draco1023 / cloud-application-starter

Cloud Application Starter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cloud Application Starter: Spring Cloud + Authentication & Authorization Provider (AAP)

To explain it in detail I decided to build a very simple project that demonstrates the power of Spring Cloud and the (objective) beauty of an Authentication & Authorization Provider, all microservices contained in a dedicated Docker container that talk to each other and bootable via docker-compose easily.

For more information I suggest you read the article Deep dive into Microservices Architecture: Spring Cloud connected to an Identity Provider published in Medium.



After cloning the repository, you should run the following command from the project root directory.

mvn clean install -DskipTests

The execution of the previous command installs the artifact of all the modules on its local repository, operation required for the next command that builds the docker images.

The following command builds docker images

mvn -pl cloud-application-config,cloud-application-discovery,cloud-application-gateway,cloud-application-oauth2-authorization-server,cloud-application-microservice-one \
package dockerfile:build

If we wanted to verify that the build of the docker images was successful, you could execute the following command.

docker images cloud-application/*

You should get a result similar to the following As you can see, there are images of the following modules:

  1. cloud-application-microservice-one
  2. cloud-application-oauth2-authorization-server
  3. cloud-application-gateway
  4. cloud-application-discovery
  5. cloud-application-config
REPOSITORY                                                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
cloud-application/cloud-application-microservice-one              latest              2c388e3b3d67        12 minutes ago      148MB
cloud-application/cloud-application-oauth2-authorization-server   latest              9fe3f1120302        12 minutes ago      164MB
cloud-application/cloud-application-gateway                       latest              c3f0f0beafd5        12 minutes ago      149MB
cloud-application/cloud-application-discovery                     latest              81cbc88779e8        12 minutes ago      150MB
cloud-application/cloud-application-config                        latest              018934a5aded        12 minutes ago      150MB


After the build phase of the project (including docker images) you can start the entire project using docker-compose.

Before running the project using docker-compose, verify that the following TCP/IP ports are not already allocated by other services on your workstation.

  1. used by the service cloud-application-db
  2. used by the service cloud-application-config
  3. used by the service cloud-application-discovery
  4. used by the service cloud-application-gateway
  5. used by the service cloud-application-microservice-one
  6. used by the service cloud-application-oauth2-authorization-server
docker-compose up -d cloud-application-db
docker-compose up -d cloud-application-config
docker-compose up -d cloud-application-discovery
docker-compose up -d cloud-application-gateway
docker-compose up -d cloud-application-oauth2-authorization-server
docker-compose up -d cloud-application-microservice-one

After starting all the services, you can check the status of each one, execute the following command.

docker-compose ps

You should get a result like this. I expect all services to be in UP state.

                                  Name                                                 Command                  State                     Ports              
cloud-application-starter_cloud-application-config_1                        java -Djava.security.egd=f ...   Up   >8081/tcp           
cloud-application-starter_cloud-application-db_1                            /entrypoint.sh mysqld            Up (healthy)>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
cloud-application-starter_cloud-application-discovery_1                     java -Djava.security.egd=f ...   Up   >8082/tcp           
cloud-application-starter_cloud-application-gateway_1                       java -Djava.security.egd=f ...   Up   >8080/tcp           
cloud-application-starter_cloud-application-microservice-one_1              java -Djava.security.egd=f ...   Up   >8084/tcp           
cloud-application-starter_cloud-application-oauth2-authorization-server_1   java -Djava.security.egd=f ...   Up   >8083/tcp           

In case you want to see the service log, just run the command docker-compose logs -f

After Start

Install Postman and import my collection (Cloud_Application.postman_collection.json) of services placed on root of the project.

Request access token and use it to call the Hello World service.

Enjoy! :D


Cloud Application Starter


Language:Java 98.0%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%