drzel / server-qwprogs

Classic Fortress qwprogs. Based on TF 2.9.

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FortressOne Server

New features

  • +grenade1 and +grenade2 grenade buttons (more reliable than impulses), push to prime, again to throw.
  • +dropflag Allows player to hold button and flag will be thrown on contact.
  • +rj Switches to rocket/incendiary weapon, jumps and shoots. +aux_jump is no longer required.
  • localinfo forcereload 0/1 Option to prevent forced reloads.
  • dlastspawn Tells spy to disguise as enemy who last spawned.
  • setinfo cf_pyro_impulses 1 to swap Pyro's primary and secondary weapons.
  • setinfo autodisguise 1 Causes spy to dlastspawn after spawning or cover blown.
  • setinfo autodisguise 2 Causes spy to dlast after spawning or cover blown.
  • special2 Scout: autoscan, Demoman: +det5, Pyro: +rj, Spy: dlastspawn, Engineer: togglesentry
  • New buttons (not impulses):
  • +special Scout: dash, Demoman: detpipe, Medic: aura, Hwguy: lock, Pyro: airblast, Spy: +feign, Engineer: toggledispenser.
  • +special2 Same as special2, but also has +rj for Soldier and Pyro.
  • setinfo hold_grens for press and hold +grenade1 and +grenade2
  • setinfo hold_fiegn for press and hold feigning
  • setinfo hold_detpack for press and hold detpack
  • localinfo standardizedeathammo 1 server setting to make all backpack's dropped on death contain same ammo, regardless of victims ammo. If enabled defaults to 25 shells, 25 nails, 10 rockets, 50 cells. localinfo deathammo_shells <number> , localinfo deathammo_nails <number> , localinfo deathammo_rockets <number>, localinfo deathammo_cells <number> to modify these values
  • localinfo splitbackpackmodels 1 server setting to have different visual models for backpack dropped on death progs/deathbag.mdl and discards progs/discard.mdl
  • localinfo allowpracspawns 1 option for players to set a personal spawnpoint for practice. Players can then use commands placepracspawn and removepracspawn. Suicide time penalties are removed while allowpracspawns is enabled.
  • Added localinfo nomapcycle 1 to stop all the confusion.
  • Option to configure hwguy armor localinfo max_armor_hwguy 250.
  • setinfo keepcells <number> allows scout/med/pyro/eng/hwguy to include cells above <number> into discards. eg. an eng with 200 cells that has setinfo keepcells 50 will discard 150 cells and keep 50. sold/spy/sniper/demo will throw all cells regardless of <number> (current behaviour). suggest players using this setinfo use scout/med/pyro/eng/hwguy class configs to set values for each class. localinfo nokeepcells 1 - disables keepcells server-wide
  • option to let engineer move while building localinfo em on.
  • new brush ent trigger_jumper - an alias for trigger_push with spawnflags 16 - retains your x/y velocity, only boosting your z by the .speed value.
  • new csqc command fo_menu_vote shows the list of maps available to vote.
  • vote_addmap``vote_removemap`` now work client-side
  • new cvar for zut fo_hud_idle_alpha - sets the minimum transparency for flaginfo inactive items
  • optional solid nail/shock grenades - localinfo solid_nailgren on (default on)
  • localinfo nohitsounds 1 - disables hitsounds server-wide
  • localinfo noreturn 1 - prevents goalitems from returning (will still return from lava)
  • localinfo superaxe on/off - causes the axe to hit on all four attack frames (instead of only on 3rd frame)
  • localinfo supermedikit on/off - causes the medikit to hit on all four attack frames (instead of only on 3rd frame)
  • localinfo superspanner on/off - causes the spanner to hit on all four attack frames (instead of only on 3rd frame)
  • localinfo superknife on/off - causes the knife to hit on all four attack frames (instead of only on 3rd frame)
  • localinfo superknife_multihit on/off - controls whether multiple hits are allowed in a single attack
  • scout has "new" flash grenades - localinfo fo_flash on (default on)
  • ability to set client side min and max flash amounts - localinfo minflash x/localinfo maxflash x (number as a percentage - 1.5 = 150%)
  • cmd votemap/cmd showvotes/cmd listmaps can now be used at any time and are part of the same system
