doorstop-dev / makefile-template

A template for projects with requirements managed by Doorstop.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

!! IMPORTANT !! If this template is used for a customer project, the following note should be included at the top of this file (by deleting this note and the code-block characters) so as to aleart everyone to the sensitivity of this data.


**WARNING: This repository contains customer data an cannot be made public.**


[Customer] - [Project] - Requirements Management

This repo is used by DornerWorks to manage project documentation:

This repo also contains requirements in the format expected by Doorstop.

Doorstop checks for generic and project-specific issues in the requirements.

Doorstop also checks that each requirement is in the correct review status for both changes in content and linked content.

Getting Started


Tip: Modify your .gitconfig to add P4Merge to your Git configuration:

    tool = p4merge_d
[difftool "p4merge_d"]
    cmd = \"C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe\" "$(cygpath -wa $REMOTE)" "$(cygpath -wa $LOCAL)"
    prompt = false
    tool = p4merge
[mergetool "p4merge"]
    cmd = \"C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe\" \"$BASE\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$MERGED\"
    prompt = false


  • bootstrap.bat will install Python and Windows-based dependencies. It will then download which will install other dependencies through pip.
  • Install Git for your environment.
  • Clone the Git repo and edit the requirements.
  • Install other 3rd party tools
  • The Makefile will create a virtualenv and take care of all dependencies related to automatic checks.

Basic Usage

Use the provided Makefile to generate files and check requirements validity.

The Doorstop tool is used to generate requirements in the specs/ directory.

The following items will be created in the directories:

  • env/ - a Python virtualenv to control the tool configuration for development
  • docs/ - directory for generated document files
  • xlsx/ - directory for temporary Excel files for editing
  • zips/ - directory for *.zip generated from docs

Requirements Management


Create the development environment:

$ make depends

Create Documents (see Doorstop for details):

$ source env/Scripts/activate
$ doorstop create -p [parent prefix] -d [padded digits] [prefix] specs/[folder]
$ [edit] specs/[folder]/.doorstop.yml // sep: '-'
$ [VCS commit]
$ deactivate

Edit Documents:

$ make excel-export
$ [edit Excel file] [save/close]
$ [VCS commit]
$ make excel-import

Validate Traceability:

$ make reqcheck

View Documentation:

$ make read

Release Specifications:

$ [edit] specs/
$ [VCS add/commit]
$ make release

Feature Planning

Feature planning can be managed using the VCS (version control system, e.g. SVN, Git).

Changes affecting all current/future releases are edited in the master branch, then merged onto the target branch. Modifications of content specific to a targeted feature release are made only on the target branch.

The merge feature within Git is optimal as it correctly remembers the order of changes made after master is merged onto target so that other changes going forward do not overwrite pervious modifications.

!!!Important!!! Never merge target back onto master as this will essentially force master to mirror the target.

Requirements are added in their original form on master. If a feature is determined to be not planned for target, it's active property is set to FALSE after is initially merge from master.


A template for projects with requirements managed by Doorstop.


Language:Shell 97.4%Language:Python 2.6%