dragonir / react-router-tutorial

react-router-tutorial v4

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在这个项目中,我们将为一所大学构建一个网站,用于追踪学生信息和班级注册信息。在不同视图(views)之间,我们将使用React Router进行导航,花些时间来熟悉我们已经提供给你的以下组件。

  • App 将会作为我们应用的最顶层组件。
  • Home 将作为应用首次加载时的主页,它也将展示大学的班级信息.
  • About 将作为展示大学相关信息的页面。
    • History 将作为about页面的镶嵌视图,用于展示大学的历史信息。
    • Contact 将作为about页面的镶嵌视图,用于展示大学的联系信息。
  • ClassList 用于展示所有注册学生的具体课程。
  • Student 用于展示受欢迎学生的详细信息。




  • forkclone 这个仓库。
  • 使用 cd 命令进入项目目录 。
  • 运行 npm install
    • json-server 是安装的依赖中的其中一个包。
    • 这个库将模拟一个 REST api,使得你可以使用 HTTP 请求获取学生数据。
      • 这些数据被储存在 ./db.json
    • 另一个为你安装的库是 concurrently
    • 这个库允许我们在单个终端窗口中运行多个脚本。
  • 运行 npm start 来开启开发服务器 以及 json-server.

步骤 1


在这一步,我们将安装配置react router所需要的额外配置,然后我们将创建一个该项目所需要的路由。


  • 安装 React Router (npm install --save react-router-dom)。
  • ./src目录下创建一个名为 routes.js的文件,并打开它。
  • 在该文件中进行路由配置:
    • 将以下组件作为routes:
      • ./src/components/Home/Home.js
      • ./src/components/About/About.js
    • 在你的路由中使用以下路径和组件组合:
      • Path: "/" - Component: Home - 这个路径应该是 exact.
      • Path: "/about" - Component: About.

让我们从安装 react-router-dom 开始,它可以允许我们在React应用中使用路由。我们可以在终端中使用指令 npm install --save react-router-dom 进行安装。在终端中确认好使用 cd 指令进入项目的根目录中。

现在我们有了 react-router-dom ,让我们创建一个用来包含所有路由的JavaScript文件。在项目 .src/ 目录下,我们创建一个名为 routes.js 的文件,在该文件的顶部,我们需要从 react 导入 React,从 react-router-dom 导入 SwitchRoute

import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

我们也需要将用户可以通过路由访问的组件导入。在这个例子中,让我们导入 HomeAbout 组件。

import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home/Home';
import About from './components/About/About';

现在我们在 routes.js 中已经有了所有的依赖,我们可以使用 export default 表达式来导出这个路由。我们路径时 /exact 路由来加载 Home 组件,路径是 /about 的路由来加载 About 组件。

export default (
    <Route component={ Home } exact path="/" />
    <Route component={ About } path="/about" />


import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home/Home';
import About from './components/About/About';

export default (
    <Route component={ Home } exact path="/" />
    <Route component={ About } path="/about" />

步骤 2


在这一步中,我们将把在./src/routes.js中配置的路由添加到我们的应用 ./src/index.js 中。


  • 打开 ./src/index.js.
  • Import HashRouter from react-router-dom.
  • Wrap the App component in a HashRouter component.
  • Open ./src/App.js.
  • Import routes from ./routes.js.
  • Underneath the nav element render the routes JSX.

让我们从打开 ./src/index.js 开始,在该组件顶部从 react-router-dom 中导入 HashRouter。我们需要用这个 HashRouter 组件包裹我们的React应用,以便于路由生效。

    <App />
, document.getElementById('root'));

现在我们的应用被 HashRouter 包裹着,我们可以在app的任意地方渲染我们的路由。让我们打开 ./src/App.js ,并在文件顶部导入 ./src/routes.js 。然后,在 render 方法中,让我们在 nav 元素下层渲染我们的路由。

render() {
  return (
      <nav className='nav'>
        <div>WestSide University</div> 
        <div className='link-wrap'>
          <div className='links'>Home</div>
          <div className='links'>About</div> 

      { routes }


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { HashRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import './main.css';
import App from './App';

    <App />
, document.getElementById('root'));
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import routes from './routes';

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <nav className='nav'>
          <div>WestSide University</div> 
          <div className='link-wrap'>
            <div className='links'>Home</div>
            <div className='links'>About</div> 

        { routes }

步骤 3




  • 打开 src/App.js.
  • react-router-dom 引入 Link .
  • 找到className为 linksdiv 元素:
    • div 元素替换为 Link 组件.
    • Home 的链接应该被设置为 /.
    • About 的链接应该被设置为 /about.

