drminnaar / graphql-dotnet-series

A collection of examples demonstrating how to build a GraphQL API using .NET

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Graphql For .NET


A collection of examples demonstrating how to build a GraphQL API using .NET



Key Takeaways


  • Project Overview
  • Learn how to build a .NET 6 GraphQL API from scratch
  • Learn how to define GraphQL queries, and mutations
  • Learn how to provide validation and error handling
  • Add EntityFramework support both in-memory and SQLite database
  • Add support for query projection, filtering, sorting, and paging
  • Provision Azure App Service using Azure CLI, Azure, Powershell, and Azure Bicep



Project Overview



All examples are based on a fictitious company called MyView, that provides a service to view games and game ratings. It also allows reviewers to post and delete game reviews. Therefore, in the examples that follow, I demonstrate how to build a GraphQL API that provides the following capabilities:


  • List games
  • List games with associated reviews
  • Find a game by id
  • Post a game review
  • Delete a game review


The details of the provided examples are as follows:


  • πŸ“˜ Example 1  
    • Create empty API project
    • Add GraphQL Server support through the use of the ChilliCream Hot Chocolate nuget package
    • Create a games query
    • Create a games mutation
    • Add metadata to support schema documentation


  • πŸ“˜ Example 2  
    • Add global error handling
    • Add input validation


  • πŸ“˜ Example 3  
    • Add EntityFramework support with an in-memory database
    • Add support for query filtering, sorting, and paging
    • Add projection support
    • Add query type extensions to allow splitting queries into multiple classes


  • πŸ“˜ Example 4  
    • Change project to use SQlite instead of an in-memory database


Lastly, I provide the instructions on how to provision an Azure App Service and deploy the GraphQL API to it. The details are as follows:


  • Provision Azure App Service using Azure CLI
  • Provision Azure App Service using Azure Powershell
  • Provision Azure App Service using Azure Bicep
  • Deploy GraphQL API


πŸ“˜ Find all the infrastructure as code here



Required Setup and Tools


It is recommended that the following tools and frameworks are installed before trying to run the examples:



Additional Learning Resources


I have provided a number of examples that show how to build a GraphQL Server using ChilliCream Hot Chocolate GraphQL Server. If you would like to learn more, please view the following learning resources:



HotChocolate Templates


There are also a number of Hot Chocolate templates that can be installed using the dotnet CLI tool.


  • Install HotChocolate Templates:  
    # install Hot Chocolate GraphQL server templates (includes Azure function template)
    dotnet new -i HotChocolate.Templates
    # install template that allows you to create a GraphQL Star Wars Demo
    dotnet new -i HotChocolate.Templates.StarWars


  • List HotChocolate Templates  

    # list HotChocolate templates
    dotnet new --list HotChocolate
    Template Name                        Short Name   Language  Tags
    -----------------------------------  -----------  --------  ------------------------------
    HotChocolate GraphQL Function        graphql-azf  [C#]      Web/GraphQL/Azure
    HotChocolate GraphQL Server          graphql      [C#]      Web/GraphQL
    HotChocolate GraphQL Star Wars Demo  starwars     [C#]      ChilliCream/HotChocolate/Demos


  • Create HotChocolate project using templates  
    # create ASP.NET GraphQL Server
    dotnet new graphql --name MyGraphQLDemo
    # create graphql server using Azure Function
    dotnet new graphql-azf --name MyGraphQLAzfDemo
    # create starwars GraphQL demo
    mkdir StarWars
    cd StarWars
    dotnet new starwars





I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.







A collection of examples demonstrating how to build a GraphQL API using .NET


Language:C# 77.3%Language:Smalltalk 19.5%Language:Bicep 3.2%