dougbutner / guda-token

GUDA token on WAX, the most unattainable asset on the planet.

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GUDA Token Contract πŸœ›

Welcome to the GUDA Token Contract repository! This contract supports the GUDA token, a unique cryptocurrency embodying a badge of honor, representing a journey through challenges and personal growth. Earn Gudabits for real-life challenges and redeem them for NFTs.

Project Overview

  • Project Name: GUDA
  • Website: GUDA
  • Description: GUDA is more than a symbol; it is a badge of honor, a testament to your journey through the shadows and your emergence into the light. Earn Gudabits for IRL challenges that transmute your shadows, found in Discord. Every Gudabit (0.00000001 GUDA) is redeemable for an NFT via the drops.guda contract.
  • Tags: Social, Challenge, Celebrity, Meme, NFT
  • GitHub Repository: GUDA Token
  • Social Media:

Features 🌟

The GUDA Token contract includes the following features:

  • Token Creation: Create a new token with a maximum supply.
  • Minting: Mint tokens to a specified account.
  • Burning: Burn tokens from a specified account.
  • Transfer: Transfer tokens between accounts.
  • Vesting: Vest tokens for a specified period and claim vested tokens.
  • Account Management: Open and close token accounts.

Contract Actions πŸš€

Create a New Token πŸ› οΈ

ACTION create(const eosio::name& issuer, const eosio::asset& maximum_supply);

Creates a new token with a specified maximum supply.

Mint Tokens πŸ’Έ

ACTION mint(const eosio::name& to, const eosio::asset& quantity, const std::string& memo);

Mints tokens to a specified account.

Burn Tokens πŸ”₯

ACTION burn(const eosio::name& burner, const eosio::asset& quantity, const std::string& memo);

Burns tokens from a specified account.

Transfer Tokens πŸ”„

ACTION transfer(const eosio::name& from, const eosio::name& to, const eosio::asset& quantity, const std::string& memo);

Transfers tokens between accounts.

Vest Tokens ⏳

ACTION vest(const eosio::name& to, const eosio::asset& quantity, uint64_t vest_seconds, const std::string& memo);

Vests tokens for a specified period.

Claim Vested Tokens πŸ’Ž

ACTION claimvest(uint64_t id, const eosio::asset& quantity);

Claims vested tokens after the vesting period is over.

Open Token Account πŸ”“

ACTION open(const eosio::name& owner, const eosio::symbol& symbol, const eosio::name& ram_payer);

Opens a token account for a specified owner.

Close Token Account πŸ”’

ACTION close(const eosio::name& owner, const eosio::symbol& symbol);

Closes a token account for a specified owner.

Static Methods 🧩

Get Token Supply 🏷️

static eosio::asset get_supply(const eosio::name& token_contract_account, const eosio::symbol_code& sym_code);

Returns the supply of a token.

Get Account Balance πŸ’°

static eosio::asset get_balance(const eosio::name& token_contract_account, const eosio::name& owner, const eosio::symbol_code& sym_code);

Returns the balance of a specified account.

Table Structures πŸ“Š

Account Table πŸ—ƒοΈ

TABLE account {
    eosio::asset balance;
    uint64_t primary_key() const { return balance.symbol.code().raw(); }

Currency Stats Table πŸ“ˆ

TABLE currency_stats {
    eosio::asset supply;
    eosio::asset max_supply;
    eosio::name issuer;
    uint64_t primary_key() const { return supply.symbol.code().raw(); }

Vest Record Table ⏳

TABLE vest_record {
    uint64_t id;
    eosio::asset vested_balance;
    eosio::name receiver;
    uint64_t vested_until;
    uint64_t primary_key() const { return id; }

Burner Record Table πŸ”₯

TABLE burner_record {
    eosio::name burner;
    eosio::asset total_burned;
    std::string last_memo;
    uint64_t primary_key() const { return burner.value; }

Installation πŸ› οΈ

To deploy and interact with the GUDA token contract, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd guda-token
  2. Compile the contract:

    eosio-cpp -o guda.wasm guda.cpp --abigen
  3. Deploy the contract to your EOSIO blockchain:

    cleos set contract <account> <path-to-contract-directory>
  4. Interact with the contract using cleos or any other EOSIO-compatible tool.

Contributing 🀝

We welcome contributions to the GUDA token contract! Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and create pull requests.

License πŸ“„

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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πŸœ› GUDA Token Contract πŸœ›


GUDA token on WAX, the most unattainable asset on the planet.


Language:C++ 100.0%