dshoreman / nextshot

A simple tool for taking screenshots on Linux and sharing via Nextcloud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

xclip - No such file or directory

bodryj opened this issue · comments

$ nextshot -ac
Waiting for selection...
Copying image to clipboard...
xclip: -t: No such file or directory

Aborted due to error

Manjaro KDE

what could be the problem?

Thanks for the report!

After reproducing locally, it looks like this bug was introduced with the support for setting image type. It only happens when the image is copied instead of the share link, but I've managed to pinpoint the issue so if I have time later tonight I'll see if I can get a hotfix released.

Fixed in v1.4.1, thanks again!

Thanks! All work nextshot 1.4.1-1