drop-stones / im-switch.nvim

Neovim plugin to switch IMs automatically.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


im-switch.nvim is a Neovim plugin to switch input method automatically.

✨ Features

  • 🔄 Switch input method according to Neovim events
  • 📦 No need to install other tools to switch input method like im-select
  • 🖥️ Works on Windows/Mac/Linux

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.9.0
  • cargo >= 1.75.0 (optional)

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager.



If cargo is installed, im_switch is built at installation. If not, the pre-built binary is used.

  dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
  event = "VeryLazy",
  opts = {
    -- your configurations

⚙️ Configuration

  -- Set the default input method when the following events are triggered.
  -- By default, `{ "VimEnter", "FocusGained", "InsertLeave", "CmdlineLeave" }` are registered.
  -- If you want to disable this behavior, set empty as `set_default_im_events = {}`.
  set_default_im_events = { "VimEnter", "FocusGained", "InsertLeave", "CmdlineLeave" },

  -- Save the current input method when the following events are triggered.
  -- The saved input method is restored when events in `set_previous_im_events` are triggered.
  -- By default, `InsertLeavePre` is registered.
  save_im_events = { "InsertLeavePre" },
  -- Set the previous input method when the following events are triggered.
  -- The previous input method is saved when events in `save_im_events` are triggered.
  -- By default, `InsertEnter` is registered.
  -- If you want to disable this behavior, set `save_im_events` and `set_previous_im_events` to empty.
  set_previous_im_events = { "InsertEnter" },

  -- Windows settings
  windows = {
    -- Enable this plugin on Windows.
    -- If enabled, input method is inactivated when events in `set_default_im_events` are triggered.
    -- And the previous state of input method is restored when events in `set_previous_im_events` are triggered.
    -- By default, this plugin is disabled on Windows.
    enabled = true,
  -- Mac settings
  mac = {
    -- Enable this plugin on Mac.
    -- The following settings is required to enable this plugin on Mac.
    -- By default, this plugin is disabled on Mac.
    enabled = true,

    -- The input method is set when events in `set_default_im_events` are triggered
    default_im = "com.apple.inputmethod.XXX",
  -- Linux settings
  linux = {
    -- Enable this plugin on Linux.
    -- The following settings is required to enable this plugin on Linux.
    -- By default, this plugin is disabled on Linux.
    enabled = true,

    -- The input method is set when events in `set_default_im_events` are triggered
    default_im = "keyboard-us",

    -- The command to get the current input method.
    -- This is executed when events in `save_im_events` are triggered.
    -- The command need to be a string or list.
    obtain_im_command = "fcitx5-remote -n",

    -- The command to set a new input method.
    -- This is executed when events in `set_default_im_events` or `set_previous_im_events` are triggered.
    -- The command need to be a string or list.
    set_im_command = { "fcitx5-remote", "-s" },


Example 1

  • Restore the previous input method when transitioning to input mode
    • Default behavior
  • Enable this plugin on Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Use fcitx5-remote to switch input methods on Linux
  -- No event settings are required if default settings are used

  windows = {
    enabled = true,

  mac = {
    enabled = true,
    default_im = "com.apple.keylayout.ABC", -- If you use Japanese, use "com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.RomajiTyping.Roman" instead

  linux = {
    enabled = true,
    default_im = "keyboard-us",
    obtain_im_command = { "fcitx5-remote", "-n" },
    set_im_command = { "fcitx5-remote", "-s" },

Example 2

  • Always set the default input method when transitioning to input mode
  • Enable this plugin on Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Use ibus to switch input methods on Linux
  -- Disable default behaviors to restore the previous input method
  set_previous_im_events = {},
  save_im_events = {},
  windows = {
    enabled = true,

  mac = {
    enabled = true,
    default_im = "com.apple.keylayout.ABC",

  linux = {
    enabled = true,
    default_im = "xkb:us::eng",
    obtain_im_command = { "ibus", "engine" },
    set_im_command = { "ibus", "engine" },


Neovim plugin to switch IMs automatically.

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 56.2%Language:Rust 43.8%