dquinnjr / LiTOY

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Current state :

Work in progress, pre alpha stage. Doesn't need that much work and the ground work has been largely finished, but still not usable, see TODO section below.

LiTOY : the List That Outlives You.

Acknowledgement (in no particular order)

  • Thanks to Emile Emery for his help in determining the best sorting algorithm to use and implementing it.
  • Thanks to Kryzar (Antoine Leudière) for his insight on UI.

What is LiTOY?

There are several ways to look at it :

  • LiTOY is a python script using sqlite to create and manage a list of your goals, be it short, medium or long term but more importantly : it ranks them in a smart and very flexible way using pairwise comparisons and several ELO scores.
  • An organizer aiming at centralizing all your goals in a single place while quickly ranking them in an order reflecting user preferences.
  • A way for me to practice my Python (very rusty, still a long way to go, don't hesitate to do PRs or open issue, they will be greately appreciated).

The idea behing LiTOY is simple :

  1. have all items in the same sqlite database
  2. automatically pick 2 items and prompt the user for which is better according to a user-specified question
  3. adjust the ELO score of each item accordingly
  4. When enough pairwise comparisons are done, rank the items according to a user-specified formula, for example the ranking could reflect Books I want to read ordered by importance and by shortest time to read (i.e. "I want the most important short books first")

Examples of use :

Managing a reading queue

  • in this example : the items could only contain : URL ; details
  • the user will only have to compare the importance of each article/book, the reading time will be automatically retrieved from the url
  • the pairwise comparison of the reading time will correspond to the question "Which is shorter to read" and will be done automatically without user input.
  • The final ranking can be something like reading_time_ELO + importance_ELO
  • This should help the user read in order of what is most important AND shorter to read.

Managing a movie Watchlist

  • in this example : the items could only contain : a movie file path
  • the code will, all by itself, retrieve the duration of the movie, the size of the file
  • the user could be prompted with the question : "Which movie is the most important for you?", the answer will impact the respective ELO scores of the items
  • The final ranking could be a weighted sum : importance_ELO + duration_ELO + 1.2*size_ELO
  • This should allow the user to watch movies that are taking the most space but are also important while not lasting 4 hours.

Managing a list where tasks have to be done in a specific order (example : errands, diy builiding)

  • in this example : the items could only contain : a goal in text format
  • The user could be prompted with the question : "Which task should be done first?", the answer will change the ELO score of each items
  • The final ranking should quickly converge towards the correct order for steps. Probably works for finding the shorted path if you have errands too!


Where does the idea come from? From Gwern's media resorted.

Do you have any idea it will work or at least converge towards something useful without doing thousands of fights a day? Lol no.

What does LiTOY stand for? It's about the List that Outlives You. It is used as a memento mori

Do you accept criticism and/or contribution? Hell Yeah! All help and criticisms are welcome.

What are ELO scores? Why did you choose this algorithm? A ranking system initially devised for chess. The idea is that if you have chess players A, B and C : if A beats B and B beats C then you don't really have to organize a fight between A and C to know which is better. It does so by assigning a score to each oponnent that can then be used to compare opponents that have never met each other. A strength of ELO is that it still behaves well even if some players underperform (or overperform). In the case of LiTOY, you can have some wrong comparisons in your db and it will not throw off the whole ranking. Also, ELO is dead easy to implement and I wanted to have a complete understanding of my code.

What platform does it run on? Try to make it as agnostic as possible but I'm on Linux and I might occasionnaly use unix only exec without paying attention. Don't hesitate to tell me if you run into an issue.

** What is manual mode ?** It launches python in a special way that allows yourself to launch script functions directly, very useful for debugging as well as undoing stuffo

How can I undo X? It is not really possible for now. But you can access the logs and see what you did wrong. Hopefully this can help you repair damage. Rollback features might be added sometime in the future. If you have any issue feel free to open one, especially if you think your action was not recorded in the log.

What are answer level number ? If you answer 1 it means you favor the entry on the left compared to the one on the right. 5 means you favor the right one. 3 is obviously the middle gounrd but is not the same as skipping the fight. Of course, all this is relative to the question that is being considered.

What are all these fields for?

  • metadata is used to store information like how long is a webpage to read or how long is a movie to watch etc. It will usually be filled automatically for youtube, webpage etc. It can contain quite a lot of information and the list is not definitive. They are not supposed to be read by the user while fighting etc, he/she normally does not have to interact with it.
  • elo1 through elo5 handle elo score, all of them over time separated by a "_".
  • date_elo_n store the date at which an elo score has been modified
  • detlas : see related FAQ question.

How is data encoded in all those SQL fields?

  • for the persistent settings :
  • for the entries :
  • for the metadata field : fields separated by space and contained within two __. For example : urltabtitle:__this is the tab title__ nbofpage:__729__
  • elo's are containing the sequence of all elo's that this particular card has had over time with a "_" in between. For example : 0_1000_1300_1200_1275

What is "delta"? Delta is the difference between a elo score at T0 and at T-1 multiplied by its K_value. It intuitively means how much his score changed because of the last comparison, and the K_value allows to factor how many time the card has been used in a fight. This way we end up with an idea of how accurate an entry's rank is. And by finding all the deltas from a deck we end up with an idea of how accurate the ranks of this deck are. By plotting the delta of all entry of a deck over time we can estimate how many more comparison you have to do. Note that the first value of delta is "0_1000", this allows for a better ordering when fighting ideas that have just been added (for example just after importing your first db).

What does it mean to answer 1 vs 2345 ? 1 means you favor the one on the left, strongly. 5 means you favor the one on the right strongly. 3 means they are equal, 2 and 4 are intermediate score ("I prefer left over right, but not that strongly"). Remember that this will change the elo for both cards et every fight.