让我们从打开 src/App.js 开始,在该文件顶部从 react-router-dom 引入 LinkLink 组件允许我们在DOM中添加可点击的链接,以便于用户可以使用应用的导航。有两个类名为 linksdiv 元素,让我们用有相同类名的 Link 元素替换 div 元素。Link 组件使用一个 to 属性来决定导航到哪条路由。对于home路由,我们想使用 / 路径,对于about路由,我们想使用 /about 路径。

<Link to="/" className='links'>Home</Link>
<Link to="/about" className='links'>About</Link> 


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import routes from './routes';

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <nav className='nav'>
          <div>WestSide University</div> 
          <div className='link-wrap'>
            <Link to="/" className='links'>Home</Link>
            <Link to="/about" className='links'>About</Link>

        { routes }

步骤 4


在这一步中,我们将为 ClassList 组件添加一个新的路由,我们将同样在 Home 组件中添加 Link 组件,为每个列出的课程(数学、英语、生物)添加路由。ClassList 组件将需要为学生渲染一个具体课程,为了实现该功能,我们需要使用route params路由参数。


  • 打开 src/routes.js
  • 引入ClassList 组件,将其作为一个路由。
  • 创建一个 ClassList 路由,携带以下特性:
    • Path: /classlist/:class - Component: ClassList.
  • 打开 src/Home/Home.js.
  • 引入 Link from react-router-dom
  • 对每个 button 元素使用一个 Link 组件包裹.
  • 每个链接应该跳转到 /classlist ,并且携带以下参数:
    • Math 1010 - /classlist/MATH1010
    • English 2010 - /classlist/ENG2010
    • Biology 2020 - /classlist/BIO2020

Let's begin by opening src/routes.js and importing the ClassList at the top of the file with the other imported components. For this component, we are going to make use of routing parameters. This will allow us to use a single component that can know what dataset to load by looking at the parameter. For example: the math parameter will be MATH1010, when the component loads and reads MATH1010 we can select all the students from db.json with the class of MATH1010. If that doesn't make sense entirely don't worry, we'll go into more detail in later steps.

For now let's add a new route that uses a path of /classlist/:class and uses a component of ClassList. The :class indicates a route parameter called class in the url. We'll cover how to access the route parameter in a later step.

<Route component={ ClassList } path="/classlist/:class" />

Now that we have our new route setup in ./src/routes.js, let's open up ./src/components/Home/Home.js and import Link from react-router-dom at the top of the file. The Home component renders three buttons for the classes, let's update those buttons to be wrapped in a Link component. For Math, we'll want to route /classlist/MATH1010. For English, we'll want to route to /classlist/ENG2010. And for Biology, we'll want to route to /classlist/BIO2020. If you're wondering why it's specifically MATH1010, ENG2010, and BIO2020; it's so that we can map over the db.json and make a class match. A student's class property will equal one of those three strings.

render() {
  return (
    <div className="box">
      <Link to='/classlist/MATH1010'><button className='btn'>Math 1010</button></Link>
      <Link to='/classlist/ENG2010'><button className='btn'>English 2010</button></Link>
      <Link to='/classlist/BIO2020'><button className='btn'>Biology 2020</button></Link>


import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home/Home';
import About from './components/About/About';
import ClassList from './components/ClassList/ClassList';

export default (
    <Route component={ Home } exact path="/" />
    <Route component={ About } path="/about" />
    <Route component={ ClassList } path="/classlist/:class" />
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

export default class Home extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="box">
        <Link to='/classlist/MATH1010'><button className='btn'>Math 1010</button></Link>
        <Link to='/classlist/ENG2010'><button className='btn'>English 2010</button></Link>
        <Link to='/classlist/BIO2020'><button className='btn'>Biology 2020</button></Link>


步骤 5


在这一步中,我们将更新 ClassList 组件中学生注册的具体课程。为了拿到这些数据,我们将通过向我们的 json-server 进行 HTTP 请求,查询 class 路由参数等于什么。


