dreadl0ck / netcap-dbs

Database Collection for NETCAP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a collection of various open sourced databases with information that netcap uses for audit record enrichment and correlation.

Some data sources are used in original form, some are preprocessed.




To clone this repo you need to install the LFS git plugin to handle large files.

Apt/deb: sudo apt-get install git-lfs
Yum/rpm: sudo yum install git-lfs
MacOS: brew install git-lfs
Windows: ???

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Data Sources

The following data sources are included:

Wappalyzer Technologies Database

Provides common attributes of web frameworks for identification.

Source: https://github.com/AliasIO/wappalyzer/blob/master/src/technologies.json

License: MIT

Fingerbank Open Sourced DHCP Fingerprints

Fingerprinted DHCP devices will be enriched with information from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/karottc/fingerbank/master/upstream/startup/fingerprints.csv

It can be used to get a small fraction of the Fingerbank database for offline lookups, however beware these are likely outdated.

It is also possible to authenticate to the Fingerbank API via API key for more accurate lookups.

License: Commercial

Domain Whitelist (Alexa Top 1 million)

Commonly seen domains on the web, mostly from legitimate companies not known to distribute malicious software.

Be aware that some malicious domains made it into this list in the past, but this list is still useful to filter out likely harmless traffic on big datasets.

Source: http://s3.amazonaws.com/alexa-static/top-1m.csv.zip

License: MIT

MaxMind GeoLite2 CC Databases

For retrieving geographic City and ASN information about an IP address.

This repository contains the last version of the database that was distributed under the Creative Commons license (from the 27th of December 2019, backed up the by the web archive).

For obtaining the latest version, you have to sign up at maxmind and agree to their terms of service:


To ensure the latest version is not accidentally pushed into the repository pre-commit and post-commit git hooks are used, essentially hot swapping the versions in the repository root with the CC licensed ones on every commit.

License: CC / Commercial

HASSHDB from AdelKa

Various SSH fingerprints, used to enrich SSH audit records.

Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0x4D31/hassh-utils/master/hasshdb

License: BSD3

Ja3 associated Client and Server Fingerprints

Associated Ja3 client and server fingerprints for a handful of OS and browser variants.

Recorded in our lab environment during our research project for the Offensive Technologies course.

Used to increase accuracy for software identification.

Filename: ja_3_3s.json

License: MIT

Ja3 Fingerprints and UserAgents from Ja3er.com

TLS client and server hashes and associated user agents for threat hunting, from https://ja3er.com.

Source Hashes: https://ja3er.com/getAllHashesJson

Source UserAgents: https://ja3er.com/getAllUasJson

License: None provided

Trisul Ja3 Fingerprints


TODO: integrate new repo https://github.com/trisulnsm/ja3prints

License: None provided

Macaddress.io Database

Mac OUI to Vendor Names and registered addresses.

Source: https://macaddress.io/database-download

License: https://macaddress.io/terms-of-service

Nmap Service Probes


License: NPSL (https://nmap.org/npsl)

User Agent Parser Regexes

Regular expressions to identify the software behind a useragent more accurately.

Used to create additional software audit records based on HTTP user agent observations.

Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tobie/ua-parser/master/regexes.yaml

License: Apache 2

IANA Service Names to Port Numbers

Ports mapped to services for TCP and UDP, used to enrich the service audit records.

Source: https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.csv

NVD vulnerabilities indexed in a BleveDB

Used to lookup identified software products and search for known vulnerabilities.

Indexed in a bleve database.

Source: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/data-feeds#JSON_FEED


The entire NVD database can be downloaded from this web page for public use. All NIST publications are available in the public domain according to Title 17 of the United States Code, however acknowledgement of the NVD when using our information is always appreciated.

Exploit-db indexed in a BleveDB

Used to lookup identified software products and search for applicable exploit PoC code.

Indexed in a bleve database.

Source: https://github.com/offensive-security/exploitdb


Further Licensing Details

The LICENSES file contains all licenses of data sources that provide one.
If you think that something should not be listed here please get in touch.



Database Collection for NETCAP


Language:Shell 100.0%