drhayes / project-thing

A Tiddlywiki plugin for managing projects and todos.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Tiddlywiki plugin for managing projects and todos.

Check out a demo at: https://drhayes.github.io/project-thing/

This is an uglier, less featureful version of Projectify by Nicolas Petton: https://github.com/NicolasPetton/Projectify If you're looking for project management in Tiddlywiki, go check that repo out. That project is part of what made me go all-in on Tiddlywiki and many of the practices and macros and tiddlers in this project came from Projectify. It's a huge part of what made me more confident in modifying my local wiki to suit me like a favorite shoe, to fashion it into a true convivial tool.

That said, in this repo I've made some decisions that work better for me vs. Projectify:

  • Todos are sub-tiddlers of the project and can't be moved.
  • No dragging and dropping.
  • No sub-tasks.
  • Projects and todos can be put on-hold.
  • Tasks can be pinned, or not. No other notion of priority.
  • Don't tag tasks with project.
  • Added a way to add sub-sub tiddlers as a date-stamped journal of progress to any todo that needs it.

Seriously, like I said: fewer features. Uglier all around. But it helped me learn a lot about tiddlywiki development and I'm used to it now, so here it is.


A Tiddlywiki plugin for managing projects and todos.

License:MIT License


Language:Makefile 42.7%Language:CSS 42.3%Language:Shell 15.0%