dpb587 / cfsummit-bosh-jq

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An example of using jq to help abstract and compose manifests for BOSH and letting Concourse deploy changes. This was presented with slides as a Lightning Talk at CF Summit on May 26, 2016. It was based on my earlier blog post, Composing Configurations with JQ. See the slides, read the post, or ask me for a walkthrough.

Caveat emptor...

  • this repo is for demo purposes only; the scripts here are the ones based off my actual environments using jq
  • it spins up actual instances you will be charged for
  • it's not well secured; deployments are only limited to your IPs
  • I don't know CF release; it deploys and you can deploy an app, but something's still misconfigured; based on minimal-aws.yml
  • it's a demo repository... proof of concept... spike
  • it doesn't have a one-click tear down; deploy it to a test region, then you can just select all EC2 instances and terminate them, then delete the 3 CloudFormation stacks this makes

Points of interest...

  • ci/bin/render - takes your JQ-manifest, loads the -stack files and ./config/ files as arguments, renders and outputs your manifest
  • ci/tasks/bosh/bosh-init-render.yml - tasks for rendering your manifests; you're forced to explicitly list what the manifests depend on so bots know what to do
  • ci/pipeline.jq - the pipeline; kind of messy due to odd dependencies, but in theory this could be generated from task configs and conventions
  • bosh/cloudformation.jq - a JQ-friendly AWS CloudFormation which references the original infrastructure stack (VPC ID)
  • bosh/bosh-init.jq - example of referencing certificates, file-based credentials, and CloudFormation stack results
  • bosh/generate-config - a deployment knowing how to generate its own "secure" default settings
  • jq can reference environment variables - rely on default AWS environment variables rather than user needing to hard-code credentials to files



  • git, fly, jq, openssl, cf, go
  • Concourse server which deploys everything for you (try concourse-lite)
  • A private git repository/branch and private key for your CI to access it - bosh-init will update its state file and commit/push it to the repo
  • AWS Route 53 domain for testing CF
  • AWS environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION) - these are only used by concourse for bosh-init and stack management; bosh-init provisions with these credentials, but BOSH director will use an IAM role instead of keys
  • AWS SSH key pair for you and your CI to access VMs - bosh-init uses this key while provisioning BOSH director

Clone this repo and create your own git repository/branch from it...

$ mkdir cfsummit-bosh-jq
$ wget -qO- https://github.com/dpb587/cfsummit-bosh-jq-demo/archive/master.tgz | tar -xzf- --strip-components 1
$ git init . && git add -A . && git commit -m 'new environment'

Symlink to your git repository and AWS keys and configure the AWS keypair name...

$ ln -s ~/.ssh/github_rsa ci/config/repo.pem
$ ln -s ~/.ssh/aws_rsa ci/config/aws.pem
$ ci/bin/jsonconfig set env.json ssh_key_name "{{example = default}}"

Configure which repository/branch you're using...

$ ci/bin/jsonconfig set env.json repo_uri "{{example = git@github.com:whoami/myenv.git}}"
$ git remote add origin "$( ci/bin/jsonconfig get env.json repo_uri )"

Configure the Route 53 domain and hostname to use for the CF deployment...

$ ci/bin/jsonconfig set cf/config/settings.json fqdn_zone "{{example = example.com}}"
$ ci/bin/jsonconfig set cf/config/settings.json system_domain "{{example = cfsummit-bosh-jq.example.com}}"

Regenerate random passwords and keys for your environment, then commit and push...

$ ./ci/bin/generate-config
$ git add -A . && git commit -m 'customize environment' && git push

Now deploy the pipeline to Concourse (this will actually start creating resources and AWS will charge you money!)...

$ ./ci/bin/deploy $FLY_TARGET

Once the pipeline has finished... you can deploy something to it...

# target, login, prepare
$ cf target --skip-ssl-validation api.$( ci/bin/jsonconfig get cf/config/settings.json system_domain )
$ cf login -u admin -p PASSWORD
$ cf create-space test
$ cf target -s test

# use the sample dora app
$ git clone git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-acceptance-tests.git
$ cd cf-acceptance-tests/assets/dora
$ cf push doratest

# see it
$ open http://doratest.$( ci/bin/jsonconfig get cf/config/settings.json system_domain )



MIT License


License:MIT License


Language:JSONiq 88.4%Language:Shell 11.6%