dsaidgovsg / govtext-nginx-oauth2-proxy-test

Test set-up to showcase NGINX endpoint secured by OAuth2 Proxy

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NGINX + OAuth Proxy 2 Demostration

Initial values to set up

Unfortunately because the set-up needs to deal with secret values and also OAuth2 sign-up (Azure AD), we cannot simply push every value as default values and be able to just spin up the docker-compose configuration without any initialization work.

The guide here will tell exactly which values are required to do the above initialization work:

Before starting, make a copy of .env.sample into .env. The .env is git-ignored by default, and will be automatically fed into the docker-compose.yml later.


This can be any reasonably cryptographically secure value, so you can generate like this on Bash:

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d -- '\n' | tr -- '+/' '-_'; echo

Ref: https://oauth2-proxy.github.io/oauth2-proxy/docs/configuration/overview:


Unfortunately this section is the hardest. You will need Microsoft Azure (with access to Azure AD), which does provide free trial for a year.

You will be required to create a new tenant and set up a new OAuth2 application in Azure AD, which you can follow the guides:

Roughly, you should be:

  1. Log in and getting into Azure AD (Active Directory) at https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade
  2. Register an application: https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/CreateApplicationBlade/isMSAApp~/false
    • Change the Redirect URI to http://localhost:8080/oauth2/callback.
  3. Copy the following values:
    • Application (client) ID as OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID in .env
    • Directory (tenant) ID as OAUTH2_PROXY_AZURE_TENANT in .env
      • Certificates & secrets on the left pane,
      • Client secrets,
      • + New client secret and enter any description text and any reasonable expiration date. It should create a new secret entry. Copy the Value (not the Secret ID) as OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET in .env.


Finally with all the secret values in place, run both services with:

docker-compose up --build

Then use your web browser and go into: http://localhost:8080

If you have not logged in before, you should see a OAuth2 Proxy page with Sign in with Azure button.

If the above doesn't appear, and you instead see the NGINX page Welcome to nginx!, it means you have already logged in. If you prefer to want to retry the log in step to confirm the root page is being secured by OAuth Proxy 2, you can either:

  • Use an incognito mode to start a new session
  • Remove all the following cookies in http://localhost:8080, in particular:
    • _oauth2_proxy_0
    • _oauth2_proxy_1


Test set-up to showcase NGINX endpoint secured by OAuth2 Proxy