  • 打开 src/components/ClassList/ClassList.js
  • 创建一个构造函数,初始化一个带有 students 属性的状态。
    • students 默认值因该是一个空数组.
  • 创建一个 componentDidMount 方法,用于向 json-server 进行 HTTP 请求:
    • 安装 axios ,并且在组件中 import .
    • json-server 的API url是 http://localhost:3005/students?class=.
      • Class 应该等于 MATH1010 OR ENG2010 OR BIO2020 之一,取决于路由参数是什么。
      • 提示: react-router-dom 向一个组件的 props 传递一个 match 对象。
    • 使用向API 请求的返回值数据更新 state 中的 students 数组。
  • 找到组件中的 render 方法。
  • 使用 map 遍历 students 数组,用 h3 标签返回学生的 firstlast 姓名。
    • 记住React在mapped元素中需要一个唯一的 key 属性。
    • 使用 first_namelast_name 作为特性。
  • h2 标签下面, 渲染 mapped 遍历出的学生。
  • 更新 h1 标签,用于展示页面的课程名称。
    • 提示: react-router-dom 向组件的 props 传递一个 match 对象。

Let's begin by opening ./src/components/ClassList/ClassList.js. In the constructor method, let's initialize state to have a property called students that equals an empty array. This is where we'll store our returned data from hitting the json-server.

constructor() {

  this.state = {
    students: []

Now that we have somewhere to store our API results, let's focus on the code to actually make the API request. First, we'll need axios. Let's use npm install --save axios to add it to our project and also import it at the top of our component. After that, let's create a componentDidMount lifecycle method. This will allow us to get our students as soon as possible.

componentDidMount() {


Since we are fetching data, let's make a GET request to the API url: http://localhost:3005/students?class= where class equals the current class page. react-router-dom automatically passes down a couple handy props into the routeable components. One of them is called match. It is an object with a bunch of useful information. One of the properties on match is called params. This is where we can see the value of any route parameters. Our route parameter is called class. Therefore, we can access it by using this.props.match.params.class.

That means our GET request url should look like: http://localhost:3005/students?class=${ this.props.match.params.class }. We can then capture the results of this API request and use setState to update the value of students to be the result's data.

axios.get(`http://localhost:3005/students?class=${ this.props.match.params.class }`).then( results => {
    students: results.data

Now that we have our students coming in from our json-server, let's use a map in the render method to render each student's first and last name in a h3 element. Remember the react requires mapped elements to have a unique key property. In this case, we'll just use the index of the map.

render() {
  const students = this.state.students.map((student, i) => (
    <h3 key={ i }>{ student.first_name } { student.last_name }</h3>

  return (
    <div className='box'>


We can then use { } to render the h3 elements under the h2 element.

render() {
  const students = this.state.students.map((student, i) => (
    <h3 key={ i }>{ student.first_name } { student.last_name }</h3>

  return (
    <div className='box'>
      { students }

Lastly, we just need to update the h1 element to display the current class. Just like how we accessed the route parameter for our axios request, we can do the same thing here using { } in our JSX.

<h1>{ this.props.match.params.class }</h1>


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

export default class ClassList extends Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      students: []

  componentDidMount() {
    axios.get(`http://localhost:3005/students?class=${ this.props.match.params.class }`).then( results => {
        students: results.data

  render() {
    const students = this.state.students.map((student, i) => (
      <h3 key={ i }>{ student.first_name } { student.last_name }</h3>

    return (
      <div className='box'>
        <h1>{ this.props.match.params.class }</h1>
        { students }

步骤 6


在这一步中,我们将开始在 ./src/components/Student/Student.js 组件中设置学生的详细视图。Student 组件应该能够渲染所给的的任何学生,为了实现该功能,我们将使用路由参数作为一个学生的ID。


  • 打开 ./src/routes.js.
  • 引入 Student 组件作为一条路由。
  • 创建一个 Student 路由具备以下特性:
    • Path: /student/:id - Component: Student
  • 打开 ./src/components/ClassList/ClassList.js
  • react-router-dom 引入 Link 组件。
  • 使用 Link 组件包裹 h3 标签。
  • Link 组件设置 to 属性 /student/:id, 其中 id 应该等于学生的ID。
    • 记得将唯一的 key 属性移动到map渲染的最外层元素上。

Let's begin by opening ./src/routes.js and import the Student component at the top of the file with the other components. We'll need to make a new route for this Student component that uses an id route parameter. Similarly to how we did it with the ClassList component, we can use axios to fetch a specific student on load by making a match to the id property. For example, if id equaled 1 we could fetch a student where the id equaled 1. The path for this route should be /student/:id.