  • new server command vote_removemap <name> removes them
  • new server command vote_addmap <name> <desc> [mapgroup] [num_teams] [min_players] [max_players] can be used to add maps to the below menu
  • cmd mapmenu brings up a map selection menu, which can then either be voted for or changed immediately, provided you have adminpwd/rcon set up
  • localinfo vote_threshold 0.5 will set the portion of players required to win a vote
  • scout has "new" flash grenades - localinfo fo_flash on (default off)
  • ability to set client side min and max flash amounts - setinfo minflash x/localinfo maxflash x (number as a percentage - 1.5 = 150%)
  • localinfo quad_roles 1 enables the use of quad roles. Only works in quad mode: Blue gets the "attack" role first and Red gets the "defence" role. These roles can be configured by adding the "att_" and "def_" prefix to localinfo settings. Only detpipe_limit, respawn_time, gren limits and class limits are currently supported. Use cmd showroles to see the current configuration. The team with the "attack" role also has its flag hidden to avoid confusion.
  • localinfo keep_teams 1/2 - keeps teams upon map change. 1 = same team. 2 = rotate teams
  • hud commands: fo_hud [element] [setting] [value] lets you manually configure the extra hud elements' settings and fo_hud_save saves them.
  • new spectator command tracktarget lets you track whoever you're pointing at
  • setinfo killsound 1/2/3 1 enemies, 2 enemies and teammates, 3 enemies teammates and self
  • cmd forcebreak - new admin command to end the map (and go to vote)
  • break will vote to end the current map or recind your vote in a vote map
  • localinfo vote_time 60 - seconds since the first vote is cast until voting is decided. 0 means majority vote only.
  • localinfo vote_map - map to designate for voting
  • localinfo vote_style 1 - got to voting map after round is over instead of asking using menus, 2 - maps restart upon time/frag limit, but a break concensus will exit them to the votemap.
  • CSQC - fo_main_menu main menu - either from menu.dat or engine
  • CSQC - fo_menu_game in-game menu
  • CSQC - fo_grentimer 0 - none, 1 - starts on server prime message, 2 - starts on prime button press
  • CSQC - fo_grentimersound grentimer.wav
  • CSQC - fo_grentimervolume
  • CSQC - fo_hud_reset resets HUD to defaults
  • CSQC - fo_hud_reload reloads last-saved hud configuration
  • CSQC - fo_hud_editor to move panels and save to config
  • info_empblock has a new field goal_effects. Setting it to 16 will prevent it from blocking emps if there is a wall between it and the explosion.
  • New map point entity info_empblock with t_length field that specifies its radius of effect. An EMP explosion within a range of one will not go through walls.
  • Server option for duelmode to respawn with all grens localinfo duel_all_grens 1/localinfo dag 1
  • Server option to remove packs in duel mode localinfo duel_no_packs 1/localinfo dnp 1
  • Server setting for duelmode reset delay localinfo drd 0.5 (localinfo duel_reset_delay 0.5)
  • Admin option to enable duel mode. Will auto-reset/resup the not dead player. Main option - localinfo duelmode on
  • Server option for making all walls block EMP. Off by default. localinfo walls_block_emp 1 or localinfo wbe 1. (SPAWNFLAG_BLOCK_EMP 4096 will work regardless)
  • Server option for setting detpack to solid (blocking). Off by default. localinfo solid_detpack 1 or localinfo sdp 1.
  • Server option for overriding map class restrictions (except civilian). serverinfo override_mapclasses 1 or serverinfo omc 1.
  • Option for maximum grenades for all classes. localinfo max_gren1_<class> <number>, short localinfo mg1_<classnum> <number>. Works for gren1s and gren2s. Eg localinfo max_gren1_scout 0 to remove caltrops or localinfo mg2_9 2 to reduce max EMPs to 2.
  • Option to fully restock player's clip and finish reload immediately if in progress. localinfo stock_reload 1 (localinfo srd 1) will trigger only on flag capture (with stock_on_cap enabled). 2 will trigger whenever any tfgoal gives you the appropriate ammo.
  • Option for statusbar flaginfo. setinfo sbflaginfo 1 (default). Setting it to 2 will skip the tf tips on respawn and show flag info all the time.