What is the unit of "ms_spent_comparing" ? In milliseconds.

Where can I see the correct syntax to use when writing a file destined for importation? See this file

How can I rename a deck? See the syntax section below.

Why didn't you use classes? I have not learned how to use them properly and figured I might use LiTOY to help me find time to learn it. This is a personnal project anyway, sorry. Feel free to contribute.

How can I use LiTOY?

  • Read this page thoroughly. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  • install pyenv and use it to install python 3.7 on your system, otherwise it seems some needed package won't work.
  • git clone https://github.com/thiswillbeyourgithub/LiTOY/
  • cd LiTOY
  • edit the settings in settings.py
  • run sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Also on linux : you probably want to install sqlitebrowser (for external data browsing) and pdftotext (for automatically finding pdf time to read)
  • python3.7 ./__main__.py

Syntax on execution, example :

python3.7 __main__.py --add 'repair the tires' diy 'to do before march'

  • adds a new entry to deck todo with the tag diy

python3.7 __main__.py --rank --deck="diy" -n 20

  • shows the rank

python3.7 __main__.py --rank --deck="*"

  • shows all entries

python3.7 __main__.py --list="date_added rev

  • shows all entries, by date added (can be any other sql field), in reverse order

python3.7 __main__.py --list="raw"

  • show all entries, unformatted

python3.7 __main__.py --print--field

  • get the field list

python3.7 __main__.py --compare --deck="diy" -n 10

  • compare 10 cards in a row from the folder called diy

python3.7 __main__.py --history

  • get history

python3.7 __main__.py --manual

  • turn on manual mode

python3.7 __main__.py --check-db

  • check database (do this after major import)

python3.7 __main__.py --external

  • open in sqlite browser

python3.7 __main__.py --verbose *someothercommand*

  • also show output to the console instead of just in the debug file

python3.7 __main__.py --edit 'ID IS 38' FIELD VALUE

  • edit FIELD from card with id ID, the first argument can be any sql conditionnal argument

python3.7 __main__.py --edit 'deck IS old_name' deck new_deck * rename a deck

To see example of the syntax for the import file, read this file


  • Automatically retrieves video length, video size, article reading time duration, pdf reading time duration
  • Designed with flexibility in mind. You just have to specify a question.

Code explanation


Data structure of the db


* should rather use docstrings, cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/
* use matplotlib.pyplot instead of the werird things for the graph you used before
* use pyenv to figure out the environnement needed to run litoy, then specify it in the readme
* try to use more fstrings instead of those ridiculous print and +
* https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-convert-python-dictionary-to-json/ + https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convert-json-to-dictionary-in-python/?ref=rp + add exportasjson + change import to importfromtxt + add importfromjson + be explicit that it will erase the db + add periodic backup + when trying to undo, tell to import the previous db and use diff to figure out difference + check if firefox is able to open json files
* add gif to show demo
* inspect every time you used the "replace" method to make sure it's coherent
* comment rank function
* enable --rank to show only entry and rank instead of all information
* if path :
    * if video => ffmpeg : https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python + get file size
* if link :
    * if is pdf : dl then pdftotext then estimation of time to read https://stackabuse.com/download-files-with-python/
* check if metadata are present in duplicate in the db, to repair the existence test
* tell time needed for importation
* --list should show everything but --rank should restrict to scores etc
* check your own db and add it to litoy to see how it fares in actual combat
    * add manually the pdfs that seem very important from your personnal folder
* rename all elos to elo1 elo2 etc, and write the dictionnary that translates the name when printing, same with deltas (rename to delta1 etc)
    * store mode as mode_nb and mode_word
* randomly add a warning that YOU'RE GONNA DIE SOMEDAY, along with some stats as to how probable it is
* investigate how --list and --ranks should differ
* an argument that opens less on the debug log 
* check wether it works ok for first timer when they just install it and don't know where to begin, if it doesn't crash etc
* check if sql works ok if the url contains ' or ```` etc
* ability to export the rank as csv or text + maniana for flo : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2887878/importing-a-csv-file-into-a-sqlite3-database-table-using-python  and  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10522830/how-to-export-sqlite-to-csv-in-python-without-being-formatted-as-a-list
* answer to this guy https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/54Bw7Yxouzdg5KxsF/how-do-you-organise-your-reading
* shows entries added over time (ascii plotter) as well as entries marked done
* investigate wether prettytable should be user to show ranks / podiums / dictionnary : http://zetcode.com/python/prettytable/
* git commit the todo file than read your own litoy db, removing useless junk and doing some stuff, then adding it to new_entry.txt then git comitting the original todo file
* finish the check db consistency function
* find a way to repair the existence test of the import function, probably by adding a check_if_already_exist(entry) function
* add a field rank1/2/3/4/5/global, this will help later on
* if the file linked in the media is not found, exception should be thrown
* --state should show the distribution of elo scores
* use pyinstaller to try to package the damn thing
* ask fernand to proof read the README, then show it to ludo
* remove code duplication when collecting metadata and scraping url

more long term:

* tupples are faster than lists, they might be used instead of lists sometimes
* investigate how to make on online or mobile mode
* investigate sql rollback or periodic backup
* maybe manually "rolling back fights" by looking through the persistence db ?
* is it useful to forbid 2 fights to happen too close to each other? It should not happend often actually
* remove as many str() and int() function as possible, you put too many of them and there must be a clever way to organize this
* investigate encryption of the database
* investigate wether to user this to manage settings :  https://pypi.org/project/simple-settings/
* change from argparse to click, according to fernand https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/why/#why-not-argparse


License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%