dougct / strmanip

A string manipulation library in Golang

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Strmanip: a string manipulation library in Golang

This package contains several algorithms that operate on strings:

  • Brute force string search (DONE)
  • KMP string search (DONE)
  • Rabin-Karp string search (DONE)
  • Boyer-Moore string search (TODO)
  • Suffix Array (Kasai) (TODO)
  • LCP (TODO)
  • Manacher's Algorithm (TODO)
  • Lyndon factorization (TODO)
  • Trie (TODO)

go test -test.v


You can import the package in the usual way:

import ""

Here's an example of how to perform substring search using the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm:

index = SubStrSearch("abcxabcdabcdabcy", "abcdabcy", /* method = */ "kmp")
if index != -1 { // we found the pattern in the text
    // do something


A string manipulation library in Golang


Language:Go 100.0%