douban / beanseye

Proxy and monitor for beansdb in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Could you help me to use some config options about yaml config file?

weiliangwei opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have know that the beanseye is using yaml config file after your reply , and thanks very much. We will use beanseye and beansdb in our project. So I have to ask you some questions about config options.I need your help . The yaml has some options , could you tell me the detail :

1 .servers option :

localhost:7900 0 1 2 A -1 B 
 I konw that 'localhost:7900' and '' but what's means about the '0 1 2' and 'A -1 B'?How to set the options?

2 . how to set following options :

threads: 8
n: 3
w: 2
r: 1
buckets: 16
slow: 200

localhost:7905 readonly: false

0 - F means bucket id; ‘-’ means it is a buckup node(will be written if fail to write one of the primary )
e.g. 0 1 2 -B means backend at serve bucket 0,1,2 and also as a backup for bucket B

"n" is the number of primary backend.
"w" is the number of success write to backend before return success to the client.

"proxies" just enable you to get the status of other proxies

"slow" is a threshold, request with processing time above it will be counted, you can get the count with "stats" command