family_diversity.txt -q_var 1 -clade_name acanthaceae

where ... should be replaced by the full path to your files. This is an example with an extinct mammal clade:

python rootBBB.py -fossil_data .../example_data/mammal_data_binned.txt -div_table .../example_data/mammal_modern_species.txt -clade_name Amphicyonidae


Clade age estimation using a Bayesian Brownian bridge model


Language:Python 100.0%