drosenstark / SimpleAlert

Looks like UIAlertController, pretty much

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Looks like UIAlertController, pretty much, but from the client side it's a bit different.

Huge advantage: it shows in a UIWindow directly, so it can show above a UIViewController that's showing modally.

Example Dark Example Light

Example Code

let alert = SimpleAlert(title: "Very Simple", message: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quam quam, posuere eu diam ut, imperdiet bibendum magna. Integer ut luctus enim, vel fermentum enim. Aenean elementum cursus metus, sit amet\n\niaculis tellus suscipit ac. Cras nec ex in ex auctor convallis. Nullam fermentum quam nibh, eget iaculis sapien eleifend eu. Proin arcu diam, laoreet non egestas nec, bibendum non neque.\n\nAre you really sure you want to do this?")
alert.addButtonWithTitle("I'm insane!") {
    print("yeah I'm out of my head")
alert.addButtonWithTitle("Show me another Alert") {
    let alert2 = SimpleAlert.makeAlert("Another Alert", message: "Different theme, get it?");
    alert2.addButtonWithTitle("OK", block: {
    alert2.theme = .Light


alert.addButtonWithTitle("Never Ask Me Again") {
    print("user doesn't want to be asked again")


Example with Text Entry Fields

Example Text Field Entry

let alert = SimpleAlert.makeAlert("Another Alert", message: "You could fill out these boxes.");
let username = alert.addTextFieldWithPlaceholder("Username", secureEntry: false, changeHandler: { (textField) in
alert.addTextFieldWithPlaceholder("Pass", secureEntry: true, changeHandler: nil)
alert.addButtonWithTitle("OK", block: {
    print("Okay pressed, username is: \(username.text!)")
alert.addButtonWithTitle("Cancel", block: {})
alert.theme = useLight ? .Light : .Dark

With Objective-C

Works perfectly well from Objective-C too, but note:

  • Enum is called SimpleAlertTheme
  • Enums are called SimpleAlertThemeDark and SimpleAlertThemeLight

Using with Carthage

Put this in your Cartfile

github "drosenstark/SimpleAlert" "master"

and make sure to:

  1. Update using carthage update --platform iOS
  2. Add the framework to your copy-frameworks, something like $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/SimpleAlertLib.framework


Requires Carthage (to get Cartography). Run

carthage update --platform iOS


Looks like UIAlertController, pretty much


Language:Swift 98.1%Language:Objective-C 1.9%