dsaidgovsg / k8s-charter

Plots CPU and memory usage metrics charts based on your running pods

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Plots CPU and memory usage metrics charts based on your running pods.


All commands here are based off Linux shell. Other operating systems should be similar, especially MacOS. For Windows, the executable will have file extension .exe.

  • You will need to have metrics-server deployed. This will allow the following metrics API to work: kubectl get --raw /apis/metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/pods

  • You will need to specify the names of the containers from the above metrics API finding, which you can get the list via

    kubectl get --raw /apis/metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/pods | jq -r '.items[].containers[].name' | sort | uniq
  • The deployment names associated to the above containers in the metrics API output must be the same as the names of the containers, which should generally be implicitly true by default, but this has not been verified.

    You can find out the deployment names via

    kubectl get deployments -n app -o json | jq -r '.items[].metadata.labels["app.kubernetes.io/name"]' | sort | uniq
  • Provide config.yaml in the same directory as your running executable k8s-charter. It should look like this:

    namespace: "app"  # Set to "" for all namespaces
    interval: 15  # Polling interval, 15 seconds is likely the default interval for metrics-server
    groups:  # List of container/deployment names to group by
      - "name_of_container_or_deployment_1"
      - "name_of_container_or_deployment_2"
    maxTicks: 20  # Max number of polls before stopping the program, set -1 to run forever (CTRL-C to break)
    htmlOutputPath: "k8s-charter-{{date}}.html"  # html output, {{date}} to inject in datetime value
    jsonOutputPath: "k8s-charter-{{date}}.json"  # json output, {{date}} to inject in datetime value

How to install

Method 1 - Download from release assets (recommended)

Prebuilt statically linked binaries are released for every tag (and also every master commit in nightly tag if you do not mind latest working release).

Head over to https://github.com/dsaidgovsg/k8s-charter/releases to get the binaries.

Method 2 - go install

If you have go binary and do not mind compilation, you can also do

go install github.com/dsaidgovsg/k8s-charter@v1.0.0   # Or change to any other tagged version
go install github.com/dsaidgovsg/k8s-charter@latest   # For latest binary

How to build

Assuming you have go set-up, this is simply just

go build

and the executable k8s-charter (or k8s-charter.exe for Windows) should be generated.

For a statically + smaller release build, you can do

CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "-s -w"

Optionally, if you want to override the application version -version value, you can do

go build -ldflags "-X main.appVersion=yourversion"
./k8s-charter -version  # Should show "yourversion"

How to run

You will need to build the executable first (follow the guide above), or simply download from https://github.com/dsaidgovsg/k8s-charter/releases.

# Remember to create your config.yaml as shown above

You should see logs in your terminal, while the .html and .json files are being generated based on your configured output file name (or updated) on every tick.

You can simply open up the .html file to see the chart.

How to read the chart

Every valid group in groups based on config.yaml will generate 4 charts:

  • Total CPU (millicores)
  • CPU Average (%)
  • Total Memory (Mi)
  • Memory Average (%)

For the non-percentage based charts, the values are always the sum of all millicores (or memory).

For the percentage based charts, the values are always the sum of all millicores (or memory), divided by (requested millicores or memory * number of running pods at that tick). It is possible to exceed 100% because the Kubernetes Request is not the Limit value.

For every chart, there is one X-axis and two Y-axis series:

  • X-axis represents the tick, where one tick is equivalent to the interval value set in config.yaml.
  • Primary Y-axis represents the total value, or average percentage based on the chart type as described above.
  • Secondary Y-axis represents the pod count, which can vary if the cluster has Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (or any other form of autoscaling).

In addition, each chart comes with the min, max, and the k8s request values.

If the reading at a particular tick is not obvious, you may mouseover on any dot on the chart; it should reveal the exact value in the form of (tick): (value) format.


Plots CPU and memory usage metrics charts based on your running pods


Language:Go 100.0%