dotkwame / chips-edittext-library

Chips EditText, Token EditText, Bubble EditText, Spannable EditText and etc.. There are many names of this control. Here I develop easy to understand , modify and integrate Chips Edit Text widget for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chips EditText Library

Chips EditText, Token EditText, Bubble EditText, Spannable EditText and etc.. There are many names of this control. Here I develop easy to understand , modify and integrate Chips Edit Text widget for Android


Alt text

Step 1: Clone git repor or download zip file

Step 2: Import ChipsEditTextLibrary in your eclipse workspace

Step 3: Create new Android project

Step 4: Set ChipsEditTextLibrary as reference of your project

Alt text

Right Click on Project -> Properties -> Android ->Add

Step 4: Open your xml layout file and add ChipsEditText control

        android:text="" >

        <requestFocus />

Step 5: Open your Activity class and write following code.

  package com.kpbird.chipsedittextdemo;

  import java.util.ArrayList;

  import android.content.res.TypedArray;
  import android.os.Bundle;
  import android.util.Log;
  import com.kpbird.chipsedittextlibrary.ChipsAdapter;
  import com.kpbird.chipsedittextlibrary.ChipsItem;
  import com.kpbird.chipsedittextlibrary.ChipsMultiAutoCompleteTextview;
  public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  ChipsMultiAutoCompleteTextview ch = (ChipsMultiAutoCompleteTextview) findViewById(;

  String[] countries = getResources().getStringArray(;
  TypedArray imgs = getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.flags);

  ArrayList<ChipsItem> arrCountry = new ArrayList<ChipsItem>();

  for (int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {
   arrCountry.add(new ChipsItem(countries[i], imgs
     .getResourceId(i, -1)));
   Log.i("Main Activity", arrCountry.get(i).getTitle() + " = "
     + arrCountry.get(i).getImageid());

  Log.i("MainActivity", "Array :" + arrCountry.size());

  ChipsAdapter chipsAdapter = new ChipsAdapter(this, arrCountry);



Step 6: You need to use ChipsItem and ChipsAdapter to provide data. ChipsItem has two field 1. Title and 2. Image Id (, In above sample I have created two array in string.xml for title and images.

For more detail please refer :


Chips EditText, Token EditText, Bubble EditText, Spannable EditText and etc.. There are many names of this control. Here I develop easy to understand , modify and integrate Chips Edit Text widget for Android


Language:Java 100.0%