dotcom900825 / ucsd-hci-class-management

Class management tool

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Welcome to the UCSD HCI 170 Class Management!!

This is the software we use to run the [Intro HCI class]( in UCSD

After you have your local dev environment setup or have the app deployed on a production environment, there are few prep works you need to do.

  1. Update the TA info in lib/tasks/load_ta.rake and then load it into the app by running ‘rake load_tas RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_RAILS_ENV`

  2. Update and fill in the TA studio info (Make sure you fill in the section num column, which is the one the student selected when they enrolled the class, and change the TA’s password) in lib/tasks/load_studios.rake and then load it into the app by running ‘rake load_studios RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_RAILS_ENV`

  3. Review the lab info in the load_labs.rake, update it if is different from the current offering, then load it into the app by running ‘rake load_labs RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_RAILS_ENV`

  4. Review the assignment info in the load_assignments.rake, update it if is different from the current offering, especially the due date for each assignment. Then load it into the app by running ‘rake load_assignments RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_RAILS_ENV`

  5. Review the assignment rubric fields in the load_rubric_field.rake, update it if is different from the current offering, then load it into the app by running ‘rake load_rubric_fields RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_RAILS_ENV`

  6. Generate the enrolled student csv file, and put it under lib/tasks folder with the filename student_list.csv, the columns are : Section Num, PID, Fullname, Credit, College, Major, Year, Email. Once the list is ready, you can load it into the app by running ‘rake load_students RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_RAILS_ENV, by default, the student will use their PID as password`

With that, you are all set for the initial setup.

There are few more rake task files to handle some class logistic or grading tasks.

  • In assignment one, one of the rubric field we have is *Lab prep*, as long as the student has completed lab 1, they will automatically get the point. Since the student will fill in the Google form after they finish their lab, we can download the Google form’s output as a csv file, and copy the student PID column, insert into the load_a1_lab_prep.rake, and run the rake task.

  • After we finish grading the quiz, we can import the score by running tasks inside load_quiz.rake, all you need to do is put the exported quiz score csv file into the lib/tasks folder and run the task such as ‘rake load_quiz1 RAILS_ENV=production`

  • Every week, we also need to load the student’s self assessment score after Friday’s studio and after all the TAs have finished grading. In order to do that, you need to export student’s self assessment’s total score from the Google Spreadsheet into the csv format: PID, Total self assessment score. Then put that csv file into the lib/tasks/w{week}_sa.csv file. Then import the self assessment score by running ‘rake load_w{week}_sa RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_RAILS_ENV`

For the first week assignment, since the student only need to turn in worksheet and questions in studio, we will ask them to login to the site and upload a random file so that we can grade their submission online.

After the team has been formed, the TAs need to insert the team data for their studio to the website. They can easily do that by going to the admin/team dashboard panel and create records. In the future we might implement features to allow student submit their team info.

To import weekly student submitted lab, if you used Google Spreadsheet to record the submitted info, export the student PID list for each lab. And put them under the lib/tasks folder under the name ‘student_lab_#{lab_num}.csv` and then run `rake ’load_student_labs’ RAILS_ENV=YOUR_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT`


Class management tool


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