dr-roshyara / as2-server

This repo implements as2 server to send and receive data from other server

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AS2 Server implementation in Laravel

Clone this project

You can use AS2 Server by cloning this project directly. 
 -Clone the project 
 git clone https://github.com/dr-roshyara/as2-server.git
 -You can also download the compressed file by clicking the follwoing link 

Diployment of As2 Server from Scratch

Install laravel

composer create-project laravel/laravel as2-server 
cd as2-server
composer isntall 
composer update 

Start the laravel Server

 php artisan 
 php artisan key:generate 
 php artisan serve 

Install Jetstream and Inertia (optional)

composer require laravel/jetstream
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=jetstream-views
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve 

Install AS2 server : PHPAS2

    composer require tiamo/phpas2 --with-all-dependencies
    php artian make:model AsMessage -mr 
    php artian make:model AsPartner -mr 
    php artisan make:migration add_more_column_to_asMessages
    #Add the the following columns to table as_messages
    #Add the follwoing columns to the table as_partner

    #Add two foreign keys to the table message i.e. (add_more_column_to_as_messages.php file in migration )


Create Certificates

    In order to create the As2 Server, you need to create the certificates . You can do it using ssl

    -Check if openssl is installed 
            which openssl        
    - If  openssl is not installed,  you can install with the  following command 
           apt-get install openssl

    - Use then the following commands one by one 
    openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:gsahdg -out as2-server.pass.key 4096

    openssl rsa -passin pass:gsahdg -in as2-server.pass.key -out as2-server.key

    openssl req -new -key server.key -out as2-server.csr

    openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in as2-server.csr -signkey as2-server.key -out as2-server.crt

    openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in as2-server.csr -signkey as2-server.key -out storage/ssh-key/as2-server.crt

    - Now finally you get two files which are saved in 

Extend the AsPartnar and AsMessage Interface as AsPartner and AsMessage Model

    -   Strat the AsPartner model as follwiong 
            use AS2\MessageInterface;
            use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
            use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
            use AS2\PartnerInterface;
            class AsPartner extends Model implements PartnerInterface
    -  Start the AsMessage Model as follwowing 
            namespace App\Models;
            use AS2\MessageInterface;
            use AS2\PartnerInterface;
            use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
            use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
            use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasEvents;

            class AsMessage extends Model implements MessageInterface

Make an User Observer the AsMessage Model

    php artisan make:observer AsMessageObserver --model=AsMessage

Register the AsMessage Observer in EventServiceProvider.php

    - To register an observer, you need to call the observe method on the model you wish to observe. 
    You may register observers in the boot method of your application's 
    service provider:

    - Add the follwoing line at the top of  App\Providers\EventServiceProvider
     use App\Observers\AsMessageObserver;

    - Edit the boot function as following 
            public function boot()
                    //AsMessage Observer 

Exclude As2 server URIs From CSRF Protection

    - Create middleware 
      php artisan make:middleware VerifyCsrfToken
    - Add the following line of code to the middleware 
      protected $except = [

Create Repositories for two models : AsMesasge and AsPartner

    - create an folder app\Repositories  in app folder 
    - Add, create and save message as showin in the repository 
    - Create findPartnerById function in the AsPartner Repository 
    -By creating repository and RepositoryInterface, you  develop the software based on the RepositoryInterface but define the functions locally in reposity. That means When you use the application in Controller, then you use RepositoryInterfence not the repository. However the RepositoryInterefence directs to the Repository. 

Bind the interface and the implementation

    The last thing we need to do is bind OrderRepository to PartnerRepositoryInterface and AsMessageRepositoryInterface in Laravel's Service Container; we do this via a Service Provider. Create one using the following command.
    - Create RepositoryService provider 
      php artisan make:provider RepositoryServiceProvider

    - Register the RepositoryServiceProvider in  config/app.php  as below 
            * custom Service Providers 

Creation of As2 Service.

    - If you want to seperate the tasks of controllers and write code        
      transparently, you need Service class. Here also we want to craete As2Services
    - Create a directory Services in app\Services 
    - Create As2SenderService.php file 


This repo implements as2 server to send and receive data from other server


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