<Route component={ Student } path='/student/:id' />

Now that we have our Student route setup, let's open the ClassList component and import the Link component from react-router-dom. We'll need to update our map in the render method to wrap the h3 element in a Link component. In this map, we have access to all the student's properties. Therefore, if we need the id, we can access it by student.id. Let's set the to prop of the Link component to be /student/${ student.id }. We'll also need to move the key prop onto the Link component since it'll now be the most parent item.

const students = this.state.students.map((student, i) => (
  <Link to={`/student/${student.id}`} key={ i }>
    <h3>{ student.first_name } { student.last_name }</h3>


import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home/Home';
import About from './components/About/About';
import ClassList from './components/ClassList/ClassList';
import Student from './components/Student/Student';

export default (
    <Route component={ Home } exact path="/" />
    <Route component={ About } path="/about" />
    <Route component={ ClassList } path='/classlist/:class' />
    <Route component={ Student } path='/student/:id' />
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import axios from 'axios';

export default class ClassList extends Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      students: []

  componentDidMount() {
    axios.get(`http://localhost:3005/students?class=${ this.props.match.params.class }`).then( results => {
        students: results.data

  render() {
    const students = this.state.students.map((student, i) => (
      <Link to={`/student/${student.id}`} key={ i }>
        <h3>{ student.first_name } { student.last_name }</h3>

    return (
      <div className='box'>
        <h1>{ this.props.match.params.class }</h1>
        { students }


步骤 7


在这一步中,我们将更新 Student 组件,以展示一个具体学生的信息,为了得到这个信息,我们将查询路由参数中的 id,然后用它结合 axiosHTTP 请求从我们的 json-server 中获取数据。


  • 打开 src/components/Student/Student.js.
  • 创建一个构造方法 constructor ,初始化一个名为 studentInfo 的状态。
    • studentInfo 默认值应该是一个空对象。
  • 创建一个componentDidMount 方法,用于向 json-server 进行 HTTP 请求:
    • 在组件中引入 axios
    • json-server API url 为 http://localhost:3005/students/ID_GOES_HERE
      • ID_GOES_HERE 应该等于学生的 id。
      • 提示: react-router-dom 向组件 props 传递一个 match 对象。
    • 使用从API中返回的数据更新状态中的 studentInfo 对象。
  • 找到组件中的 render 方法。
  • h1 标签下面, 展示状态中 studentInfo 的特性:
    • first_namelast_name 写在一个 h1 标签中。
    • 文字 Grade: 后面紧跟 grade 特性,将其写在一个 h3 标签中。
    • 文字 Email: 后面紧跟 email 特性,将其写在一个 h3 标签中。

Let's begin by opening src/components/Student/Student.js and import axios at the top of the file with the other imports. We'll need a place to store our data from hitting the API, let's update the constructor method to have a property called studentInfo that defaults to an empty object.

constructor() {

  this.state = {
    studentInfo: {}

Now that we have somewhere to store the data, let's create a componentDidMount method. Inside this method let's use axios to make a GET request to http://localhost:3005/students/ID_GOES_HERE. Similarly to ClassList, we can access the id for the given student on the match object that react-router-dom passes into our routeable components. Therefore, our API url would look like: http://localhost:3005/students/${this.props.match.params.id}. Let's capture the results of this GET request and use the data to update the value of studentInfo on state.

componentDidMount() {
  return axios.get(`http://localhost:3005/students/${this.props.match.params.id}`).then( results => {
      studentInfo: results.data

Now that we have the student data coming in, we can go into the render method and display the pieces of the student's information. Let's put the student's first_name and last_name within a h1 tag and let's put the grade and email in their own h3 tags.

render() {
  return (
    <div className='box'>
      <h1>{this.state.studentInfo.first_name} {this.state.studentInfo.last_name}</h1>
      <h3>Grade: {this.state.studentInfo.grade}</h3>
      <h3>Email: {this.state.studentInfo.email}</h3>


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

export default class Student extends Component {
  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      studentInfo: {}

  componentDidMount() {
    return axios.get(`http://localhost:3005/students/${this.props.match.params.id}`).then( results => {
        studentInfo: results.data
  render() {
    return (
      <div className='box'>
        <h1>{this.state.studentInfo.first_name} {this.state.studentInfo.last_name}</h1>
        <h3>Grade: {this.state.studentInfo.grade}</h3>
        <h3>Email: {this.state.studentInfo.email}</h3>

