douban / beanseye

Proxy and monitor for beansdb in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is beanseye ?

Beanseye is proxy and monitor for beansdb, written in Go.

How to build

Install Go first, then

$ git clone URL
$ cd beanseye
$ make

How to run

prepare your configuration, according to conf/example.ini

$ ./bin/proxy -conf conf/example.yaml -basepath the_path_has_static


You can access whole beansdb cluster throught localhost:7905 as configured, by any memcached client.


There is a web monitor on http://localhost:7908/ at default.


Proxy and monitor for beansdb in Go


Language:Go 76.8%Language:Python 18.9%Language:CSS 4.2%Language:Makefile 0.2%