dragoncoder047 / tinobsy

TINy OBject SYstem for C++. Garbage collector is included

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A tiny object system and garbage collector written in C. No included scripting language, but I'm working on one and will share it once Tinobsy is complete.


  • Infinitely possible types.
  • Lightweight. Each object is less than 100 bytes.
  • Garbage-collected. Includes both a reference-counting collector (for speed) and a full mark-and-sweep (to prevent memory leaks).
  • Includes thread management support. (OS-agnostic, thread spawn/kill support not implemented here.)
  • Includes setjmp-based non-local control flow capabilities.
  • Two-file C++ header/source combination.


To start, you will need to create a "virtual machine" object, and free it after you are done using it. This is done with the usual C++ new/delete:

auto my_vm = new tinobsy::vm();
// do stuff
delete vm;

Once you have done that you can declare type schemas and allocate objects:

tinobsy::object_schema my_type("MyType", ..., ..., ...); // see below for what to put in place of the ...'s
auto my_object = vm->allocate(&my_type);

The object is still "attached" internally to the VM you created, so you don't need to free it manually (and you can't anyway, because the destructor is private). It will be cleaned up automatically along with the VM when the VM is freed. The object schema is not -- you have to manage it yourself. (The easiest way is to statically allocate it; types don't change that much at all.)


my_object->meta points to another tinobsy::object*, which can be used for metadata (superclass, properties, etc).

The payload of the object is a large union, which is divided into two car and cdr cells. (The terminology is taken from Lisp.)

  • The car cell can be a object*, void*, char*, int32_t, or float.
  • Similarly, the cdr can be a tobject*, void*, function_pointer, int32_t, uint32_t, or float.
    • A function_pointer is a bare C function pointer (not a std::function), that takes two arguments (tinobsy::thread* thread, void* context) and returns a void*. The two pointers are void* because they are not actually used by Tinobsy and can be cast to anything you want.
  • Additionally, int64_t and double fields span both car and cdr fields.


Tinobsy places virtually no restrictions on what can be stored in an object. To be able to handle different types, the Tinobsy VM must be made aware of what to do with the payload of the object; this is done through tinobsy::object_schema objects. As stated above, the type schema's memory is not managed by the VM -- you have to manage it yourself.

They are simply a struct of four values: the type's name (const char* const), and four function pointers indicating what to do with the object during the three phases of the object's lifetime:

  • The first function sets up the object when it is created. This can do anything, such as creating and assigning sub-objects, or allocating memory for a string. It is passed 3 void* pointers along with the object (they don't all need to be used, and all default to NULL).
  • The second function is used for comparing objects for equality. It is passed two objects, and returns an int the same way memcmp() does.
  • The third function takes care of marking the object. The garbage collector calls this when it wants to know what other objects this one points to, so it can determine what is in use and what is garbage. For all of the objects this object points to, call subobject->mark() on each.
  • The fourth function does the reverse of the first: freeing any allocated memory, and decrementing the reference counts of pointed-to objects. It is called when the object is about to be deleted by the garbage collector.

garbage collection

Tinobsy has a hybrid reference-counting and mark-sweep garbage collector. The reference-counting part runs concurrently when objects are allocated and assigned to each other, and the mark-sweep collector is invoked manually.


If an object schema has the second (comparison) function defined, then objects of that type are automatically interned. If an object is allocated that would compare equal with an existing object of the same type, the new object is immediately deleted and the older object is returned instead. This is intended for primitive types such as strings and numbers.

reference counting

When a fresh object is returned from tinobsy::vm::allocate(), its internal reference count is set to 1, corresponding to the C++ pointer it is assigned to.

tinobsy::object::incref() and tinobsy::object::decref() take care of changing the reference count, and additionally, if an object's reference count ever reaches 0, the object is immediately deleted (and reference counts updated recursively).

To simplify the need to update reference counts on every assignment, tinobsy.hpp provides a macro SET(x, y), which takes the place of x = y to additionally maintain proper reference counts, as well as UNSET(x) which is the same as SET(x, NULL) except the compiler won't complain about calling a method on NULL.


Circular references are the Achilles' heel of reference-counting collectors, so Tinobsy also includes a mark-and-sweep garbage collector to be able to collect cyclic garbage.

The garbage collector is invoked by the function tinobsy::vm::gc(). It recursively calls tinobsy::object::mark() on each reachable object (using the object_schema's mark-function), and then deletes all the objects that didn't get marked. It then returns the count of objects deleted.

To protect intermediate structures from being garbage-collected, tinobsy::threads include a gc_stack member for this purpose. This can be made to point to the temporary objects, so they will end up being marked.

error handling

Tinobsy threads have an included jmp_buf* member to allow for error handling. Note that this is a pointer to a jump_buf, not an actual jmp_buf, so you must allocate your own jmp_buf, assign the pointer, and pass the buffer to setjmp().

The function tinobsy::thread::raise(tinobsy::object* error, int signal = 1) throws the error back to the setjmp()'ed point, using the jmp_buf* pointer stored in the thread. The error parameter is stored in the thread->error member to be inspected. The signal parameter is the code to be passed to longjmp(), which can be inspected (see below). As with a bare longjmp(), the jmp_buf must have been initialized before use or bad things will happen!!

The easiest way to handle the setjmp(), jmp_buf, and return code detection easily in Tinobsy is with the macro TRYCATCH(thread, code_that_might_throw, code_to_handle_error) macro. The last two parameters are blocks of code (pretty unusual for a macro). They are used like this:

auto t = get_some_thread();
    // or, explicitly raise an error:
    t->raise(get_error_object(), 22);
}, {
    // This code runs if t->raise() was called
    // You can see what signal code was passed to raise()
    // by inspecting the "sig" variable
    if (sig == 22) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Catch-22!");


TINy OBject SYstem for C++. Garbage collector is included

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 95.3%Language:Makefile 4.7%