dpursehouse / gerrit-code-review-plugin

Gerrit SCM plugin for Jenkins CI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gerrit Code Review plugin

Build Status

Gerrit Code Review plugin for Jenkins

  • see Jenkins wiki for detailed feature descriptions
  • use JIRA to report issues / feature requests

Master Branch

The master branch is the primary development branch for the Gerrit Code Review plugin.

Contributing to the Plugin

Plugin source code is hosted on GitHub. New feature proposals and bug fix proposals should be submitted as pull requests. Fork the repository, prepare your change on your forked copy, and submit a pull request.

Before submitting your pull request, please assure that you've added a test which verifies your change.

Building the Plugin

  $ java -version # Need Java 1.8, earlier versions are unsupported for build
  $ mvn -version # Need a modern maven version; maven 3.2.5 and 3.5.0 are known to work
  $ mvn clean install

Jenkins Setup

Using Multibranch Pipeline`

Create a new Multibranch Pipeline item.

Select Branch Source of type Gerrit.

Specify project repository URL, only http or https based protocol is supported at this point, copy the URL from project settings at Gerrit.

Trigger Scan Multibranch Pipeline now either manually or by external trigger.

Notice the Changes tab at the job information, per each review an entry will be created.

Remote Trigger

Remote trigger is possible using webhook, URL is https://jenkins/prefix/gerrit-webhook/.


  "project": {
    "name": "project1"


$ curl -X POST -d '{"project":{"name":"project1"}}' 'https://jenkins/prefix/gerrit-webhook/'

When using RBAC, make sure anonymous can READ jobs.

Using Gerrit Trigger Plugin

Configure Gerrit Trigger Plugin normally.

At the job that being triggered, add a parameter with the name of GERRIT_CREDENTIALS_ID with default value of a credentials id that can access Gerrit using RestAPI.

Using Environment Variables

Key Description
GERRIT_API_URL Gerrit API URL, onlhy http and https protocols are supported
GERRIT_CHANGE_URL Gerrit change URL to parse GERRIT_API_URL out if missing
GERRIT_API_INSECURE_HTTPS If set to true certificate validation will be disabled
GERRIT_CREDENTIALS_ID Jenkins credentials object id
GERRIT_PROJECT Gerrit project name
GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER Gerrit change number
BRANCH_NAME Gerrit reference name nn/nnnn/n

Jenkinsfile Steps

Gerrit Code Review plugin provides steps for allowing to post the review feedback back to the originating change and adding extra comments to the code that has been built.


Add a review label to the change/patchset that has triggered the multi-branch pipeline job execution.


  • labels The labels associated to the review, a dictionary, key is label name and value is the score.

  • message Additional message provided as explanation of the the review feedback. Default: ''


Add a review comment to the entire file or a single line. All the comments added during the pipeline execution are going to be published upon the execution of the gerritReview step.


  • path Relative path of the file to comment. Mandatory.

  • line Line number of where the comment should be added. When not specified the comment apply to the entire file.

  • message Comment message body. Mandatory.

Declarative pipeline example

Note: the gerrit DSL helper was removed in 0.3, please use the following.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Example') {
            steps {
                gerritReview labels: [Verified: 0]
                echo 'Hello World'
                gerritComment path:'path/to/file', line: 10, message: 'invalid syntax'
    post {
        success { gerritReview labels: [Verified: 1] }
        unstable { gerritReview labels: [Verified: 0], message: 'Build is unstable' }
        failure { gerritReview labels: [Verified: -1] }

Scripted pipeline example

node {
  checkout scm
  try {
    gerritReview labels: [Verified: 0]
    stage('Hello') {
      echo 'Hello World'
      gerritComment path:'path/to/file', line: 10, message: 'invalid syntax'
    gerritReview labels: [Verified: 1]
  } catch (e) {
    gerritReview labels: [Verified: -1]
    throw e


Gerrit SCM plugin for Jenkins CI

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 98.1%Language:HTML 1.9%