doughtmw / YoloDetectionHoloLens-Unity

Object detection on the HoloLens through streaming PV camera frames to a companion PC, processing those using a YOLO framework, and returning the bounding box data which is rendered using Unity.

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Trouble with ComputeOnDesktopYolo

VictoriaNavarrete opened this issue · comments

Thank you so much for this repository. It is very useful for me, so that I am developing an object detection app on the Hololens2.

I have no trouble building the YoloHololensUnityProject, but ComputeonDesktopYolo is not working properly for me. When I introduce the IP direction of my Hololens by release in x64 at Local Machine, I get an error at ppltasks.h "Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA15A9B65C (KernelBase.dll) in ComputeOnDesktopYolo.exe: 0xC000027B: An internal application exception occurred (parameters: 0x0000029E3DB94FE0, 0x0000000000000001)."
I tried deactivaitng the firewall and the proxy but did not work.

Previous to this point, I had to chage MainPage.xaml.cpp an delete the concurrency from this void, and ad #pragma

#pragma warning(disable:4716)
concurrency::task MainPage::LoadModelAsync()
// just load the model one time.
if (_model == nullptr)
std::wstringstream wStringstream;
wStringstream << "Loading model..." << "\n";

			String^ filePath = "ms-appx:///Assets/" + modelFileName;

			// From Windows ML samples, MNIST cpp
				ref new Uri(filePath)))
				.then([](StorageFile^ modelFile) {
				return create_task(YoloModelIO::Model::CreateFromStreamAsync(
					LearningModelDeviceKind::Default)); })
				.then([this](YoloModelIO::Model ^model) {
					this->_model = model;
		catch (const std::exception&)
			std::wstringstream wStringstream2;
			wStringstream2 << "Error loading the model." << "\n";
			_model = nullptr;
#pragma warning(default:4716)


I need urgent help for this issue, I would be very grateful. I attached a capture of how far I could get with ComputeonDesktopYolo


I have the same problems. Have you solved it? @VictoriaNavarrete

I have the same issue. Did someone find a solution?

Hi, I have the same issue too,
it said: “ComputeOnDesktopYolo::MainPage::LoadModelAsync”: should return a value
did anyone know how to solve it?
@VictoriaNavarrete @Hellstormer00 @Jiachengxiao

I have abandoned this a loooong time ago. I suggest writing a simple socket Server in Python or whatever that takes an encoded png and returns the yolo output. That’s what I did. I don’t have the code anymore unfortunately. But it was relatively easy to write. And then try to reuse the HoloLens code from this project.