drgmr / tagger

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A small application to add tags to your GitHub repositories.

External requirements

If you want to make real requests to the Github API, keep in mind an API Key is necessary. To create a new one, use the following steps:

  • Go to GitHub's Personal Access Tokens management page
  • Create a new token with the public_repo scope
  • Save the token in a secure palce - you'll only be able to do so now

This token should be exported as the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable before running the app.

Tooling requirements

You'll need a recent version of docker and docker-compose - more information available on the official documentation:

Running the development server

After installing the tooling requirements, do the following:

  • Run docker-compose up (or docker-compose up -d to detach from Postgres' logs)
  • Attach a terminal session to the server container with docker exec -it tagger-server bash
  • cd into /opt/app
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Export your configuration according to the External requirements section
  • Start Phoenix with iex -S mix phx.server
  • Enjoy your interactive session

Direct access for usage with your preffered tools will be available on:

  • Server app's endpoint: localhost:4000
  • Database server: localhost:5678

API documentation will be available at /opt/app/doc/swagger.json after compiling the project.

Known limitations and possible improvements

  • The routes for browsing starred respositories are not obvious from a simple route listing - the documentation is necessary for an user to discover that
  • There's no access control or user management
  • A deployment process is not yet completely set up. Ideally a release would use the running environment's configuration to access external resources (DNS for database access, runtime environment variables for secrets, etc)
  • There's no paging support in place for browsing repositories yet
  • Error handling is not ideal at the Web API level. This still needs a better mapping of possible errors with proper specs - then the fallback controller should be able to handle with more precision each error case.



Language:Elixir 100.0%