drudgesentinel / definitely-real-health-check

This will return status codes and/or messages for GET requests to specific paths based on how it is configured

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is for a test server that returns content based on configuration.

For example, you could poll it from a given service that allows for custom health checks and return a 200 (or whatever the requisite response is) unconditionally (or fail unconditionally)

This is code more or less based on cirriculum materials for MERN stack from the microservices course from FreeCodeCamp. I got tired of using repl.it for one offs, so wanted to be able to statically host this somewhere


This will return status codes and/or messages for GET requests to specific paths based on how it is configured


Language:JavaScript 87.0%Language:HTML 13.0%