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Node.js implementation of the Raft Consensus Algorithm

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Node.js implementation of the Raft Consensus Algorithm.


$ node install skiff --save


var Node = require('skiff');

Create a node

var node = Node();

or, with options:

options = {
  // ...
var node = Node(options);

Node create options

  • id: id of the node. if not defined, it's self assigned. accessible on node.id
  • cluster: the id of the cluster this node will be a part of
  • transport: the transport to communicate with peers. See the transport API
  • persistence: the node persistence layer. See the persistence API
  • uuid: function that generates a UUID. Defaults to using the cuid package.
  • heartbeatInterval: the interval between heartbeats sent from leader. defaults to 50 ms.
  • minElectionTimeout: the minimum election timeout. defaults to 150 ms.
  • maxElectionTimeout: the maximum election timeout. defaults to 300 ms.

Node API


Joins a peer.


The peer is a string describing the peer. The description depends on the transport you're using.


An array containing all the known peers.

.command(command, callback)

Appends a command to the leader log. If node is not the leader, callback gets invoked with an error. Example:

node.command('some command', function(err) {
  if (err) {
    if (err.code == 'ENOTLEADER') {
       // redirect client to err.leader
  } else {
    console.log('cluster agreed on this command');


A node emits the following events that may or not be interesting to you:

  • error(error) - when an unexpected error occurs.
  • state(stateName) - when a new state transition occurs. Possible values for stateName are: idle, follower, candidate, leader.
  • loaded() - when a node has loaded configuration from persistence provider.
  • election timeout() - when an election timeout occurs.
  • applied log(logIndex) - when a node applies a log entry to the state machine

Transport provider API

The node transport option accepts a provider object that implements the following interface:

  • connect(options) — for connecting to the peer. returns a connection object

Connection API

The connection API implements the following interface:

  • invoke(type, arguments, callback) — for making a remote call into the peer. The callback argument is a function with the signature function (err, result).
  • listen(callback) — listen for messages from the remote peer. The callback argument is a function with the signature function (type, args, cb). cb is a function that accepts the reply arguments.
  • close(callback) — for closing the connection. The callback argument is a function with the signature function (err).

Persistence provider API

The node persistence option accepts a provider object that implements the following interface:

  • saveMeta(nodeId, state, callback) — saves the raft engine metadata. nodeId is a string that represents the current node. state is an arbitrary object (hash map) and callback is a function with the signature function callback(err);
  • loadMeta(nodeId, callback) — loads the engine metadata state. callback is a function with the signature function callback(err, state);
  • applyLog(nodeId, commitIndex, logEntry, callback) - applies a log entry to the node state machine.
    • Persistence layer should save the commitIndex if it wants to make sure that log entries are not repeated.
    • Saving this should be atomic: the commitIndex and the log application to the state machine should be successful or fail entirely.
    • If the commitIndex has already been applied in the past, just callback with success. callback is a function with the following signature: function callback(err).
  • lastAppliedCommitIndex(nodeId, callback) - returns the last commitIndex that was successfully applied to the node state machine.
    • is asynchronous: callback is a function invoked once the result is ready
    • callback is a function with the following signature: function(err, commitIndex) - if operation resulted in error, err contains an error object. Otherwise, commitIndex may contain an integer with the index of the latest applied commitIndex if there was one.



© Pedro Teixeira


Node.js implementation of the Raft Consensus Algorithm