  • Admin system created to allow for easy setup of pub/clan/quad/duel games, kick players etc localinfo adminpwd <password> and cmd adminpwd <password>; wait; adminmenu
  • Loc support added to server, show locations for dropped flag.
  • Nailgrenades changed to "Shock/Laser Grenades" to lower spam/not stop bunnyhopping on hit (0 original, 1 laser, 2 burst). localinfo nailgren_type 1 and nginfo in game for all configurable settings.
  • Option for "blast medic". Secondary grenade is repaced with blast gren. It behaves like a concussion grenade, but doesn't apply a concussion effect. The blast medic moves at 280 units (instead of 320), but is not speed capped. localinfo medic_type 1 (0 for normal, 1 for blast).
  • Blast grenade velocity multiplier localinfo blastgren_velocity_multiplier. (default 1 is same as concussion grenade).
  • Option for hitsounds (1 - enemies only, 2 - enemies and teammates). setinfo hitsound 2
  • Option for medic to be immune from concussion effects. localinfo medicnocuss on.
  • Option to adjust concussion grenade effect time in seconds. localinfo cussgrentime n.
  • Increased nail velocity. Disable with localinfo old_ng_velocity on.
  • Nailgun and Super-nailgun damage configurable with localinfo ng_damage and localinfo sng_damage.
  • Keys and flags glow their colour.
  • Option to adjust conussion grenade effect time in seconds. localinfo cussgrentime.
  • Option to fully restock player on cap. localinfo stock_on_cap on.
  • Option for packs to fully restock health and armor of player. localinfo stockfull on.
  • Automatic server-side mvd recording of clan matches. Requires localinfo serverdemo on.
  • Map vote (4 random maps + current map) during last few minutes of game (shown for newly spawned or toggled with /togglevote).
  • Force early map vote using /votenext, /votetrick (trick maps) and /voterace (race maps).
  • Force map switch to the voted map early using /forcenext.
  • Auto ID feature (cf_autoid 1 = on, 2 = teammates only, 3 = enemies only).
  • Show friendly Sentry Gun health in /id for Engineers.
  • Show max health and max armor in /id for Medics and Engineers.
  • Grenade timers (disable with setinfo nt 1 for no timers, or setinfo nt 2 for no timer sound).
  • Grenade slot switching (/grenswitch).
  • Prime/throw grenades with one button (/gren1 and /gren2).
  • Weapon slots (1-4) where 1 is always primary and 4 is always melee.
  • Quick attack aliases (+quick1-4 will switch weapon and fire).
  • Set default weapon to select after firing (e.g. setinfo default_weapon 1).
  • Next/previous weapon (/weapprev and /weapnext).
  • Last weapon (/weaplast).
  • Remember current weapon and last weapon after dying.
  • Reload all weapon slots using /reloadnext (one at a time).
  • Drop hand grenade to ground if primed when dying.
  • Drop grenades in backpack.
  • Don't pick up unusable ammo from discarded backpacks (note: this only applies to /discarded backpacks).
  • Don't telefrag teammates when spawning.
  • Free class switch during first 10 seconds after spawning.
  • Updated class help (bindings, aliases and settings) reachable with /classhelp.
  • Dropping flag now possible on all maps using /dropflag.
  • Allow team changing.
  • Any non-valid impulse now closes the active menu.
  • Option to allow a demoman to place a detpack while reloading his weapon localinfo detreload on
  • Pyro types - localinfo pyro_type val - 0 = original tf2.9, 1 = oztf pyro style, 2 = FO pyro style
  • localinfo server_sbflaginfo : 0 - disables sbar flaginfo, 1 enables it [default: 1]
  • localinfo reverse_cap : 0 - normal gameplay, 1: you have to take your flag and capture in the enemy base [default: 0]
  • localinfo engineer_move / em : 0 - normal gameplay, 1: engineers can move while building [default: 1]
  • localinfo round_delay_time : interval time between rounds in quadmode - seconds [default: 30]
  • localinfo max_gren2_soldier : maximum number of active nail/shock grenades (TF 2.8 = 3, OzTF = 1) [default: 3]
  • localinfo distance_based_cuss_duration : on/off - enables cuss duration to be proportional to the distance from the explosion [default: off]
  • lag compensation: see antilag.md for more information

