drgomesp / searcher

Searcher core

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What is that?

Searcher is a library created in order to simplify construction of complex searching queries basing on passed models. It's basic idea is to split each searching filter to separate class. Supported PHP versions: >=5.4, 7 and HHVM.


Did you ever seen code responsible for searching some entities basing on many different criteria? It can be quite a mess! Imagine that you have a form with 20 fields and all of them have their impact on searching conditions. It's maybe not a great idea to pass whole form to some service at let it parse everything in one place. Thanks to this library you can split the responsibility of imposing conditions to several smaller classes. One class per model (field). In this way in one FilterImposer you only care for one FilterModel, which makes it a lot more readable. You can later use exactly the same FilterModel for different search, with different FilterImposer and different SearchingContext which can use different database.


You can install the library via composer by typing:

composer require krzysztof-gzocha/searcher


Integration with Symfony is done in SearcherBundle


  • FilterImposer - will impose new conditions for single model
  • FilterModel - model that will be passed to FilterImposer. It has to be populated from (for example) user input
  • SearchingContext - context of single search. This service should know how to fetch results from constructed query and it holds something called QueryBuilder, but it can be anything that works for you. This is an abstraction layer between search and database. There is different context for Doctrine's ORM, ODM, Elastica and so on,
  • Searcher - holds collection of FilterImposer and will pass FilterModel to apropriate FilterImposer.


Let's say we want to search for people whose age is in some filterd range. In this example we will use Doctrine's QueryBuilder, so we will use QueryBuilderSearchingContext and will specify in FilterImposer that it should interact only with Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder, but we do not have to use only Doctrine.

First of all we would need to create AgeRangeFilterModel - the class that will holds values of minimal and maximal age. There are already implemented default FilterModels in here.

class AgeRangeFilterModel implements FilterModelInterface
    private $minimalAge;
    private $maximalAge;

    * Only required method.
    * If will return true, then it will be passed to some of the FilterImposer(s)
    public function isImposed()
        return null !== $this->minimalAge && null !== $this->maximalAge;

    // getters, setters, what ever

In second step we would like to specify conditions that should be imposed for this model. That's why we would need to create AgeRangeFilterImposer

class AgeRangeFilterImposer implements FilterImposerInterface
    public function imposeFilter(
        FilterModelInterface $filterModel,
        SearchingContextInterface $searchingContext
    ) {
            ->andWhere('e.age >= :minimalAge')
            ->andWhere('e.age <= :maximalAge')
            ->setParameter('minimalAge', $filterModel->getMinimalAge())
            ->setParameter('maximalAge', $filterModel->getMaximalAge());

    public function supportsModel(
        FilterModelInterface $filterModel
    ) {
        // No need to check isImposed(). Searcher will check it
        return $filterModel instanceof AgeRangeFilterModel;

    * You can skip this method if you will extend from QueryBuilderFilterImposer.
    public function supportsSearchingContext(
        SearchingContextInterface $searchingContext
    ) {
        return $searchingContext instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;

In next steps we would need to create collections for both: models and imposers.

$imposers = new FilterImposerCollection();

$imposers->addFilterImposer(new AgeRangeFilterImposer());
$imposers->addFilterImposer(/** rest of filter imposers */);
$ageRangeModel = new AgeRangeModel();

// We have to populate the model before searching

$models = new FilterModelCollection();
$models->addFilterModel(/** rest of models */);

Now we would like to create our SearchingContext and populate it with QueryBuilder taken from Doctrine ORM.

$context  = new QueryBuilderSearchingContext($queryBuilder);

$searcher = new Searcher($imposers, $context);
$searcher->results($models); // Yay, we have our results!

If there is even small chance that your QueryBuilder will return null when you are expecting traversable object or array then you can use WrappedResultsSearcher instead of normal Searcher class. It will act exactly the same as Searcher, but it will return ResultCollection, which will work only with array or \Traversable and if result will be just null your code will still work. Here is how it will looks like:

$searcher = new WrappedResultsSearcher(new Searcher($imposers, $context));
$results = $searcher->results($model);  // instance of ResultCollection
foreach ($results as $result) {
    // will work!

foreach ($results->getResults() as $result) {
    // Since ResultCollection has method getResults(0 this will also work!


In order to sort your results you can make use of already implemented FilterModel. You don't need to implement it from scratch. Keep in mind that you still need to implement your FilterImposer for it (this feature is still under development). Let's say you want to order your results and you need value p.id in your FilterImposer to do it, but you would like to show it as pid to end-user. Nothing simpler! This is how you can create FilterModel:

$mappedFields = ['pid' => 'p.id', 'valueForUser' => 'valueForImposer'];
$model = new MappedOrderByAdapter(
    new OrderByFilterModel('pid'),
// $model->getMappedOrderBy() = 'p.id'
// $model->getOrderBy() = 'pid'

Of course you don't need to use MappedOrderByAdapter - you can use just OrderByFilterModel, but then user will know exactly what fields are beeing used to sort.


FilterModel for pagination is also implemented and you don't need to do it, but keep in mind that you still need to implement FilterImposer that will make use of this FilterModel and do actual pagination (this feature is under development). Let's say you want to allow your end-user to change pages, but not number of items per page. You can use this example code:

$model = new ImmutablePaginationAdapter(
  new PaginationFilterModel($page = 1, $itemsPerPage = 50)
// $model->setItemsPerPage(250);    <- use can try to change it
// $model->getItemsPerPage() = 50   <- but he can't actualy do it
// $model->getPage() = 1

Of course if you want to allow user to change number of items per page also you can skip the ImmutablePaginationAdapter and use just PaginationFilterModel.


All ideas and pull requests are welcomed and appreciated :)


Command to run test: composer test

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In alphabetical order


Searcher core


Language:PHP 100.0%