drbabol / drbabol

Hi there!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

👋 Hi there! I'm Luca

  • 👨‍💻 I am currently working as a LoRaWAN Logger & Gateway Specialist, learning new technologies and the fascinating world of these embedded devices. I previously worked as a Project Engineer | Project Manager, for projects related to electromechanical systems on streets, highways and tunnels in the Swiss area.

  • ❤️ I decided to learn more about software development, a personal passion that I have never had a chance to explore further, until now. I love automating processes and continuous improvement; it is my lifestyle. As a great quote says: “if you do what you love, you will not work a single day of your life”.

  • 🌐 Passionate about Bitcoin and blockchain technology.


Hi there!