dparnell / moxie-native

A webrender-based UI framework with a moxie frontend

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Moxie Native

Warning: This is a work in progress and not yet usable for nontrivial applications.

This is a framework for building GUI applications written in Rust. It renders using Webrender, instead of relying on other UI toolkits like Gtk or on a web browser. This gives you control over how your application looks, but may lose some native look and feel.

The front-facing API is built using Moxie, a framework for declaratively defining UI similar to React.


  • Relatively small footprint (4.8MB for a hello world app).
  • Declaratively specify UI instead of manually managing state.
  • Not based on immediate mode UI.
  • Targetted towards real world desktop applications.
  • Styling system for specifying the appearance of elements.

Future plans


// Get all the types and macros needed for concise code
use moxie_native::prelude::*;

// Define a style for an element. Uses a proc macro for css-like syntax.
const MY_STYLE: Style = define_style! {
    // Easily specify units on measurements, and do simple calculations with them.
    text_size: 25 px + 1 vh,
    padding: 10 px,
    // Enums
    direction: horizontal,
    // Colors allow rgb and rgba syntax.
    background_color: rgb(66, 135, 245),
    text_color: rgb(255, 255, 255),

    // Selectors can be used to add conditional styling.
    if state: hover {
        background_color: rgb(112, 167, 255),

// This attribute is used to introduce a new nesting context, which lets the
// runtime efficiently keep track of object states over multiple renders.
// This is the root component, which is expected to return an App element.
fn my_app() -> Node<App> {
    // Declare a state variable, this works kind of like a React useState() hook.
    let click_count: Key<usize> = state!(|| 0);

    // Clone the state so we can access it from the closure.
    let click_state = click_count.clone();
    let on_click = move |_: &ClickEvent| {
        // Updating the state will trigger a re-render.
        click_state.update(|count| Some(count + 1));

    // The mox! macro lets us use nice syntax for declaring elements.
    // This acts like JSX in React.
    mox! {
            <window title="Moxie-Native Demo">
                    // Every element has a style attribute which can be used to add a style.
                    <button style={MY_STYLE} on={on_click}>
                        // Text can only inside of spans. Attributes and parent-child
                        // relationships are checked at compile time to ensure validity.
                            "Click me! Total clicks: "
                            // Formatting can be done inline using this shorthand syntax.
                            {% "{}", click_count}

fn main() {
    // The entrypoint to the application is creating a runtime and starting it.
    let runtime = moxie_native::Runtime::new(|| my_app!());


Mozilla Public License, version 2.


  • Agree to license your contribution under the terms of the license.
  • Follow the code of conduct.
  • Check the issues and projects tabs for things to work on, or ask me (@tiffany352).


A webrender-based UI framework with a moxie frontend

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%