dpllc-data / moduluscalculator

A Great Little Modulus Calculator in Java 11

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Modular Math Calculator

URL: (not currently in production)

Author: Stan Shelton

Data Panda LLC is a database and database services company

Terms of Use: Internal Use Only. All access to and use of the Product and Web Site shall be solely for the End User’s own internal business operations and not for the benefit or business of any other party.

© 2022 Data Panda LLC

Data Panda

Overview: A simple modular mathematics calculator. The calculator can perform traditional modular math, modular addition, modular subtraction and modular multiplication.

Step 1: User presented with menu selection of four different modulus calculators.

Step 1 Screenshot

Data Panda

Step 2: User inputs values based on their chosen calculator.

Step 2 Screenshot

Data Panda

Step 3: Calculator results printed to System.out

Step 3 Screenshot

Data Panda

Step 4: User given option to instantiate another calculation or exit the program.

Step 4 Screenshot

Data Panda

Step 5: User exits the program.

Step 5 Screenshot

Data Panda

Tools Used / Prerequisites

  • Sublime Text
  • Sublime/Java complie and run integration
  • Java JDK javac 11.0.12
  • Java SDK v1.8.0.171


  • import java.util.Scanner;
  • import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

OOP Features

  • User defined object instatiation
  • Loaded Constructor
  • Accessors for all private instance data
  • Mutators for all private instance data
  • Instance methods for each calculation method

Input Validation

  • User allowed on 5 valid menu options for input
  • Program immediately exits with invalid input

Convenience Features

  • Complete mathematical expression stored as private instance data and printed System.out
  • Results are printed prominently for 7 seconds before repromting user
  • Calculator wait time is fully adjustable
  • User exits program on demand


A Great Little Modulus Calculator in Java 11


Language:Java 100.0%