dotsent / ex_sieve_html

ExSieve.HTML is helper functions for Phoenix

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ExSieve.HTML is helper functions ExSieve.HTML.search_form/3, ExSieve.HTML.search_form/4 and ExSieve.HTML.sort_link/4 for Phoenix which helps to build ExSieve query object.


  1. Add ex_sieve to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
    {:ex_sieve_html, "~> 0.1.0"},
  1. mix deps.get


First of all import ExSieve.HTML. The best place would probably be inside view/0 in your web/web.ex, in order to make the functions available in all of your views.

defmodule MyApp.Web do
def view do
  quote do
    use Phoenix.View, root: "web/templates"

    import Phoenix.Controller, only: [get_csrf_token: 0, get_flash: 2, view_module: 1]

    use Phoenix.HTML

    import MyApp.Router.Helpers
    import MyApp.ErrorHelpers
    import MyApp.Gettext
    import ExSieve.HTML

then, setup your controller, add ExSieve for filtering your scheme.

def index(conn, %{"q"=> q}) do
  posts = MyApp.Post |> MyApp.Repo.filter(q)

  render conn, :index, posts: posts


Build simple html form. It use default "q" %{"q" => %{...}} filter namespase (as params pass to your controller).

<%= search_form @conn, post_path(@conn, :index), fn(f) -> %>
  <%= text_input f, :title_eq %>
  <%= text_input f, :body_cont %>
  <%= submit "Search" %>
<% end %>


This function does the same things, but allow to customize form, e.g. change params key from "q" to "search". Also it allow to set form send method, in this example it changes to POST. You can use any other options, available for Phoenix.HTML.Form.form_for/4

<%= search_form @conn, post_path(@conn, :index), [as: :search, method: :post] fn(f) -> %>
  <%= text_input f, :title_eq %>
  <%= text_input f, :body_cont %>
  <%= submit "Search" %>
<% end %>


This helps to make up sort link (usually it used in table headers). Pay attention to this: to: &(post_path(@conn, :index, &1)) attribute, it wraps post_path/3 helper into anonimous functions that allows to call it inside sort_link/4 with modifyed parameters (sort direction).

        <%= sort_link(@conn, :title, humanize(:title), to: &(post_path(@conn, :index, &1)), default_direction: :asc) %>
        <%= sort_link(@conn, :body, humanize(:body), to: &(post_path(@conn, :index, &1))) %>
        <%= sort_link(@conn, :inserted_at, humanize(:inserted_at), to: &(post_path(@conn, :index, &1))) %>
        <%= sort_link(@conn, :uptaded_at, humanize(:uptaded_at), to: &(post_path(@conn, :index, &1))) %>


as: ExSieve query object namespase. by default :q

arrow: This append arrow to link text, default false

default_direction This setting up default sort direction that append when field doesn't sort yet, default :desc


mix test
mix credo
mix dialyzer

If all fine, your ready to send your PR.


ExSieve.HTML is helper functions for Phoenix

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%