dremin / k33nbot

A plugin-based Discord bot for gaming community-centric features.

Home Page:https://k33ngaming.com

Repository from Github https://github.comdremin/k33nbotRepository from Github https://github.comdremin/k33nbot


A simple Discord bot for displaying game server status.


  1. Create at least one bot in the Discord developer portal.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Copy config-example.json to ~/k33nbot.json
  4. Customize k33nbot.json
  5. npm install
  6. node index.js


K33NBot has a flexible configuration. An instance of K33NBot can consist of one or many bots. Each bot can have one or many actions. Actions have a command associated with them, as well as a plugin, which defines what the action does.

Use the included config-example.json as an example of proper syntax to base your configuration from.

General configuration

  • debug - true or false. Controls the amount of console output.

Bot configuration

  • type - Specifies the behavior of the bot. Current options are discordClient and discordWebhook.
  • options - An array of options that are specific to the bot type defined.
  • actions - An array of actions for the bot, detailed in the next section.

Bot type-specific options

Each bot type may have options that can be used to customize its behavior. Some options may be required, while others are optional.


  • actionPrefix - Messages beginning with this prefix, followed by an action command, will be executed by this bot.
  • defaultPresence - If present, always adds this string to the bot's presence text.
  • token - The Discord API token to use for the bot.


  • webhookUrl - The webhook URL.

Action configuration

  • plugin - Specifies the behavior of the action. Current options are battlemetrics, fivem, mcserverstatus, message, and timer.
  • command - Messages beginning with the bot's actionPrefix, followed by this command, will execute this action.
  • options - An array of options that are specific to the plugin defined.

Plugin-specific options

Each action plugin may have options that can be used to customize its behavior. Some options may be required, while others are optional.


Allows manipulation of configuration JSON.

  • allowedRole - Users in this role can use this plugin.


The battlemetrics plugin has only been tested with Project Zomboid and Rust servers.

  • name - Name to show for the server in the bot's presence.
  • thumbnail - URL of thumbnail to show in the reply embed.
  • image - URL of image banner to show in the reply embed.
  • serverId - Battlemetrics ID for the server.

fivem and fivem2

  • name - Name to show for the server in the bot's presence.
  • thumbnail - URL of thumbnail to show in the reply embed.
  • image - URL of image banner to show in the reply embed.
  • server - IP:port of the FiveM server.


Send a message to a specific channel whenever a new person joins the server.

  • channel - Name of channel to send the message to.


  • name - Name to show for the server in the bot's presence.
  • thumbnail - URL of thumbnail to show in the reply embed.
  • image - URL of image banner to show in the reply embed.
  • server - IP:port of the Minecraft server.


Reply to a command with a message.

  • message - Message to reply with.
  • presence - Text to append to the bot's presence.
  • useEmbed - If true, sends the message using embed formatting.


Send a message to a specific channel at the specified interval.

  • channel - Name of channel to send the message to.
  • interval - Number of seconds between sending the message.
  • message - The message to send.

Need help?

Sorry! This bot comes as-is, without support.

© 2019 K33N Gaming Community


A plugin-based Discord bot for gaming community-centric features.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%