步骤 8


在这一步中,我们将添加一个导航栏,用于联系 About, History, 和 Contact 组件。


  • 打开 src/components/About/About.js
  • react-router-dom 中引入 Link 组件。
  • 在含有className subnavdiv 中,添加3个 h3 标签,标签中写入以下文字:
    • About
    • History
    • Contact
  • 用包含以下路径的 Link 组件包裹 h3 标签:
    • About - /about
    • History - /about/history
    • Contact - /about/contact
  • 给每个 Link 组件设置类名 className 为 subnav_links.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

export default class About extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <div className='subnav'>
          <Link to='/about' className='subnav_links'><h3>About</h3></Link>
          <Link to='/about/history' className='subnav_links'><h3>History</h3></Link>
          <Link to='/about/contact' className='subnav_links'><h3>Contact</h3></Link>
        <div className='box'>

步骤 9


在这一步中,我们将为About, History, 和 Contact 组件创建子路由。在这一步中,我们将避免使用过于详细的提示,给你一些小小的挑战。用你在前面步骤中学到的知识完成它。如果陷入困境,你可以查看答案。


  • 打开 src/components/About/About.js
  • react-router-dom 中引入 SwitchRoute
  • 引入 HistoryContact 组件。
  • 在className为 boxdiv 标签中 , 添加一个 Switch 组件。
  • Switch 组件中添加3个路由:
    • 第一个和第二个路由应该分别指向 HistoryContact 组件。
      • 提示: 对于这些组件的路径应该和 Link 组件的 to 属性使用相同的值。
    • 第三个路由应该在路径为 /aboutexact 渲染 JSX ( 而不是一个组件 ) 。
    • 为了渲染JSX而不是一个组件,你可以使用一个相当于一个返回JSX的函数的 render 属性。
      • 关于 JSX
          <h1 className='title'>About WestSide University:</h1>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod eu lorem et ultricies. In porta lorem at dui semper porttitor. Nullam quis cursus dui. Cras tincidunt vehicula tellus eu facilisis. Donec nisi turpis, iaculis et arcu a, aliquet ultrices nisl. Nam in pharetra odio, ac blandit metus. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent elementum diam non orci cursus rutrum. Pellentesque condimentum ultrices dignissim. Sed a tempor ligula, vel luctus sapien. Mauris vehicula rutrum massa. Duis condimentum, ex quis ullamcorper rhoncus, erat libero tempor arcu, condimentum facilisis tellus lectus ut nunc. Pellentesque vitae faucibus diam. Vestibulum eu erat ex. Ut justo neque, varius aliquet erat vel, scelerisque convallis lacus. Mauris semper lorem mauris, sed dignissim eros consectetur nec.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Switch, Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import History from '../History/History';
import Contact from '../Contact/Contact';

export default class About extends Component {
  render() {
      return (
          <div className='subnav'>
            <Link to='/about' className='subnav_links'><h3>About</h3></Link>
            <Link to='/about/history' className='subnav_links'><h3>History</h3></Link>
            <Link to='/about/contact' className='subnav_links'><h3>Contact</h3></Link>

          <div className='box'>
              <Route path='/about/history' component={ History }/>
              <Route path='/about/contact' component={ Contact }/>
              <Route path='/about' render={() => (
                    <h1>About the University</h1>
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod eu lorem et ultricies. In porta lorem at dui semper porttitor. Nullam quis cursus dui. Cras tincidunt vehicula tellus eu facilisis. Donec nisi turpis, iaculis et arcu a, aliquet ultrices nisl. Nam in pharetra odio, ac blandit metus. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent elementum diam non orci cursus rutrum. Pellentesque condimentum ultrices dignissim. Sed a tempor ligula, vel luctus sapien. Mauris vehicula rutrum massa. Duis condimentum, ex quis ullamcorper rhoncus, erat libero tempor arcu, condimentum facilisis tellus lectus ut nunc. Pellentesque vitae faucibus diam. Vestibulum eu erat ex. Ut justo neque, varius aliquet erat vel, scelerisque convallis lacus. Mauris semper lorem mauris, sed dignissim eros consectetur nec.</p>


尝试在学生详情页 Student 添加一个路由返回课程列表页 ClassList 的返回按钮。你也可以在课程课程列表页 ClassList 添加一个路由返回到首页 Home 的按钮。


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react-router-tutorial v4


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