dorukerenaktas / FlinkProcessor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Processor Module

Processor module consumes stats data that coming from all worker modules. Module look for patterns and predefined conditions in streaming stats data. If it finds anything that met any condition or pattern, it produces actions to the worker modules and master module. Worker modules are listening for vertical scaling information due to it's ability to update it's containers. On the other hand master module only cares for horizontal scaling actions. Informative actions can be performed too. This actions can be email or sms like user based notifications.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the module up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Eclipse is used as an IDE for processor module. Before development or compiling you need to adjust java compliance level to 1.7 from Project properties > Java Compiler > JDK Compliance. After that you need to add dependent jars to the classpath from Project properties > Java Build Path > Add JARS.

Processor module is written in Java. You need to have bundled .jar file to run module. If you do not have .jar file look at compiling.

Processor module needs a kafka broker to operate. Module consumes docker stats from this broker. You can specify broker as bash argument for local testing like below (default value is: localhost:9092):

java -cp processor.jar linkp.processor.App "localhost:9092"


On Eclipse go to File > Export > JAR File and click next. Ensure that export destination is processor/out/processor.jar and click finish. You are ready for containerization.


Build docker file with command below. Image name will be linkp-processor:

You need to be in the same folder with Dockerfile.

docker build -t linkp-processor .

Running the module

You can run this module for both local development or docker environment

Running locally

You can run this module locally by (default kafka broker is: localhost:9092):

java -cp processor.jar linkp.processor.App <kafka-broker>

Running as container

You can run this module as docker container or docker service. Services takes care of the state of the containers they own. I highly recommend to run module as service, user container approach only for development.

  • To run as container (not recommended), you need to specify kafka broker as environment variable.

    docker run \
                -d \
                -e KAFKA_BROKER='<kafka-broker>' \
  • To run as service you need to specify kafka broker as environment variable.

    docker service create \
                        --name linkp-processor \
                        --mode global \
                        -e KAFKA_BROKER='<kafka-broker>' \


All containerized modules will be deployed with single setup script. Use to start all system ( including linkp-processor services) --start-all-services (-sas) to start system.

./ -sas


All related documentation about processor module is located at docs folder.



Language:Java 99.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%