Note: As much as I would enjoy continuing to work on this, it's based on Fyne. Fyne (among others) has made some great strides toward bringing GUI possibilities to Go, but in my opinion it has a long way to go to be production ready.
I'll be excited when that happens, but in the meantime I will be marking this repo as archived. I hope this will help to clarify the level of time I'm willing to devote to Fyne-based projects at this time.
This library provides a tree widget implementation that can be used in lieu of one being provided by the fyne framework itself.
I really enjoy using the framework and its accompanying tooling, but not being able to show data in a hierarchical view was a real blocker for me, so I decided to create a widget for this. Which really helped me understand what's going on under the covers more too. :)
Create base tree node widget with custom layout and dynamic event handling -
Create tree node container -
Provide InsertSorted method -
Handle custom secondary tap menu and logic -
Provide icon and text tap event hooks - Won't do for now
Try out some selection model ideas -
Possibly create factory methods to create leaf/branch nodes instead of setting leaf explicitly after creation
It's a pure Go library, so using plain go get
will get you started.
The library is meant to follow (more or less) an MVVM structure, borrowing a lot from the base framework.
The model is provided by the library consumer, and currently has very few requirements. More will be added as more interesting functionality comes online.
// TreeNodeModel is the interface to user defined data.
type TreeNodeModel interface {
// GetIconResource should return the user defined icon resource to show in the view, or nil if no icon is needed.
GetIconResource() fyne.Resource
// GetText should return the user defined text to display for this node in the view, or "" if no text is needed.
GetText() string
This optionally returns a fyne.Resource
which is populated in the icon slot. If nil
is passed
then no icon will be rendered. The GetText
method just returns the string that should be shown
for the tree entry.
To make simple things simple, a factory function is provided which creates a static model for
situations where the icon/text will not be changing. nil
values are accepted for either
// NewStaticModel creates a TreeNodeModel with fixed values that never change.
func NewStaticModel(resource fyne.Resource, text string) TreeNodeModel {
return &StaticNodeModel{
Resource: resource,
Text: text,
Of course, the static model type is also exposed in case there's a need to create or extend it directly.
type StaticNodeModel struct {
Resource fyne.Resource
Text string
The fyne framework seems to want the Widget
implementation to be the view model, while the
defines the actual view logic. I follow this pattern by exposing a TreeNode
type which keeps track of expanded/condensed and leaf/branch state, interfaces with the model,
exposes event-based integration points, and manages the set of child nodes.
Nodes can be dynamically added/inserted/removed from any other node, nodes can be programmatically expanded or condensed, event receivers can be registered, and the icon/text data can be changed by the model with a node refresh.
// NodeEventHandler is a handler function for node events triggered by the view.
type NodeEventHandler func()
// TapEventHandler is a handler function for tap events triggered by the view.
type TapEventHandler func(pe *fyne.PointEvent)
// TreeNode holds a TreeNodeModel's position within the view.
type TreeNode struct {
model TreeNodeModel
expanded bool
leaf bool
OnBeforeExpand NodeEventHandler
OnAfterCondense NodeEventHandler
OnTappedSecondary TapEventHandler
OnIconTapped TapEventHandler
OnLabelTapped TapEventHandler
mux sync.Mutex
parent *TreeNode
The view is completely defined by the renderer. This keeps view behavior and complexity neatly hidden behind the widget state facade.
Root tree nodes can be added to a TreeContainer
to keep them together to be added to a view
once. This type extends the base fyne scroll container to ensure that the tree is flexible
enough to add to most any consumer view without compromising layout expectations.
// This is an excerpt from the example app. Clone the project to try it out.
/* ... */
// Create a ready-made container
treeContainer := fynetree.NewTreeContainer()
// Used to make a node and model at the same time
rootModel := fynetree.NewStaticBoundModel(theme.FolderOpenIcon(), "Tasks")
// Or created separately with a provided model
notesNode := fynetree.NewTreeNode(fynetree.NewStaticModel(theme.FolderIcon(), "Notes"))
createPopupFunc := func(msg string) func() {
return func() {
dialog.ShowInformation("Hello", msg, win)
// Task defined elsewhere
exampleTask := &example.Task{
Summary: "Hello!",
Description: "This is an example Task",
Menu: fyne.NewMenu("", fyne.NewMenuItem("Say Hello", createPopupFunc("Hello from a popup menu!"))),
// Factory methods for creating leaf/branch nodes, can be easily changed later
exampleNode := fynetree.NewLeafTreeNode(exampleTask)
// General event handler
exampleNode.OnTappedSecondary = func(pe *fyne.PointEvent) {
canvas := fyne.CurrentApp().Driver().CanvasForObject(exampleNode)
widget.ShowPopUpMenuAtPosition(exampleTask.Menu, canvas, pe.AbsolutePosition)
exampleNode.OnDoubleTapped = func(pe *fyne.PointEvent) { createPopupFunc("Hello from node double-tapped")() }
// Icon tap event handler
exampleNode.OnIconTapped = func(pe *fyne.PointEvent) { createPopupFunc("Hello from icon tapped!")() }
// This would block the node double-tapped event
// exampleNode.OnLabelTapped = func(pe *fyne.PointEvent) { createPopupFunc("Hello from label tapped!")() }
_ = rootModel.Node.Append(exampleNode)
_ = treeContainer.Append(rootModel.Node)
_ = treeContainer.Append(notesNode)
/* ... */
And that's about it! More features are planned, so check back often. If you see an opportunity for improvement, please create an issue detailing what you want to see.