== Removed ===

  • Removed weapon messages for weapons without weapon modes.
  • Removed bioweapon (merged into medikit).
  • Removed grapple hook.
  • Removed birthday mode.
  • Removed engineer mortar (not used anymore).
  • Removed bindings menu.
  • Removed class help.

=== Fixed ===

  • Don't allow building in prematch.
  • Gas no longer goes through walls.
  • Fixed the spamming weapon messages (e.g. Tranquiliser gun selected).
  • Fixed the sentry gun menu to not close prematurely.
  • Fixed broken ammo display.
  • Fixed endless intermission bug.
  • Fixed bug where players got stuck in intermission mode upon map change and hence could not respawn.
  • Major code cleanup and rewrites.
  • Team player count in team selection menu.
  • Class player count (and class restrictions) in class selection menu.
  • Changing teams is now allowed.
  • Responsive menus and status bar thanks to rewritten menu/sbar code.
  • Clip ammo in status bar ticks up during reload.
  • Kill streak and personal cap count in status bar.
  • Option to spawn with full ammo and armor.
  • Map specific configurations (/fortress/cfg/maps/.cfg).
  • Major code cleanup and rewrites.


  • New special ability "dash" will initiate a bunny hop at 540 speed.
  • New Scanner menu where Scanner settings can be changed.
  • Caltrop Canisters no longer "explode" in your hands.
  • Remember Scanner status across deaths.
  • +special2 to toggle scanner.


  • Sniper Rifle range increased.
  • Automatic sensitivity scaling while zoomed in. Use the special button as a zoom button. Use mouse wheel to adjust zoom while zoomed in. Sniper Rifle now needs to be reloaded between shots.


  • New command +rj (or +special2) to rocket jump.

Demolitions Man

  • New detpack menu containing 5, 20, 50 and 255 second detpacks.
  • Changed maximum detpipes allowed per team to 6 per demoman instead of 7 total.
  • Decrease /detpipe cooldown to 0.5 seconds instead of 0.8.
  • Stop detpacking by pressing last weapon bind.
  • +special2 to set 5 second detpack.

Combat Medic

  • Healing aura that heals 5 hp every second to friendly players within range (120 units), only active when cells >= 50.
  • Medikit now heals friendly targets to max health + 50, consuming all cells.
  • Cells automatically regenerate at 10 cells per second.
  • Bioweapon now does 7 damage per second to enemies, up from 7 damage per 3 seconds.

Heavy Weapons Guy

  • Assault Cannon can now be fired while moving and while jumping.
  • Accuracy of Assault Cannon decreased while moving.
  • HWGuy can now be affected by concussion grenades while firing Assault Cannon.
  • New class special that stops the Assault Cannon from firing and just keeps it spinning.
  • Lowered volume for spinning Assault Cannon.


  • Add air-blast special.
  • Rebalance weapons.
  • New command +rj (or +special2) to rocket jump.


  • Improved disguise menu.
  • Auto-disguise (setinfo autodisguise 0/1/2).
  • Change color and skin in one sequence.
  • Last disguise (reachable through disguise menu or using /dlast alias).
  • Stop disguising by pressing last weapon bind.
  • New aliases for changing team color (denemy (if 2 teams), dblue, dred, dyellow, dgreen, dlastspawn).
  • New aliases for changing skin (dscout, dsniper, dsoldier, etc).
  • Build your own disguise aliases (e.g. alias bsniper "dblue; wait; dsniper" for blue sniper).
  • Spy can now feign death in air.
  • Spy now drops an empty backpack when feigning death.
  • A fake death message (but relevant to current situation) is now shown when feigning death.
  • +special2 to disguise as last spawned enemy.


  • Sentry Gun status (health, ammo and level) shown in status bar.
  • New Sentry Gun maintenance menu containing simply rotation.
  • Upgrade/repair/restock Sentry Gun on spanner hit.
  • Dispenser automatically stocks nearby team members.
  • Dispenser restock rate increases with more players on team.
  • Repair Dispenser on spanner hit.
  • Dismantle Sentry Gun/Dispenser using build menu when standing close.
  • Stop building by pressing last weapon key.
  • Added message when Dispenser is destroyed.
  • Added dismantle message to show how many cells were returned to Engineer.
  • New command toggledispenser (or +special) to build or detonate dispenser.
  • New command togglesentry (or +special2) to build or detonate sentry.
  • Engineers can now only dismantle own buildings and rotate own Sentry Gun.
  • +special to build or destroy dispenser.
  • +special2 to build or destroy sentry.



Compile with FTEQCC

Ensure that fteqcc64 is available in $PATH and:


Generate ctags


Note: I got an error in vim:

E431: Format error in tags file "tags"
Before byte 364464

I just removed the one line at that byte address and it works fine now.

Note: Fixed in fteqcc 6010

List assets

Only works in ssqc

fteqcc64 ./ssqc/progs.src -fdumpfilenames


Classic Fortress qwprogs. Based on TF 2.9.


Language:C 98.4%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:Makefile 0.6%