dr5hn / hello

How To Say ‘Hello’ In Different Languages

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How To Say "Hello" In Different Languages

Sr. Language Formal Informal
1 French Bonjour Salut
2 Spanish Hola ¿Qué tal? (What’s up?)
3 Russian Zdravstvuyte Privet
4 Chinese Nǐn hǎo Nǐ hǎo
5 Italian Salve Ciao
6 Japanese Konnichiwa Yā, Yō
7 Portuguese Olá Oi
8 German Guten Tag Hallo, Hi
9 Korean Anyoung haseyo Anyoung
10 Arabic Asalaam alaikum (Peace be upon you) Ahlan
11 Danish Goddag Hej, Halløj
12 Swahili Shikamoo Habari, Hujambo
13 Dutch Goedendag Hoi, Hallo
14 Greek Yassas Yassou
15 Polish Dzień dobry Cześć, Witaj
16 Indonesian Selamat siang Hallo, Hi
17 Hindi Namaste, Namaskar Hai, Helo
18 Turkish Merhaba Selam
19 Hebrew Shalom Hey
20 Swedish God dag Hej, Tjena
21 Norwegian God dag Hei

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That's all Folks. Enjoy.


How To Say ‘Hello’ In Different Languages


License:MIT License