douxing / zip

A portable, simple zip library written in C

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A portable (OSX/Linux/Windows), simple zip library written in C

This is done by hacking awesome miniz library and layering functions on top of the miniz v1.15 API.

The Idea

... Some day, I was looking for zip library written in C for my project, but I could not find anything simple enough and lightweight. Everything what I tried required 'crazy mental gymnastics' to integrate or had some limitations or was too heavy. I hate frameworks, factories and adding new dependencies. If I must to install all those dependencies and link new library, I'm getting almost sick. I wanted something powerfull and small enough, so I could add just a few files and compile them into my project. And finally I found miniz. Miniz is a lossless, high performance data compression library in a single source file. I only needed simple interface to append buffers or files to the current zip-entry. Thanks to this feature I'm able to merge many files/buffers and compress them on-the-fly.

It was the reason, why I decided to write zip module on top of the miniz. It required a little bit hacking and wrapping some functions, but I kept simplicity. So, you can grab these 3 files and compile them into your project. I hope that interface is also extremely simple, so you will not have any problems to understand it.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "zip.h"

// callback function
int on_extract_entry(const char *filename, void *arg) {
	static int i = 0;
	int n = *(int *)arg;
	printf("Extracted: %s (%d of %d)\n", filename, ++i, n);	

	return 0;

int main() {
	   Create a new zip archive with default compression level (6)	   
	struct zip_t *zip = zip_open("", ZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, 0);
	// we should check if zip is NULL
		zip_entry_open(zip, "foo-1.txt");
			char *buf = "Some data here...";
			zip_entry_write(zip, buf, strlen(buf));

		zip_entry_open(zip, "foo-2.txt");
			// merge 3 files into one entry and compress them on-the-fly.
			zip_entry_fwrite(zip, "foo-2.1.txt");
			zip_entry_fwrite(zip, "foo-2.2.txt");
			zip_entry_fwrite(zip, "foo-2.3.txt");
	// always remember to close and release resources

		Extract a zip archive into /tmp folder
	int arg = 2;
	zip_extract("", "/tmp", on_extract_entry, &arg);

	return 0;


A portable, simple zip library written in C

License:The Unlicense


Language:C 100.0%