dshoreman / nextshot

A simple tool for taking screenshots on Linux and sharing via Nextcloud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cancelling selection doesn't kill the script

dshoreman opened this issue · comments

When running import from an interactive terminal, it can be aborted the usual way (i.e. ^C) just fine.

That doesn't work when it's running in the background though, such as when it's triggered by a keybinding in i3wm. As a result, you must take a screenshot once triggered, which isn't ideal if you hit it too soon.

Will either need to find another way of selecting an area of the screen, or simply prompt to confirm/retry before uploading to Nextcloud. A preview window could also be useful, but probably not necessary.

Since moving to Slop, this only partially applies.

Selection can now be cancelled by hitting escape, but NextShot continues execution resulting in the eventual failure of the upload and sharing process.